Table CDR62932 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment/非小细胞肺癌治疗
ID Type Description_en Description_zh
w1 Word Dysplasia 异型增生
w2 Word Mucinous 黏液型
w3 Word Nonmucinous 非黏液型
w4 Word Prognosis: 预后:
w5 Word Pathology 病理学
w6 Word Radiosensitizers 放射增敏剂
w7 Word Acinar 腺泡状
w8 Word Description 定义
w9 Word Variants 变异型
w10 Word LCNEC 大细胞神经内分泌癌
w11 Word Histology 组织学
w12 Word Carcinosarcoma 癌肉瘤
w13 Word Metaplasia 化生
w14 Word Dyspnea 呼吸困难
w15 Word Hoarseness 声音嘶哑
w16 Word Illustration 说明
w17 Word Papillary 乳头状
w18 Word Basaloid 基底细胞样
w19 Word Hyperplasia 增生
w20 Word Molecular Features 分子特征
w21 Word T3 invasion T3侵犯
w22 Word Lymph nodes 淋巴结
w23 Word Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 淋巴上皮瘤样癌
w24 Word Better tolerability 提高患者的耐受性
w25 Word Small cell 小细胞
w26 Word Typical carcinoid 典型类癌
w27 Word Chest x-ray X线胸片
w28 Word Surgical evaluation 手术评估
w29 Word Recurrent NSCLC 复发NSCLC
w30 Word occult NSCLC 隐匿性NSCLC
w31 Word Surgical margins 手术切缘情况
w32 Word Lymphovascular invasion 淋巴管浸润
w33 Word Neuroendocrine tumors 神经内分泌肿瘤
w34 Word Resection margins 手术切缘情况
w35 Word Unclassified carcinoma 未分类癌
w36 Word recurrent NSCLC NSCLC复发
w37 Word T4 (extension) T4(肿瘤浸润)
w38 Word Occult NSCLC 隐匿性NSCLC
w39 Word Unresectable disease 不可切除的肿瘤
w40 Word Deaths: 159,260 死亡病例数:159,260例
w41 Word Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma 黏液性囊腺癌
w42 Word Vascular invasion 血管侵犯
w43 Word CT imaging CT成像
w44 Word Endobronchial therapies 经支气管镜治疗
w45 Word Combined LCNEC 混合LCNEC
w46 Word Clear cell 透明细胞
w47 Word Nonsquamous histology 非鳞状细胞组织学
w48 Word Staging Evaluation 分期评估
w49 Word M1 (distant) M1(远处转移)
w50 Word Atypical carcinoid 不典型类癌
w51 Word FDG-PET scanning FDG-PET扫描
w53 Word Evidence (surgery): 证据(手术):
w54 Word Pulmonary blastoma 肺母细胞瘤
w56 Word Basaloid carcinoma 基底细胞样癌
w57 Word Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 细支气管肺泡癌
w58 Word Chemoradiation therapy 放化疗
w59 Word Neoadjuvant therapy 新辅助治疗
w60 Word Occult carcinoma 隐匿癌
w61 Word Carcinoid tumor 类癌
w62 Word Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 黏液表皮样癌
p1 Phrase Evidence (CT/FDG-PET scan): 证据(CT/FDG-PET):
p2 Phrase stage 0 NSCLC 0期NSCLC
p3 Phrase stage IV NSCLC IV期NSCLC
p4 Phrase Involvement of pleura 胸膜受累情况
p5 Phrase Giant cell carcinoma 巨细胞癌
p6 Phrase Evidence (combination chemotherapy): 证据(联合化疗):
p7 Phrase Evidence (chemoradiation therapy): 证据(放化疗):
p8 Phrase Evidence (neoadjuvant chemotherapy): 证据(新辅助化疗):
p9 Phrase Signet ring adenocarcinoma 印戒细胞腺癌
p10 Phrase Combined modality approaches 综合治疗
p11 Phrase stage IV disease IV期肿瘤
p12 Phrase Factors influencing treatment 影响治疗的因素
p13 Phrase Occult NSCLC Treatment 隐匿性NSCLC的治疗
p14 Phrase Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma 分化良好的胎儿型腺癌
p15 Phrase T4 (pleural effusion) T4(胸腔积液)
p16 Phrase Age versus comorbidity 年龄与合并症
p17 Phrase M1 (ipsilateral lung) M1(同侧肺)
p18 Phrase occult lung cancer 隐匿性肺癌
p19 Phrase Adjuvant chemoradiation therapy 辅助放化疗
p20 Phrase Evidence (radiation therapy): 证据(放疗):
p21 Phrase Superior sulcus tumors 上沟瘤
p22 Phrase New chemotherapy regimens 新化疗方案
p23 Phrase M1 (contralateral lung) M1(对侧肺)
p24 Phrase Clear cell adenocarcinoma 透明细胞腺癌
p25 Phrase Evidence (FDG-PET scan): 证据(FDG-PET扫描):
p26 Phrase New fractionation schedules 新分割方案
p27 Phrase New cases: 224,210 新发病例数:224,210例
p28 Phrase Evidence (endobronchial therapies): 证据(经支气管镜治疗):
p29 Phrase Other systemic agents 其他全身用药
p30 Phrase Spindle cell carcinoma 梭形细胞癌
p31 Phrase Extracapsular tumor spread 包膜外肿瘤侵犯
p32 Phrase Large cell carcinoma 大细胞癌
p33 Phrase stages IIA NSCLC IIA期NSCLC
p35 Phrase stage IIIA NSCLC IIIA期NSCLC
p36 Phrase Evidence (radical surgery): 证据(根治性手术):
p37 Phrase Adenoid cystic carcinoma 腺样囊性癌
p38 Phrase Stage IV NSCLC IV期NSCLC
p39 Phrase Evidence (CT scan): 证据(CT扫描):
p40 Phrase Stage 0 NSCLC 0期NSCLC
p41 Phrase Vocal cord paralysis 声带麻痹
p42 Phrase stage IA NSCLC IA期NSCLC
p43 Phrase Clear cell carcinoma 透明细胞癌
p44 Phrase Performance status (PS) 身体状况评分(PS)
p45 Phrase Seventh Edition T/M 第7版T/M
p46 Phrase Recurrent NSCLC Treatment NSCLC复发的治疗
p47 Phrase Radiation therapy alone 单独放疗
p48 Phrase stage IIIB NSCLC IIIB期NSCLC
p49 Phrase Evidence (nodal status): 证据(淋巴结情况):
p50 Phrase Squamous cell carcinoma 鳞状细胞癌
p51 Phrase For palliative treatment 作为姑息治疗
p53 Phrase Stage IIIA NSCLC Treatment IIIA期NSCLC的治疗
p54 Phrase Stage Information for NSCLC NSCLC的分期
p55 Phrase Radiation therapy (for palliation) 放疗(缓解症状)
p56 Phrase Treatment of brain metastases 脑转移的治疗
p57 Phrase Evidence (age vs. comorbidity): 证据(年龄与合并症):
p58 Phrase Surgery and radiation therapy 手术与放疗
p59 Phrase Combining local treatment (surgery) 联合局部治疗(手术)
p60 Phrase non-small cell lung cancer 非小细胞肺癌
p61 Phrase Stage 0 NSCLC Treatment 0期NSCLC的治疗
p62 Phrase Evidence (adjuvant chemoradiation therapy): 证据(辅助放化疗):
p63 Phrase Sites of tumor involvement 肿瘤侵犯部位
p64 Phrase Limitations of evidence (surgery): 证据局限性(手术):
p65 Phrase T4 (same lobe nodules) T4(同一肺叶结节)
p66 Phrase Knowledge of histologic type 病理类型
p67 Phrase M1b designates distant metastasis M1b指有远处转移
p68 Phrase Radiation therapy and surgery 放疗与手术
p69 Phrase Evaluation of brain metastasis 脑转移的评估
p70 Phrase Tumor size and location 肿瘤大小与部位
p71 Phrase Stage IV NSCLC Treatment IV期NSCLC的治疗
p72 Phrase Early eradication of micrometastases 早期根治微转移灶
p73 Phrase Smoking in Cancer Care 吸烟与癌症治疗
p74 Phrase Continuing only single-agent chemotherapy 继续单药化疗
p75 Phrase Superior vena cava syndrome 上腔静脉综合征
p76 Phrase Resected or resectable disease 已切除或可切除肿瘤
p77 Phrase M1 = Distant metastasis M1=有远处转移
p78 Phrase Presence of pulmonary symptoms 有肺部症状
p79 Phrase Solid adenocarcinoma with mucin 实性腺癌伴黏液
p80 Phrase Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes 腺癌混合亚型
p81 Phrase Examination of the tumor 肿瘤检查
p82 Phrase Regional treatment (radiation therapy) 区域治疗(放疗)
p83 Phrase Cellular Classification of NSCLC NSCLC的细胞学分类
p84 Phrase Stage IIIB NSCLC Treatment IIIB期NSCLC的治疗
p85 Phrase recurrent non-small cell lung cancer 非小细胞肺癌复发
p86 Phrase Evidence (drug and dose schedule): 证据(药物及剂量方案):
p87 Phrase Evidence (chemotherapy and targeted therapy): 证据(化疗与靶向治疗):
p88 Phrase Surgery alone (for selected patients) 单独手术(适用于部分患者)
p89 Phrase Maintenance therapy following first-line chemotherapy 一线化疗后的维持治疗
p90 Phrase Sixth Edition T/M Descriptor (cm) 第6版T/M定义(cm)
p91 Phrase Cost effectiveness of FDG-PET scanning FDG-PET扫描的成本效益分析
p92 Phrase Treatment of second primary tumor 第二原发肿瘤的治疗
p93 Phrase Cytotoxic combination chemotherapy (first line) 细胞毒性药物联合化疗(一线)
p94 Phrase WHO/IASLC Histologic Classification of NSCLC WHO/IASLC的NSCLC组织学分类
p95 Phrase Treatment Option Overview for NSCLC NSCLC的治疗方法概述
p96 Phrase The primary endpoint was PFS 主要终点为PFS
p97 Phrase The study reported the following 研究结果如下
p98 Phrase M0 = No distant metastasis M0=无远处转移
p99 Phrase Tis = Carcinoma in situ Tis=原位癌
p100 Phrase Carcinomas of salivary gland type 涎腺癌类型
p101 Phrase Stages IA and IB NSCLC IA与IB期NSCLC
p102 Phrase Developing more effective systemic therapy 开发更有效的全身治疗
p103 Phrase Tracheal, esophageal, or bronchial compression 气管、食管或支气管压迫
p104 Phrase Involvement of multiple nodal stations 多站淋巴结受累
p105 Phrase Concurrent versus sequential chemoradiation therapy 同步与序贯放化疗
p106 Phrase occult non-small cell lung cancer 隐匿性非小细胞肺癌
p107 Phrase PIK3 catalytic protein alpha (PI3KCA) PIK3催化蛋白α(PI3KCA)
p108 Phrase Chemotherapy or kinase inhibitors alone 单独化疗或激酶抑制剂
p109 Phrase Stages IIA and IIB NSCLC IIA与IIB期NSCLC
p110 Phrase Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scanning 氟脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射断层扫描(FDG-PET)
p111 Phrase Epidermoid or squamous cell carcinoma 表皮样癌或鳞状细胞癌
p112 Phrase Evidence (EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors): 证据(EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂):
p113 Phrase Anaplastic lymphoma kinase receptor (ALK) 间变性淋巴瘤激酶受体(ALK)
p114 Phrase Large tumor size (>3 cm) 肿瘤较大(>3cm)
p115 Phrase Cigarette, pipe, or cigar smoking 香烟、烟斗烟或雪茄烟
p116 Phrase The patient's performance status (PS) 患者体能状况(PS)
p117 Phrase Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) 大细胞神经内分泌癌(LCNEC)
p118 Phrase Adenocarcinoma (40% of lung cancers) 腺癌(40%的肺癌)
p119 Phrase Evidence (concurrent vs. sequential chemoradiation therapy): 证据(同步与序贯放化疗):
p120 Phrase Carcinomas with spindle and/or giant cells 梭形和(或)巨细胞癌
p121 Phrase Sixty-five trials (13,601 patients) were identified 共检索到65项临床试验(13,601例患者)
p122 Phrase Combination chemotherapy with bevacizumab or cetuximab 化疗联合贝伐单抗或西妥昔单抗
p123 Phrase Continuing the initial combination chemotherapy regimen 继续初始联合化疗方案
p124 Phrase Stages IA and IB NSCLC Treatment IA与IB期NSCLC的治疗
p125 Phrase Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene (KRAS) Kirsten鼠肉瘤病毒致癌基因(KRAS)
p126 Phrase MAPK kinase 1 (MAP2K1 or MEK1) MAPK激酶1(MAP2K1或MEK1)
p127 Phrase stage 0 non-small cell lung cancer 0期非小细胞肺癌
p128 Phrase Large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype 横纹肌样表型的大细胞癌
p129 Phrase Introducing a new agent as "maintenance." 使用新药作为“维持治疗”
p130 Phrase HER2, present in 2% of tumors HER2,见于2%的肿瘤
p131 Phrase Tumors that invade the chest wall 侵及胸壁的肿瘤
p132 Phrase Standard Treatment Options for Occult NSCLC 隐匿性NSCLC的标准治疗选择
p133 Phrase stage IV non-small cell lung cancer IV期非小细胞肺癌
p134 Phrase stage II non-small cell lung cancer II期非小细胞肺癌
p135 Phrase Stage ( TNM Staging Criteria ) 分期(TNM分期标准)
p136 Phrase stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer IIIB期非小细胞肺癌
p137 Phrase Close or microscopically positive resection margins 临近切缘或切缘镜下阳性
p138 Phrase stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer IIIA期非小细胞肺癌
p139 Phrase AJCC Stage Groupings and TNM Definitions AJCC分期分组与TNM定义
p140 Phrase PI3KCA, present in 2% of tumors PI3KCA,见于2%的肿瘤
p141 Phrase Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (PDQ®): Treatment 非小细胞肺癌(PDQ®):治疗
p142 Phrase Standard Treatment Options for Recurrent NSCLC NSCLC复发的标准治疗选择
p143 Phrase Evidence (maintenance therapy following first-line chemotherapy): 证据(一线化疗后的维持治疗):
p144 Phrase Evidence (radiation therapy for palliative treatment): 证据(放疗作为姑息疗法):
p145 Phrase EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (first line) EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(一线)
p146 Phrase AKT1, present in 1% of tumors AKT1,见于1%的肿瘤
p147 Phrase stage I non-small cell lung cancer I期非小细胞肺癌
p148 Phrase Stages IIA and IIB NSCLC Treatment IIA与IIB期NSCLC的治疗
p149 Phrase Evaluation of mediastinal lymph node metastasis 纵隔淋巴结转移的评估
p150 Phrase Patients with adenocarcinoma may benefit from pemetrexed 腺癌患者可能受益于培美曲塞
p151 Phrase Evidence (maintenance erlotinib following platinum-based doublet chemotherapy): 证据(含铂类双药化疗后厄洛替尼维持治疗):
p152 Phrase T0 = No evidence of primary tumor T0=无原发性肿瘤证据
p153 Phrase Radiation therapy to the breast or chest 乳腺或胸部放疗
p154 Phrase Table 5. Definitions of TNM Stage IB 表5. TNM IB期的定义
p155 Phrase Table 3. Definitions of TNM Stage 0 表3. TNM 0期的定义
p156 Phrase N0 = No regional lymph node metastasis N0=无区域淋巴结转移
p157 Phrase EML4-ALK inhibitors in patients with EML-ALK translocations EML-ALK易位患者使用EML4-ALK抑制剂
p158 Phrase Table 9. Definitions of TNM Stage IIIB 表9. TNM IIIB期的定义
p159 Phrase This is a group of rare tumors 这是一组罕见肿瘤
p160 Phrase Chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy and/or surgery 化疗联合放疗和(或)手术
p161 Phrase MET oncogene encodes hepatocyte growth factor receptor MET致癌基因编码肝细胞生长因子受体
p162 Phrase NSCLC is a heterogeneous aggregate of histologies NSCLC具有多种不同的组织学类型
p163 Phrase Pathological staging of NSCLC requires the following: NSCLC的病理分期依据包括:
p164 Phrase Combination of CT imaging and FDG-PET scanning CT联合FDG-PET
p165 Phrase Table 2. Definitions of TNM Occult Carcinoma 表2. TNM隐匿性癌的分期定义
p166 Phrase Table 10. Definitions of TNM Stage IV 表10. TNM IV期的定义
p167 Phrase Concurrent chemotherapy with radiation therapy and surgery 同步放化疗与手术
p168 Phrase Standard Treatment Options for Stage IIIB NSCLC IIIB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
p169 Phrase Smoking-related lung carcinogenesis is a multistep process 吸烟相关肺癌变是一个多步骤过程
p170 Phrase Evidence (combination chemotherapy with bevacizumab or cetuximab): 证据(化疗联合贝伐单抗或西妥昔单抗):
p171 Phrase Evidence (adjuvant chemotherapy for stage IB NSCLC): 证据(对IB期NSCLC的辅助化疗):
p172 Phrase Systemic treatments (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted agents) 全身治疗(化疗、免疫治疗与靶向药物)
p173 Phrase For treatment of locally advanced unresectable tumor 作为局部晚期不可切除肿瘤的治疗
p174 Phrase Table 7. Definitions of TNM Stage IIB 表7. TNM IIB期的定义
p175 Phrase Large cell carcinoma (10% of lung cancers) 大细胞癌(10%的肺癌)
p176 Phrase Evidence (adjuvant chemotherapy for stage I NSCLC): 证据(对I期NSCLC的辅助化疗):
p177 Phrase Preoperative chemotherapy may also provide survival benefit 术前化疗也可能具有生存获益
p178 Phrase The most common histologies include the following: 最常见的组织学类型包括下列:
p179 Phrase Standard Treatment Options for Stage IV NSCLC IV期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
p180 Phrase The value of PORT has been assessed 有研究评估了术后(辅助)放疗(PORT)的意义
p181 Phrase Chemotherapy followed by surgery (for selected patients) 化疗后手术(适用于某些患者)
p182 Phrase Chemotherapy-related toxicities were greater with prolonged chemotherapy 延长化疗后化疗相关毒性反应发生率升高
p183 Phrase Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) 人表皮生长因子受体2(HER2)
p184 Phrase Standard Treatment Options for Stage 0 NSCLC 0期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
p185 Phrase Squamous cell carcinoma (25% of lung cancers) 鳞状细胞癌(25%的肺癌)
p186 Phrase Carcinomas with pleomorphic, sarcomatoid, or sarcomatous elements 多形性癌、肉瘤样癌或含肉瘤成分的癌
p187 Phrase Stereotactic radiation surgery (for highly selected patients) 立体定向放疗(适用于经详细选择的患者)
p188 Phrase Sequential or concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy 序贯或同步放化疗
p189 Phrase Table 8. Definitions of TNM Stage IIIA 表8. TNM IIIA期的定义
p190 Phrase M1b = Distant metastasis (in extrathoracic organs) M1b=远处转移(胸腔外器官)
p191 Phrase Table 11. Standard Treatment Options for NSCLC 表11. NSCLC的标准治疗选择
p192 Phrase Similar benefit may be achieved with erlotinib 厄洛替尼治疗后可达到类似获益
p193 Phrase Locally (T3–T4) and/or regionally (N2–N3) advanced disease 局部(T3-T4)和(或)区域(N2-N3)晚期肿瘤
p194 Phrase Table 4. Definitions of TNM Stage IA 表4. TNM IA期的定义
p195 Phrase Table 6. Definitions of TNM Stage IIA 表6. TNM IIA期的定义
s1 Sentence Preoperative chemotherapy may, however, delay potentially curative surgery 但术前化疗有可能延误治愈性手术
s2 Sentence The Revised International System for Staging Lung Cancer 新修订的国际肺癌分期系统
s3 Sentence M1 has been subdivided into M1a and M1b M1被细分为M1a与M1b
s4 Sentence Procedures used to determine staging include the following: 进行疾病分期的依据包括:
s5 Sentence General Information About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) 非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的基本信息
s6 Sentence V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) V-raf鼠肉瘤病毒致癌基因同源物B1(BRAF)
s7 Sentence Treatment options include cytotoxic chemotherapy and targeted agents 治疗选择包括细胞毒性药物化疗和靶向药物
s8 Sentence Evidence (sequential or concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy): 证据(序贯或同步放化疗):
s9 Sentence Evidence (first-line platinum-based combination chemotherapy followed by pemetrexed): 证据(一线含铂类联合化疗后应用培美曲塞):
s10 Sentence Status and location of lymph nodes by station 各站淋巴结的状态与位置
s11 Sentence Endobronchial laser therapy and/or brachytherapy (for obstructing lesions) 经支气管镜激光治疗和(或)近距离放射治疗(适用于梗阻性病变)
s12 Sentence NX = Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed NX=区域淋巴结无法评估
s13 Sentence One prospective randomized clinical study showed the following 一项前瞻性随机临床研究结果如下
s14 Sentence Evidence (radiation therapy for locally advanced unresectable tumor): 证据(放疗治疗局部晚期不可切除肿瘤):
s15 Sentence Clinical trials of radiation therapy after curative surgery 治愈性手术后行放疗的临床试验
s16 Sentence Stage 0 NSCLC frequently progresses to invasive cancer 0期NSCLC常进展为侵袭性癌症
s17 Sentence Treatment options under clinical evaluation include the following: 处于临床评估阶段的治疗选择包括:
s18 Sentence Evaluation of distant metastasis other than the brain 除脑转移之外的其他远处转移评估
s19 Sentence Most of the patients had received previous treatment 多数患者为非初治患者
s20 Sentence All used cisplatin-based regimens and once-daily radiation therapy 所有研究均使用含顺铂化疗与每日一次放疗
s21 Sentence Chest CT scan with infusion of contrast material 胸部增强CT
s22 Sentence Mixed mucinous and nonmucinous or indeterminate cell type 混合黏液及非黏液型或不确定细胞类型
s23 Sentence There are numerous additional subtypes of decreasing frequency 还有很多其他发生率较低的亚型
s24 Sentence Other mutations of potential relevance to treatment decisions include: 其他可能与治疗决策相关的突变包括:
s25 Sentence Squamous cell carcinoma usually starts near a central bronchus 鳞状细胞癌通常来源于中心支气管附近
s26 Sentence No consistent improvement in quality of life was reported 所报道的生活质量获益结果不一致
s27 Sentence A pooled analysis of three trials reported the following 对其中3项试验的汇总分析报告了下列结果:
s28 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Unresectable Stage IIIA N2 NSCLC 不可切除IIIA-N2期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
s29 Sentence Patients with stage IIIA NSCLC are a heterogenous group IIIA期NSCLC患者群具有较大的异质性
s30 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Stages IA and IB NSCLC IA与IB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
s31 Sentence BRAF mutations, present in 1% to 3% of tumors BRAF突变,见于1%到3%的肿瘤
s32 Sentence The proposed benefits of preoperative chemotherapy include the following: 术前化疗的潜在获益包括:
s33 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Stages IIA and IIB NSCLC IIA与IIB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择
s34 Sentence Standard treatment options for recurrent NSCLC include the following: NSCLC复发的标准治疗选择包括:
s35 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Resected/Resectable Stage IIIA N2 NSCLC IIIA N2期NSCLC切除术后或可切除肿瘤的标准治疗选择
s36 Sentence After surgery, many patients develop regional or distant metastases 术后很多患者发生局部或远处转移
s37 Sentence EGFR inhibitors may benefit selected patients with EGFR mutations EGFR抑制剂可能使某些携带EGFR突变的患者获益
s38 Sentence Standard treatment options for resected/resectable disease include the following: 切除术后/可切除肿瘤的标准治疗选择包括:
s39 Sentence Treatment-related toxic effects were also assessed in the meta-analysis 荟萃分析也评估了治疗相关毒性反应
s40 Sentence Standard treatment options for occult NSCLC include the following: 隐匿性NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s41 Sentence EGFR inhibitors in patients with or without EGFR mutations EGFR突变或不突变患者使用EGFR抑制剂
s42 Sentence Laser therapy or interstitial radiation therapy (for endobronchial lesions) 激光治疗或间质放疗(适用于支气管内病变)
s43 Sentence The median prevalence of mediastinal metastases was 29% (range, 5%–64%) 纵隔淋巴结转移的中位发生率为29%(范围5%-64%)
s44 Sentence Observation and radiation therapy may be considered for these patients 此时这些患者可考虑观察与放疗
s45 Sentence BRAF mutations are mutually exclusive of EGFR and KRAS mutations BRAF突变与EGFR及KRAS突变互斥
s46 Sentence Separate tumor nodules in the contralateral lung are considered M1a 对侧肺有肿瘤结节的分期为M1a
s47 Sentence Treatment goals are to prolong survival and control disease-related symptoms 治疗目的是延长生存时间与控制疾病相关症状
s48 Sentence A reduction in tumor size that may facilitate surgical resection 减少肿瘤体积 ,利于手术切除
s49 Sentence Factors that have correlated with adverse prognosis include the following: 已经发现的与预后不良相关的因素包括:
s50 Sentence The T (primary tumor) classifications have been redefined as follows: T(原发肿瘤)分期定义修改如下:
s51 Sentence Many patients treated surgically subsequently develop regional or distant metastases 很多术后患者发生区域或远处转移
s52 Sentence Metastases to multiple lymph nodes within a TNM-defined nodal station TNM分期系统有多发淋巴结转移
s53 Sentence Surgical resection of isolated cerebral metastasis (for highly selected patients) 孤立性脑转移灶行手术切除(适用于经过详细选择的患者)
s54 Sentence The M (distant metastasis) classifications have been redefined as follows: M(远处转移)分期定义修改如下:
s55 Sentence A small case series using matched controls reported the following 一项小型病例分析使用匹配的对照组,得到下列结论
s56 Sentence Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma have defined premalignant precursor lesions 鳞状细胞癌与腺癌有明确的癌前病变
s57 Sentence Many patients with recurrent NSCLC are eligible for clinical trials 很多NSCLC复发患者可参与临床试验
s58 Sentence Standard treatment options for stage 0 NSCLC include the following: 0期NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s59 Sentence There was no increase in infection rates in doublet regimens 双药治疗患者的感染率未升高
s60 Sentence Adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma usually originate in peripheral lung tissue 腺癌和支气管肺泡癌通常来源于周围肺组织
s61 Sentence Standard treatment options for stage IIIB NSCLC include the following: IIIB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s62 Sentence Three literature-based meta-analyses have trials comparing platinum with nonplatinum combinations 三项基于文献的荟萃分析纳入的试验主要比较了含铂类和不含铂类联合放疗的效果
s63 Sentence The proposed benefits of preoperative (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy include the following: 术前(新辅助)化疗的潜在获益包括:
s64 Sentence Standard treatment options for stage IV NSCLC include the following: IV期NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s65 Sentence The lead reviewers for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment are: 非小细胞肺癌治疗的主要审核人包括:
s66 Sentence N2 = Metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph node(s) N2=同侧纵隔和(或)隆突下淋巴结转移
s67 Sentence Stage has a critical role in the selection of therapy 分期对治疗选择有重要作用
s68 Sentence Standard treatment options for superior sulcus tumors include the following: 上沟瘤的标准治疗选择包括:
s69 Sentence MET , which encodes the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR) MET,编码肝细胞生长因子受体(HGFR)
s70 Sentence Selective patients may benefit from single-agent EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors 某些患者可能获益于EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂单药治疗
s71 Sentence T2 (>7 cm in size) has been reclassified as T3 原T2(直径>7cm)被重新分期为T3
s72 Sentence A total of 16,800 patients were included in the study 研究中共包括16,800例患者
s73 Sentence There is a high incidence of second primary cancers developing 第二原发肿瘤的发病率较高
s74 Sentence The second meta-analysis identified 17 trials that included 4,920 patients 第二项荟萃分析纳入17项临床试验,共4,920例患者
s75 Sentence Accurate staging of the mediastinal lymph nodes provides important prognostic information 准确的纵隔淋巴结分期能够提供重要的预后信息
s76 Sentence Chemotherapy effect was higher in patients with better performance status (PS) 身体状况评分(PS)较佳的患者化疗效果也更好
s77 Sentence Options for maintenance therapy that have been investigated include the following: 曾被研究过的维持治疗包括:
s78 Sentence Surgery is the most potentially curative therapeutic option for this disease 手术是本病最有可能治愈的治疗方法
s79 Sentence The following variants of adenocarcinoma are recognized in the WHO/IASLC classification: WHO/IASLC分类中认可下列腺癌变异型:
s80 Sentence A meta-analysis of individual data from 1,764 patients evaluated nine trials 对9项临床试验1,764例患者个体数据行荟萃分析
s81 Sentence Chemotherapy effect was higher in patients with a better performance status 患者体能较好时化疗效果也更好
s82 Sentence Any T, Any N, M1a OR Any T, Any N, M1b 任何T,任何N,M1a或任何T,任何N,M1b
s83 Sentence The AJCC has designated staging by TNM classification to define NSCLC AJCC使用TNM分期系统对NSCLC分期
s84 Sentence Patients with central lesions may be candidates for curative endobronchial therapy 中心型病变患者可根据情况选择治愈性经支气管镜治疗
s85 Sentence Expert-reviewed information summary about the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer 关于非小细胞肺癌治疗的专家审核信息总结
s86 Sentence It is likely that these results are applicable to non-Asian populations 这些结果可能也适用于非亚洲人群
s87 Sentence External-beam radiation therapy (primarily for palliation of local symptomatic tumor growth) 外照射放疗(主要用于缓解局部肿瘤生长的症状)
s88 Sentence Standard treatment options for patients with unresectable NSCLC include the following: 不可切除NSCLC患者的标准治疗选择包括:
s89 Sentence The value of postoperative (adjuvant) radiation therapy (PORT) has been evaluated 有研究评估了术后(辅助)放疗(PORT)的意义
s90 Sentence The first meta-analysis identified 37 assessable trials that included 7,633 patients 第一项荟萃分析总结了37项数据可用的临床试验,共7,633例患者
s91 Sentence Patients with adenocarcinoma may benefit from pemetrexed, EGFR inhibitors, and bevacizumab 肺腺癌患者可能受益于培美曲塞、 EGFR抑制剂与贝伐单抗
s92 Sentence Surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with stage I NSCLC 手术是I期NSCLC患者的首选治疗
s93 Sentence Other mutations that occur in less than 5% of NSCLC tumors include: NSCLC中发生率不足5%的突变包括:
s94 Sentence A meta-analysis of three trials evaluated concurrent versus sequential treatment (711 patients) 三项临床试验(共711例患者)的荟萃分析比较了同步治疗与序贯治疗
s95 Sentence The median survival ratio was 1.00 (95% CI, 0.94–1.06; P = .97) 中位生存率比值为1.0(95%CI,0.94-1.06;P=0.97)
s96 Sentence CT scanning is primarily used for determining the size of the tumor CT扫描主要用于确定肿瘤大小
s97 Sentence The most common symptoms at presentation are worsening cough or chest pain 发病时最常见的症状为咳嗽加重或胸痛
s98 Sentence Prognostic and treatment decisions are based on some of the following factors: 预后与治疗决策基于以下一些因素:
s99 Sentence Surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with stage II NSCLC 手术是II期NSCLC患者的首选治疗
s100 Sentence Chemotherapy effect was higher in patients with a better performance status (PS) 体能状态(PS)较佳的患者化疗效果也更好
s101 Sentence No changes have been made to the N (regional lymph nodes) classification N分期(区域淋巴结)无变更
s102 Sentence Unresectable brain metastases in this setting may be treated with radiation surgery 不可切除的脑转移灶可行放疗
s103 Sentence Age alone should not dictate treatment-related decisions in patients with advanced NSCLC 年龄本身并不影响晚期NSCLC患者的治疗决策
s104 Sentence Most pleural (and pericardial) effusions with lung cancer are due to tumor 多数肺癌患者的胸腔积液与心包积液是肿瘤引起
s105 Sentence Combined modality therapy, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery in various combinations 综合治疗,包括化疗、放疗与手术的不同组合
s106 Sentence There was no interaction between chemotherapy effect and any of the following 化疗效果与下列因素无关
s107 Sentence These patients have been excluded from clinical trials evaluating aggressive multimodality interventions 在积极综合干预的临床试验中排除了这些患者
s108 Sentence Two trials have evaluated the addition of cetuximab to first-line combination chemotherapy 两项试验评估了西妥昔单抗与一线联合化疗联用的效果
s109 Sentence Single-agent chemotherapy and combination chemotherapy clearly benefit at least some elderly patients 至少部分老年患者明确获益于单药化疗与联合化疗
s110 Sentence The role of chemotherapy prior to surgery was tested in clinical trials 一些临床试验研究了术前化疗的作用
s111 Sentence Malignant pleural and pericardial effusions have been reclassified from T4 to M1a 恶性胸水与心包积液由T4改为M1a
s112 Sentence A solitary pulmonary metastasis from an initially resected bronchogenic carcinoma is unusual 支气管来源肿瘤切除后的孤立肺转移较为罕见
s113 Sentence Postoperative chemotherapy may provide an additional benefit to patients with resected NSCLC NSCLC患者在肿瘤切除后行术后化疗可能增加获益
s114 Sentence The combination of platinum with etoposide seemed more effective than platinum alone 铂类联合依托泊苷治疗似乎比单独铂类化疗更有效
s115 Sentence Cisplatin and carboplatinum yield similar improvements in outcome with different toxic effects 顺铂与卡铂改善预后的效果相似,但毒性反应不同
s116 Sentence The optimal dose of thoracic PORT is not known at this time 胸部PORT的最佳剂量尚不明确
s117 Sentence External-beam radiation therapy (EBRT) (primarily for palliation of local symptomatic tumor growth) 外部放疗(EBRT)(主要用于缓解局部肿瘤生长引起的症状)
s118 Sentence Procedures used to obtain tissue samples include bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, or anterior mediastinotomy 用于获得组织标本的操作包括支气管镜、纵隔镜检查或前纵隔切开术
s119 Sentence The role of chemotherapy in patients with poor PS was less certain 尚不明确化疗对身体状况评分较差患者的作用
s120 Sentence Based on meta-analyses of the trials, the following conclusions can be drawn: 基于这些试验的荟萃分析,可得到下列结论:
s121 Sentence Endobronchial therapies , including photodynamic therapy, electrocautery, cryotherapy, and Nd-YAG laser therapy 经支气管镜治疗,包括光动力治疗、电烧、冷冻治疗与钕-YAG激光治疗等
s122 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Superior Sulcus Tumors (T3, N0 or N1, M0) 上沟瘤的标准治疗选择(T3,N0或N1,M0)
s123 Sentence Standard treatment options for tumors that invade the chest wall include the following: 侵及胸壁肿瘤的标准治疗选择包括:
s124 Sentence Results from these studies on the effect of PORT on OS are conflicting 这些研究中关于PORT对OS影响的结果并不一致
s125 Sentence Combined modality approaches have been evaluated to improve ability to achieve complete resection 已有研究评估了综合治疗的效果以提高完全切除几率
s126 Sentence Chemotherapy has produced short-term improvement in disease-related symptoms in patients with advanced NSCLC 化疗能短期缓解晚期NSCLC患者的肿瘤相关症状
s127 Sentence The benefit varied with stage (HR for stage IIIA, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.72–0.94) 不同分期患者的获益不同(IIIA期HR,0.83;95%CI,0.72-0.94)
s128 Sentence Whether the improved detection rate of MRI translates into improved outcome remains unknown 目前尚不明确MRI的检出率较高能否改善预后
s129 Sentence Patients with completely resected stage IIIA NSCLC may benefit from postoperative cisplatin-based chemotherapy IIIA期NSCLC完全切除术后患者可能受益于术后含顺铂化疗
s130 Sentence Clinical trials of postoperative chemoprevention (as evidenced in the ECOG-5597 trial, for example) 术后化疗预防临床试验(如ECOG-5597试验)
s131 Sentence Criteria for the diagnosis of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma have varied widely in the past 在过去细支气管肺泡性腺癌的诊断标准相差较大
s132 Sentence Concomitant platinum-based radiation chemotherapy may improve survival of patients with locally advanced NSCLC 含铂类同步放化疗可能改善局部晚期NSCLC患者的生存
s133 Sentence Certain three-drug combinations that add so-called targeted agents may result in superior survival 添加靶向药物的某些三药联合治疗可能改善生存
s134 Sentence There was no interaction between the chemotherapy effect and any of the following 化疗效果与下列因素无关
s135 Sentence MET amplification has been associated with secondary resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors MET扩增可能与对EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的继发性耐药相关
s136 Sentence Standard treatment options for stages IIA NSCLC and IIB NSCLC include the following: IIA期NSCLC与IIB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s137 Sentence Most patients who are not suitable for surgical resection should receive conventional WBRT 多数不适于行手术切除的患者应接受传统WBRT治疗
s138 Sentence Standard treatment options for stage IA NSCLC and IB NSCLC include the following: IA期NSCLC与IB期NSCLC的标准治疗选择包括:
s139 Sentence A meta-analysis of patient data from 11 randomized clinical trials showed the following 对11项随机临床试验的患者数据行荟萃分析,结果如下
s140 Sentence For patients who have relapsed after platinum-based chemotherapy, second-line therapy can be considered 对于含铂类化疗后复发的患者,可考虑使用二线化疗
s141 Sentence Radiation therapy and surgery are generally used in selective cases for symptom palliation 放疗和手术常用于缓解某些患者的症状
s142 Sentence A meta-analysis of 13 trials (based on 2,214 evaluable patients) showed the following 对13项临床试验(2,214例可评估患者)的荟萃分析结果如下
s143 Sentence One of the biggest problems with lung adenocarcinomas is the frequent histologic heterogeneity 肺腺癌的最大问题之一是经常出现的组织学异质性
s144 Sentence The CT scan should extend inferiorly to include the liver and adrenal glands CT扫描可以向下延伸包括肝和肾上腺
s145 Sentence Surgically resectable disease (generally stage I, stage II, and selected stage III tumors) 手术可切除的肿瘤(一般为I期、II期和部分III期肿瘤)
s146 Sentence Negative FDG-PET scanning does not preclude biopsy of radiographically enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes 而影像学上增大的纵隔淋巴结即便FDG-PET结果阴性,也不能完全排除活检可能
s147 Sentence Before becoming invasive, lung epithelium may undergo morphological changes that include the following: 肺上皮在具有侵袭性之前,可能经过下列形态变化:
s148 Sentence Nonplatinum combinations offer no advantage to platinum-based chemotherapy, and some studies demonstrate inferiority 非铂类联合化疗与含铂类化疗相比无更多优势,一些研究甚至认为其劣于后者
s149 Sentence A lobectomy or segmental, wedge, or sleeve resection may be performed as appropriate 可根据情况选择肺叶切除术或肺段切除术、楔形切除术或袖状切除术
s150 Sentence Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States 在美国,肺癌是癌症相关死亡的首要原因
s151 Sentence (Refer to the PDQ summaries on Cardiopulmonary Syndromes and Pain for more information.) (更多信息请参考PDQ总结心肺综合征与疼痛)
s152 Sentence An earlier meta-analysis reported average sensitivity and specificity of 64% and 74%, respectively 一项更早期荟萃分析报告的平均敏感度与特异度分别为64%与74%
s153 Sentence Radiation therapy may provide excellent palliation of symptoms from a localized tumor mass 放疗可显著缓解局部肿块产生的症状
s154 Sentence Three trials found statistically significantly improved PFS or time to progression with additional chemotherapy 3项临床试验发现增加化疗疗程显著延长PFS或至进展时间
s155 Sentence One meta-analysis reported individual patient data for 2,968 patients entered in nine randomized trials 一项荟萃分析总结了9项随机临床试验的2,968例患者
s156 Sentence The risk increases with the quantity of cigarettes, duration of smoking, and starting age 随着吸烟数量、吸烟时间增加、开始吸烟年龄减小,肺癌危险也增加
s157 Sentence Overall, the incidence of neutropenia (grade 3 or worse) was similar in both arms 总体上两组中性粒细胞减少症(3度或3度以上)的发生率相似
s158 Sentence Patients with resectable disease may be cured by surgery or surgery followed by chemotherapy 可切除性肿瘤患者可以通过手术或手术加化疗治愈
s159 Sentence Similar results have been reported from a nonrandomized comparison of anatomic segmentectomy and lobectomy 解剖性肺段切除术与肺叶切除术的非随机对比研究报道了类似结果
s160 Sentence After discovery of the primary tumor, treatment involves establishing the stage of the tumor 发现原发肿瘤后,治疗前先明确肿瘤分期
s161 Sentence Maintenance chemotherapy following four cycles of platinum combination chemotherapy may improve progression-free survival (PFS) 4周期铂类联合化疗后行维持化疗可能延长无进展生存时间(PFS)
s162 Sentence Endobronchial therapies, including photodynamic therapy, for highly selected patients with T1, N0, M0 tumors 包括光动力疗法在内的经支气管镜治疗适用于经过仔细选择的T1,N0,M0期肿瘤患者
s163 Sentence The 333 responding patients were subsequently randomly assigned to surgical resection or radiation therapy 333例病情缓解的患者随后被随机分组接受手术切除或放疗
s164 Sentence EGFR mutations strongly predict the improved response rate and progression-free survival of EGFR inhibitors EGFR突变强烈预测了EGFR抑制剂有效率增加、无进展生存期延长
s165 Sentence The single most important risk factor for the development of lung cancer is smoking 肺癌发生的最重要危险因素是吸烟
s166 Sentence In NSCLC, results of standard treatment are poor except for the most localized cancers 除了最局限性的肿瘤之外,NSCLC总体治疗效果较差
s167 Sentence There are three main subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including the following: 非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)主要有三种亚型,包括:
s168 Sentence Another randomized phase III trial investigated the efficacy and safety of cisplatin/gemcitabine plus bevacizumab 另一项随机III期临床试验研究了顺铂/吉西他滨联合贝伐单抗的有效性与安全性
s169 Sentence FDG-PET scanning appears to be superior to CT imaging for mediastinal staging in NSCLC 对于NSCLC的纵隔淋巴结分期,FDG-PET扫描优于CT
s170 Sentence PS is among the most important prognostic factors for survival of patients with NSCLC PS是NSCLC患者生存时间的最重要预后因素之一
s171 Sentence Multiple tumor nodules in the same lobe have been reclassified from T4 to T3 同一肺叶多发肿瘤结节由T4改为T3
s172 Sentence Several meta-analyses have evaluated whether cisplatin or carboplatin regimens are superior with variable results 一些荟萃分析评估了顺铂或卡铂方案是否有效,分析结果各异
s173 Sentence Squamous cell carcinomas are linked more strongly with smoking than other forms of NSCLC 鳞癌与吸烟的相关性比其他类型的NSCLC更密切
s174 Sentence Patients may be offered surveillance bronchoscopies and, if lesions are detected, potentially curative therapies 可对患者行支气管镜随访,如检测到病变,可选治愈性治疗方法
s175 Sentence Patients at risk for brain metastases may be staged with CT or MRI scans 有脑转移风险的患者可行CT或MRI扫描明确分期
s176 Sentence The standard treatment options for each stage of NSCLC are presented in Table 11 NSCLC各期的标准治疗选择见表11
s177 Sentence Therapy is identical to that recommended for other NSCLC patients with similar stage disease 治疗方式等同于分期相同的其他NSCLC患者
s178 Sentence Overall, concurrent treatment may provide the greatest benefit in survival with increase in toxic effects 总体上,同步治疗的生存获益最大,但毒性反应发生率亦增高
s179 Sentence The stage of disease is based on a combination of clinical factors and pathological factors 疾病分期是很多临床因素和病理因素的综合结果
s180 Sentence Somatic mutations in MAP2K1 (also known as MEK) have been identified in 1% of NSCLC 发现1%的NSCLC有MAP2K1体细胞突变(即MEK)
s181 Sentence Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (first line) (for patients with EGFR mutations) 表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(一线)(适用于EGFR突变的患者)
s182 Sentence Chemotherapy significantly prolonged OS for elderly patients (HR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.38–0.98; P = .04) 化疗显著延长老年患者的OS(HR,0.61;95%CI,0.38-0.98;P=0.04)
s183 Sentence Asbestos exposure may exert a synergistic effect of cigarette smoking on the lung cancer risk 石棉暴露与吸烟对肺癌风险可能具有协同效应
s184 Sentence Adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended and radiation therapy is reserved for cases with unclear resection margins 对于切缘不明的患者,推荐辅助化疗,必要时也可选放疗
s185 Sentence Concomitant platinum-based chemotherapy and radiation therapy may improve survival of patients with locally advanced NSCLC 含铂类同步放化疗可改善局部晚期NSCLC患者的生存率
s186 Sentence A meta-analysis of ten randomized trials that evaluated PORT versus surgery alone showed the following 对10项比较PORT与单独手术的临床试验行荟萃分析,结果如下
s187 Sentence Studies have used different timing of assessments, FDG-PET parameters, and cutpoints to define FDG-PET response 一些研究曾使用不同的评估时机、FDG-PET参数与阈值来定义FDG-PET缓解
s188 Sentence The mean maximal diameter of the brain metastases was significantly smaller in the MRI group MRI组脑转移的平均最大径显著小于CT组
s189 Sentence Treatment options vary according to the location of the tumor and whether it is resectable 根据肿瘤部位与是否可切除选择治疗方法
s190 Sentence However, Pancoast tumors are amenable to curative treatment, especially in patients with T3, N0 disease 但Pancoast瘤可能治愈,尤其是T3,N0期肿瘤
s191 Sentence NSCLC is any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung cancer (SCLC) NSCLC是除小细胞肺癌(SCLC)之外的其余上皮性肺癌
s192 Sentence Former smokers continue to have an elevated risk for lung cancer for years after quitting 既往吸烟者在戒烟后数年肺癌风险仍偏高
s193 Sentence FDG-PET scanning is considered very accurate in identifying malignant nodal involvement when nodes are enlarged 对于肿大淋巴结,FDG-PET扫描识别肿瘤侵犯淋巴结的准确率极高
s194 Sentence Multiple studies have attempted to identify the prognostic importance of a variety of clinicopathologic factors 很多研究曾试图鉴别很多临床病理因素对预后的意义
s195 Sentence Amplification of this gene has been associated with secondary resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors 已发现该基因的扩增与继发性EGFR酪氨酸激酶受体耐药相关
s196 Sentence Standard Treatment Options for Tumors That Invade the Chest Wall (T3, N0 or N1, M0) 侵及胸壁肿瘤(T3,N0或N1,M0)的标准治疗选择
s197 Sentence In the 35 studies published between 1991 and June 2006, 5,111 evaluable patients were identified 1991年至2006年6月之间的35项研究共纳入5,111例可评估的患者
s198 Sentence In NSCLC, the determination of stage is important in terms of therapeutic and prognostic implications 分期对NSCLC的治疗和预后具有重要意义
s199 Sentence Cells in bold indicate a change from the sixth edition for a particular TNM category 粗体字表示与第6版的相应TNM分类不同
s200 Sentence Endobronchial therapies that preserve lung function include photodynamic therapy, electrocautery, cryotherapy, and Nd-YAG laser therapy 保留肺功能的经支气管镜治疗包括光动力治疗、电烧、冷冻治疗与钕-YAG激光治疗
s201 Sentence Postoperative (adjuvant) radiation therapy (PORT) was administered to 62 patients (40%) in the surgery arm 手术组62例患者接受术后(辅助)放疗(PORT)
s202 Sentence EGFR mutations strongly predict the improved response rate and progression-free survival of inhibitors of EGFR EGFR突变强烈预测对EGFR抑制剂的应答率提高、无进展生存时间延长
s203 Sentence Fifty-seven patients (76%) underwent surgical resection, and complete resection was achieved in 51 patients (68%) 57例患者(76%)行切除术,其中51例达到完全缓解(68%)
s204 Sentence Distant metastatic disease (includes distant metastases [M1] that were found at the time of diagnosis) 远处转移肿瘤(包括诊断时发现的远处转移[M1])
s205 Sentence As a class, NSCLCs are relatively insensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy compared with SCLC NSCLC作为一类肿瘤与SCLC相比对化疗和放疗的敏感性相对较低
s206 Sentence Second-line chemotherapy with docetaxel, pemetrexed, or erlotinib also improves survival in patients with good PS 多西他赛、培美曲塞或埃罗替尼也改善身体状况评分良好患者的生存
s207 Sentence Two large, prospective, multicenter phase II trials have evaluated induction chemoradiation therapy followed by resection 两项大规模前瞻性多中心II期临床试验评估了切除术后诱导放化疗的效果
s208 Sentence The incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung has been decreasing in recent years 近年来,肺鳞癌的发生率一直呈下降趋势
s209 Sentence The primary endpoint was amended from OS to PFS during the course of the study 主要终点原为OS,治疗过程中更改为PFS
s210 Sentence Small case series have reported high complete response rates and long-term survival in selected patients 小型病例分析报道过某些患者经治疗后有较高的完全缓解率且生存时间较长
s211 Sentence (Refer to the Evaluation of Mediastinal Lymph Node Metastasis section of this summary for more information.) (更多信息请参考本总结纵隔淋巴结转移评估)
s212 Sentence Radiation therapy may be effective in palliating symptomatic local involvement with NSCLC, such as the following: 放疗可缓解NSCLC患者的局部受累症状,例如:
s213 Sentence T2 has been subclassified into T2a (>3–5 cm in size) and T2b (>5–7 cm in size) T2被细分为T2a(直径>3-5cm)与T2b(直径>5-7cm)
s214 Sentence Within 4 to 8 weeks of resection, patients were randomly assigned to postoperative chemotherapy or observation 切除术后4-8周时间内,患者被随机分组行术后化疗或仅观察
s215 Sentence These histologies are often classified together because approaches to diagnosis, staging, prognosis, and treatment are similar 这些组织学类型通常一同分类,因为它们的诊断、分期方法、预后与治疗相似
s216 Sentence Patients with locally advanced unresectable disease may achieve long-term survival with radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy 局部晚期不可切除性肿瘤患者可通过放疗联合化疗长期生存
s217 Sentence Results from two trials suggest that patients with a PS of 2 may experience symptom improvement 两项临床试验的结果提示PS2分患者经治疗可能缓解症状
s218 Sentence A significant number of patients cured of their smoking-related lung cancer may develop a second malignancy 许多吸烟相关肺癌治愈患者可能再次罹患恶性肿瘤
s219 Sentence NSCLC of the superior sulcus, frequently termed Pancoast tumors, occurs in less than 5% of patients 上沟部位NSCLC常称为Pancoast瘤,占总NSCLC的比例不足5%
s220 Sentence Chemotherapy or kinase inhibitors alone, including the following for patients who have previously received platinum chemotherapy 单独化疗或激酶抑制剂,适用于曾接受铂类化疗的患者,主要药物包括
s221 Sentence Survival rates were lower in patients who underwent incomplete resection and had mediastinal lymph node involvement 不完全切除和纵隔淋巴结受累的患者生存率较低
s222 Sentence Evidence supports that elderly patients with good PS and limited comorbidity may benefit from combination chemotherapy 证据显示身体状况评分良好、合并症较少的老年患者可能受益于联合化疗
s223 Sentence These mutations may define mechanisms of drug sensitivity and primary or acquired resistance to kinase inhibitors 这些突变可能参与了药物敏感性、原发或获得性激酶抑制剂耐药的机制
s224 Sentence A lobectomy, pneumonectomy, or segmental resection, wedge resection, or sleeve resection may be performed as appropriate 可根据情况选择肺叶切除术、肺切除术或肺段切除术、楔形切除术或袖状切除术
s225 Sentence NSCLC arises from the epithelial cells of the lung of the central bronchi to terminal alveoli NSCLC来源于中心支气管到终末肺泡的肺上皮细胞
s226 Sentence In addition, the use of a carboplatin versus a cisplatin combination might have affected the results 此外,卡铂联合顺铂治疗可能影响结果
s227 Sentence In some cases, endobronchial laser therapy and/or brachytherapy has been used to alleviate proximal obstructing lesions 有时可用经支气管镜激光治疗和(或)近距离放射治疗缓解近端梗阻性病变
s228 Sentence T1 has been subclassified into T1a (≤2 cm in size) and T1b (>2–3 cm in size) T1被细分为T1a(直径≤2cm)与T1b(直径>2-3cm)
s229 Sentence All newly diagnosed patients with NSCLC are potential candidates for studies evaluating new forms of treatment 所有新诊断的NSCLC患者都可作为评估新治疗的研究候选参与者
s230 Sentence The 5-year relative survival rate from 1995 to 2001 for patients with lung cancer was 15.7% 从1995年到2001年,肺癌患者的5年相对生存率为15.7%
s231 Sentence Induction treatment was two cycles of etoposide and cisplatin with 45 Gy of concurrent radiation therapy 诱导治疗为2周期依托泊苷与顺铂联合45Gy的同步放疗
s232 Sentence For the 11 trials with platinum-based chemotherapy, RR was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.87–0.99; P = .02) 汇总11项含铂化疗临床试验,RR为0.93(95%CI,0.87-0.99;P=0.02)
s233 Sentence The lung is frequently the site of second primary malignancies in patients with primary lung cancers 原发肺癌患者第二原发恶性肿瘤的常见部位包括肺
s234 Sentence These mutations are mutually exclusive, except for those in PIK3CA and EGFR mutations and ALK translocations 除PIK3CA与EGFR突变及ALK易位之外,这些突变互相排斥
s235 Sentence In some cases, endobronchial laser therapy and/or brachytherapy have been used to alleviate proximal obstructing lesions 有时可用经支气管镜激光治疗和(或)近距离放射治疗缓解近端梗阻性病变
s236 Sentence Of these, 174 patients with EGFR mutations were randomly assigned to receive erlotinib or platinum-based chemotherapy 其中174例携带EGFR突变的患者被随机分组接受厄洛替尼或含铂类化疗
s237 Sentence Patients with impaired pulmonary function are candidates for segmental or wedge resection of the primary tumor 肺功能受损的患者适合行原发肿瘤肺段切除术或楔形切除术
s238 Sentence N3 = Metastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicular lymph node(s) N3=对侧纵隔、对侧肺门、同侧或对侧斜角肌淋巴结或锁骨上淋巴结转移
s239 Sentence Forty percent of patients with newly diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have stage IV disease 40%的新诊断非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者为IV期肿瘤
s240 Sentence Adjuvant radiation therapy has not been show to improve outcomes in patients with stages II NSCLC 尚未发现辅助放疗改善II期NSCLC患者的预后
s241 Sentence A meta-analysis, based on the results of ten randomized controlled trials and 2,232 individuals, reported the following 基于10项随机对照试验、2,232例入组患者数据的荟萃分析得出下列结果
s242 Sentence The distinction between clinical stage and pathological stage should be considered when evaluating reports of survival outcome 在评估生存期结局报告时应注意临床分期与病理分期之间的区别
s243 Sentence Although NSCLCs are associated with cigarette smoke, adenocarcinomas may be found in patients who have never smoked 虽然NSCLC与吸烟相关,从不吸烟的人群也会发生腺癌
s244 Sentence The combination of CT imaging and FDG-PET scanning has greater sensitivity and specificity than CT imaging alone CT联合FDG-PET的敏感性与特异性均高于单行CT
s245 Sentence The addition of sequential and concurrent chemotherapy to radiation therapy has been evaluated in prospective randomized trials 一些前瞻性随机临床试验评估了序贯或同步放化疗的效果
s246 Sentence However, combination chemoradiation therapy delivered concurrently provides the greatest benefit in survival with increase in toxic effects 但尽管同步放化疗的生存获益最大,其毒性反应发生率也增加
s247 Sentence Several risk factors contribute to the development of lung cancer. These risk factors may include the following 促进肺癌发生的危险因素可能包括下列
s248 Sentence Most squamous cell carcinomas of the lung are located centrally, in the larger bronchi of the lung 多数肺鳞状细胞癌为中央型,分布于较大肺支气管
s249 Sentence MRI scans of the thorax and upper abdomen do not appear to yield advantages over CT scans 胸部与上腹部MRI扫描并不优于CT扫描
s250 Sentence Radical surgery, including chest wall resection, may result in a 5-year survival rate of up to 50% 包括胸壁切除术在内的根治性手术5年生存率可达50%
s251 Sentence Whether the new lesion is a new primary cancer or a metastasis may be difficult to determine 很难鉴别新病灶是新的原发癌症或转移灶
s252 Sentence The median PFS was 5.7 months in the gefitinib group and 5.8 months in the carboplatin-paclitaxel group 吉非替尼组中位PFS为5.7月,卡铂-紫杉醇组为5.8月
s253 Sentence FDG-PET may be more sensitive and specific than computed tomography scan in assessing response to induction therapy FDG-PET评估诱导治疗反应的敏感性与特异性可能高于CT
s254 Sentence Five randomized trials have assessed the value of postoperative combination chemoradiation therapy versus radiation following surgical resection 5项随机临床试验评估了术后联合放化疗与术后单独放疗的作用
s255 Sentence CMLND versus lymph node sampling was evaluated in a large randomized phase III trial ( ACOSOG-Z0030 ) 一项大型随机III期临床试验对CMLND与淋巴结活检进行了比较(ACOSOG-Z0030)
s256 Sentence Factors influencing treatment selection include comorbidity, performance status (PS), histology, and molecular genetic features of the cancer 影响治疗选择的因素包括合并症、身体状况评分(PS)、肿瘤的组织学和分子遗传学特征
s257 Sentence Based on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Registry, the estimated incidence of stage IIIB NSCLC is 17.6% 根据监测、流行病学和结局数据库,IIIB期NSCLC的发病率约为17.6%
s258 Sentence Corresponding positive and negative likelihood ratios for mediastinal staging with FDG-PET scanning were 4.9 and 0.3, respectively 使用FDG-PET行纵隔转移的阳性似然比与阴性似然比分别为4.9与0.3
s259 Sentence In a European study ( EURTAC ), 1,227 patients with advanced NSCLC were screened for EGFR mutations 一项欧洲研究(EURTAC)对1,227例晚期NSCLC患者筛选EGFR突变
s260 Sentence Adenocarcinoma is now the most common histologic subtype in many countries, and subclassification of adenocarcinoma is important 目前在很多国家,腺癌是最常见的组织学类型,进行亚型分类有重要意义
s261 Sentence A meta-analysis of individual data from 1,764 patients was based on nine trials and showed the following 对9项临床试验1,764例患者个体数据行荟萃分析,结果如下
s262 Sentence One treatment strategy that has been investigated extensively in NSCLC is maintenance therapy following initial response to chemotherapy 在NSCLC中被广泛研究的一种治疗策略为对化疗有初始反应后的维持治疗
s263 Sentence Two trials ( FRE-IALT and ANITA) reported significant OS benefits associated with postoperative chemotherapy in stage IIIA disease 两项试验(FRE-IALT与ANITA)报告了IIIA期患者行术后化疗有显著OS获益
s264 Sentence However, a new international lymph node map defining the anatomical boundaries for lymph node stations has been developed 但采用新的国际淋巴结位置图,重新划分淋巴结站点的解剖学界限
s265 Sentence The third meta-analysis of phase III trials randomizing platinum-based versus nonplatinum combinations as first-line chemotherapy identified 14 trials 第三项荟萃分析纳入了14项比较含铂类联合化疗与不含铂类联合化疗作为1线化疗的III期随机临床试验
s266 Sentence Multiple randomized trials have evaluated the efficacy of continuing first-line combination cytotoxic chemotherapy beyond three to four cycles 很多随机临床试验评估了继续沿用一线联合细胞毒性化疗药超过3-4程的效果
s267 Sentence A boost to the cone down field of the primary tumor is frequently used to enhance local control 原发肿瘤锥形束野的加量照射常用于强化对肿瘤的局部控制
s268 Sentence Multiple tumor nodules in the same lung but a different lobe have been reclassified from M1 to T4 同侧肺不同肺叶多发肿瘤结节由M1改为T4
s269 Sentence The use of chemotherapy has produced objective responses and small improvement in survival for patients with metastatic disease 一些研究表明转移癌患者行化疗后可有客观缓解,同时生存时间略延长
s270 Sentence Cytotoxic combination chemotherapy (first line) with platinum (cisplatin or carboplatin) and paclitaxel, gemcitabine, docetaxel, vinorelbine, irinotecan, and pemetrexed 细胞毒性药物联合化疗(一线),包括铂类(顺铂或卡铂)与紫杉醇、吉西他滨、多西他赛、长春瑞滨、伊立替康和培美曲塞
s271 Sentence Thus, if the first primary tumor has been controlled, the second primary tumor should be resected, if possible 故如果第一原发肿瘤已经得到控制,如有可能应尽量切除第二原发肿瘤
s272 Sentence A randomized phase III trial evaluating gefitinib versus placebo in 1,692 previously treated NSCLC patients showed the following 一项随机、III期临床试验在1,692例治疗后NSCLC患者中比较了吉非替尼与安慰剂的作用,结果如下
s273 Sentence Estimated new cases and deaths from lung cancer (NSCLC and SCLC combined) in the United States in 2014: 据估计,2014年美国肺癌(NSCLC与SCLC)新发病例和死亡病例数分别为:
s274 Sentence A high proportion (64.3%) of EGFR mutation–positive patients randomly assigned to carboplatin/paclitaxel received subsequent EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors 被随机分入卡铂/紫杉醇组的EGFR突变阳性患者有较高比例患者(64.3%)随后接受EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂治疗
s275 Sentence Investigations of patients with suspected NSCLC focus on confirming the diagnosis and determining the extent of the disease 对怀疑NSCLC的患者,检查的主要目的是确诊、判断病变受累范围
s276 Sentence Table 1. Stage Grouping Comparisons: Sixth Edition Versus Seventh Edition Descriptors, T and M Categories, and Stage Groupings 表1. 分期分组比较:第6版与第7版的T、M分类与分期分组
s277 Sentence A more recent trial from Japan compared single-agent docetaxel with vinorelbine in 180 elderly patients with good PS 最近1项日本研究在180例身体状况评分良好的老年患者中比较了多西他赛与长春瑞滨单药治疗的效果
s278 Sentence Several clinical trials have attempted to assess the impact of chemotherapy on tumor-related symptoms and quality of life 一些临床研究尝试评估化疗对肿瘤相关症状与生活质量的影响
s279 Sentence At present, there is no reliable evidence that postoperative chemotherapy improves survival of patients with stage IB NSCLC 目前尚无可靠证据证实术后化疗延长IB期NSCLC患者的生存时间
s280 Sentence There was a significant interaction between treatment and EGFR mutation with respect to PFS ( P < .001) 治疗对PFS的作用与EGFR突变之间存在显著的相互作用(P<0.001)
s281 Sentence For most patients, additional radiation therapy can be considered; however, the palliative benefit of this treatment is limited 多数患者可考虑继续放疗,但该治疗的缓解作用有限
s282 Sentence Based on these data, patients with completely resected stage II lung cancer may benefit from postoperative cisplatin-based chemotherapy 根据这些数据,II期肺癌完全切除术后的患者可能获益于术后含顺铂的化疗方案
s283 Sentence Most patients with excellent PS are candidates for combined modality chemotherapy and radiation therapy with the following exceptions: 体能状况较佳的多数患者适合行联合化放疗,但下列患者除外:
s284 Sentence Most patients (61%) had clinical stage I disease, 31% had stage II disease, and 7% had stage III disease 多数患者(61%)肿瘤临床分期为I期,31%为II期,7%为III期
s285 Sentence M1a = Separate tumor nodule(s) in a contralateral lobe tumor with pleural nodules or malignant pleural (or pericardial) effusion M1a=肿瘤结节位于对侧肺叶内,伴有胸膜结节或出现恶性胸水或心包积液
s286 Sentence The analysis indicated a significant benefit of concurrent versus sequential treatment (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.78–0.95; P = .003) 分析结果显示同步治疗相较于序贯治疗有显著获益(RR,0.86;95%CI,0.78-0.95;P=0.003)
s287 Sentence A randomized study found that the addition of FDG-PET scanning to conventional staging was associated with significantly fewer thoracotomies 一项随机研究发现除常用分期之外增加FDG-PET检查显著减少开胸手术
s288 Sentence Most patients (61%) had clinical stage I disease; 31% had stage II disease; and 7% had stage III disease 多数患者(61%)肿瘤临床分期为I期,31%为II期,7%为III期
s289 Sentence A systematic review identified six randomized trials of high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDREB) alone or with EBRT or laser therapy 一项系统性综述总结了6项随机临床试验的结果,这些临床试验研究了单独高剂量近距离放射治疗(HDREB)或联合外部放射治疗(EBRT)或激光治疗的效果
s290 Sentence Despite careful preoperative staging, some patients will be found to have metastases to mediastinal N2 lymph nodes at thoracotomy 尽管经过细致的术前分期,仍发现一些患者在开胸手术时有纵膈N2淋巴结转移
s291 Sentence Not all patients are able to tolerate MRI, and for these patients contrast-enhanced CT scan is a reasonable substitute 并非所有患者都能耐受MRI,对于不能耐受MRI的患者,可选择对比剂增强CT作为替代检查
s292 Sentence The addition of sequential and concurrent chemotherapy to radiation therapy has been evaluated in prospective randomized trials and meta-analyses 前瞻性随机临床试验与荟萃分析评估了序贯放化疗与同步放化疗的效果
s293 Sentence N1 = Metastasis in ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes and intrapulmonary nodes, including involvement by direct extension N1=同侧支气管周围和(或)同侧肺门淋巴结与肺内淋巴结转移,包括直接侵犯
s294 Sentence In general, medically fit elderly patients with good performance status obtain the same benefits from treatment as younger patients 通常身体状况较好的老年患者的治疗获益同年轻患者
s295 Sentence The meta-analysis as well as the individual studies support the administration of postoperative cisplatin-based chemotherapy in combination with vinorelbine 荟萃分析与个案研究均支持给予术后铂类联合长春瑞滨化疗
s296 Sentence (Refer to the Staging Evaluation section of this summary for more information on tests and procedures used for staging.) (关于分期检查与步骤的更多信息请参考本总结分期评估)
s297 Sentence In addition to the standard treatment options presented in Table 11, treatment options under clinical evaluation include the following: 除表11所列出的标准治疗选择之外,经过临床评估亦可选择下列治疗:
s298 Sentence In addition, this group of tumors reflects a continuum in histologic heterogeneity as well as epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation 此外,这组肿瘤反映了各种组织学异质性,也反映了上皮分化和间质分化
s299 Sentence Evidence of a modest increase in survival in patients with a better PS given high-dose radiation therapy is available 有研究发现身体状况评分较佳的患者行大剂量EBRT后生存率略增加
s300 Sentence Because treatment is not satisfactory for almost all patients with NSCLC, eligible patients should be considered for clinical trials 因为几乎所有NSCLC患者的治疗效果均不理想,可考虑将合适的患者纳入临床试验
s301 Sentence Although EBRT is frequently prescribed for symptom palliation, there is no consensus on which fractionation scheme should be used 虽然EBRT常用于缓解治疗,但何时使用分割方案尚无共识
s302 Sentence Smoking cessation results in a decrease in precancerous lesions and a reduction in the risk of developing lung cancer 戒烟引起癌前病变减少,发生肺癌的风险也下降
s303 Sentence Refer to the separate treatment sections for each stage of NSCLC in this summary for more information about prognosis 关于预后的更多信息请参考本总结中各分期NSCLC对应的治疗章节
s304 Sentence Such patients are candidates for entry into clinical trials evaluating postoperative treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy following surgery 这些患者适合纳入评估术后化疗或放疗的临床试验
s305 Sentence Maintenance therapy following first-line chemotherapy (for patients with stable or responding disease following four cycles of non–pemetrexed-platinum combination chemotherapy) 一线化疗后维持治疗(适用于4周期非培美曲塞铂类联合化疗后病情稳定或缓解的患者)
s306 Sentence Following the time that chemotherapy was discontinued and while gefitinib was continued, the PFS curves clearly separated and favored gefitinib 化疗停用后继续使用吉非替尼,PFS曲线出现分化,显示吉非替尼组的PFS较优
s307 Sentence In closely observed asymptomatic patients, treatment may often be appropriately deferred until symptoms or signs of a progressive tumor develop 对于密切观察中的无症状患者,治疗通常适当推迟到肿瘤进展产生症状或体征时再进行
s308 Sentence Chemoprevention of second primary cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract is undergoing clinical evaluation in patients with early-stage lung cancer 针对早期的肺癌患者,预防上呼吸消化道出现第二原发肿瘤的化疗预防方案正在进行临床评估
s309 Sentence There has been one meta-analysis of seven trials that included 2,867 patients to assess the benefit of docetaxel versus vinorelbine 一项荟萃分析纳入7项临床试验,共2,867例患者,以评估多西他赛与长春瑞滨的效果
s310 Sentence In the largest retrospective series reported to date, 152 patients with medically inoperable NSCLC were treated with definitive radiation therapy 目前报告的最大型病例分析中,152例无法行手术的NSCLC患者接受决定性放疗
s311 Sentence The immediate postoperative mortality rate is age related, but a 3% to 5% mortality rate with lobectomy can be expected 术后即刻死亡率与年龄相关,肺叶切除术的死亡率约为3%-5%
s312 Sentence The median sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET scanning in patients with normal-sized mediastinal lymph nodes were 82% and 93%, respectively FDG-PET对纵隔淋巴结大小正常患者的中位敏感性与特异性分别为82%与93%
s313 Sentence Chemotherapy and radiation therapy have not been shown to improve outcomes in stage I NSCLC that has been completely resected 对于已经完全切除的I期NSCLC,目前未发现化疗与放疗改善预后
s314 Sentence Surgical staging of the mediastinum is considered standard if accurate evaluation of the nodal status is needed to determine therapy 如需准确评估淋巴结情况以确定治疗方法,手术纵隔淋巴结分期是评估标准
s315 Sentence If complete resection of tumor and lymph nodes is possible, such patients may benefit from surgery followed by postoperative chemotherapy 如果完全切除肿瘤与淋巴结具可行性,此类患者可获益于手术及术后化疗
s316 Sentence Of note, patients with squamous histology benefited from docetaxel and those with nonsquamous histologies appeared to benefit more from pemetrexed 请注意鳞癌患者更受益于多西他赛,非鳞癌患者似乎更受益于培美曲塞
s317 Sentence Patients with complete metabolic response following radiation therapy were reported to have median survivals of 31 months versus 11 months 据报道,放疗后有完全代谢反应的患者中位生存时间为31个月,而其他患者为11个月
s318 Sentence The role of chemotherapy prior to surgery in patients with stage III-N2 NSCLC has been extensively tested in clinical trials 一些临床试验研究了术前化疗对III-N2期NSCLC患者的作用
s319 Sentence For patients with inoperable disease, prognosis is adversely affected by poor performance status and weight loss of more than 10% 对于手术不能治疗的肿瘤患者,一般情况较差和体重下降超过10%对预后有不良影响
s320 Sentence Several randomized trials have evaluated various drugs combined with either cisplatin or carboplatinum in previously untreated patients with advanced NSCLC 一些随机临床试验评估过不同的药物联合顺铂或卡铂对初治晚期NSCLC患者的作用
s321 Sentence The anticipated 5-year survival for the vast majority of patients who present with clinical stage IIIB NSCLC is 3% to 7% 临床分期为IIIB期NSCLC的多数患者5年生存率为3%-7%
s322 Sentence Three-drug combinations of the commonly used chemotherapy drugs do not result in superior survival and are more toxic than two-drug combinations 常见化疗药的三药联合化疗与两药联合化疗相比并不进一步提高生存率,毒性却更大
s323 Sentence Radiation therapy alone, administered sequentially or concurrently with chemotherapy, may provide benefit to patients with locally advanced unresectable stage III NSCLC 单独放疗,序贯或同步放化疗可能有益于局部晚期不可切除III期NSCLC患者
s324 Sentence Approximately two-thirds of patients with NSCLC are aged 65 years or older and approximately 40% are aged 70 years or older 约三分之二的NSCLC患者年龄在65岁或65岁,约40%年龄在70岁或70岁以上
s325 Sentence Docetaxel was administered with a platinum agent in three trials, with gemcitabine in two trials, or as monotherapy in two trials 其中3项试验中多西他赛联合一种铂类制剂给药,2项试验中多西他赛联合吉西他滨给药,2项试验中多西他赛单药给药
s326 Sentence In general, symptoms, physical signs, laboratory findings, or perceived risk of distant metastasis lead to an evaluation for distant metastatic disease 一般通过症状、体征、实验室检查或远处转移风险认知评估是否存在远处转移
s327 Sentence Exposure to second-hand smoke, radon, arsenic, asbestos, chromates, chloromethyl ethers, nickel, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, radon progeny, other agents, and air pollution 暴露于被动吸烟、氡、砷、石棉、铬酸盐、氯甲醚、镍、多环芳烃类、氡子核、其他物质与空气污染等
s328 Sentence In the first trial, 230 chemotherapy-naïve patients with metastatic, NSCLC, and EGFR mutations were randomly assigned to receive gefitinib or carboplatin-paclitaxel 第一项试验中,230例携带EGFR突变的转移性NSCLC化疗初治患者被随机分入吉西他滨组或卡铂-紫杉醇组
s329 Sentence Median survival after resection was greater for patients with tumor SUV values of less than 4 (56 mo vs. 19 mo) 肿瘤SUV值小于4的患者行肿瘤切除术后的中位生存时间延长(分别56个月与19个月)
s330 Sentence Pooled estimates of sensitivity and specificity for identifying mediastinal metastasis were 74% (95% CI, 69%–79%) and 85% (95% CI, 82%–88%), respectively 发现纵隔淋巴结转移的敏感性与特异性分别约为74%(95%CI,69%-79%)与85%(95%CI,82%-88%)
s331 Sentence These data indicate that nearly 20% of patients with normal-sized nodes but with malignant involvement had falsely negative FDG-PET scan findings 这些数据表明淋巴结大小正常但已恶变的患者中,近20%患者的FDG-PET结果为假阴性
s332 Sentence Two randomized trials have evaluated the addition of bevacizumab, an antibody targeting vascular endothelial growth factor, to standard first-line combination chemotherapy 两项随机临床试验评估了标准一线联合化疗加血管内皮生长因子抗体贝伐单抗的作用
s333 Sentence There were no significant differences in toxic effects, hospitalization, or treatment-related death by age group, although elderly patients received less treatment 各年龄组的毒性反应、住院率或治疗相关死亡无显著差异,但老年患者接受的治疗更少
s334 Sentence Presentations of disease range from resectable tumors with microscopic metastases to lymph nodes to unresectable, bulky disease involving multiple nodal stations 肿瘤表现从有镜下转移的可切除肿瘤到淋巴结转移到有多站淋巴结受累的不可切除的较大肿瘤病变
s335 Sentence Patients with advanced metastatic disease may achieve improved survival and palliation of symptoms with chemotherapy, targeted agents, and other supportive measures 晚期转移性肿瘤患者可通过化疗、靶向药物与其他支持性治疗延长生存时间、缓解症状
s336 Sentence In studies that have examined symptomatic response, improvement in subjective symptoms has been reported to occur more frequently than objective response 评估症状反应的研究发现,主观症状好转率大于客观缓解率
s337 Sentence At this location, tumors may invade the parietal pleura, chest wall, brachial plexus, subclavian vessels, stellate ganglion, and adjacent vertebral bodies 该部位的肿瘤可能侵及壁层胸膜、胸壁、臂丛、锁骨下静脉、星状神经节和临近的椎体
s338 Sentence None of the trials of continued cytotoxic combinations showed a significant OS advantage with additional or longer durations beyond four cycles 继续细胞毒性药物联合化疗的临床试验发现增加或延长4程化疗并无显著的OS获益
s339 Sentence Patients with squamous cell tumors, brain metastases, clinically significant hemoptysis, or inadequate organ function or PS (ECOG PS >1) were excluded 鳞癌、脑转移、临床上明显咯血、器官功能较差或PS较差(ECOG PS>1分)的患者不可参与研究
s340 Sentence If there is no evidence of distant metastatic disease on CT scan, FDG-PET scanning complements CT scan staging of the mediastinum 如果CT扫描显示无远处转移证据,FDG-PET可完善纵隔淋巴结的CT扫描分期
s341 Sentence There was no increase in 1-year survival (OR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.85–1.21; P = .88) for triplet regimens versus doublet regimens 三药治疗与双药治疗相比,1年生存率未提高(OR,1.01;95%CI,0.85-1.21;P=0.88)
s342 Sentence (Refer to the Screening by low-dose helical computed tomography subsection in the PDQ summary on Lung Cancer Screening for more information.) (更多信息参考PDQ总结肺癌筛查中的低剂量螺旋计算机断层扫描筛查)
s343 Sentence Given the magnitude of observed survival differences, CALGB-9633 may have been underpowered to detect small but clinically meaningful improvements in survival 对于观察到的生存时间差异程度,CALGB-9633的效力可能不足以检出轻度但有临床意义的生存率改善
s344 Sentence In addition to the general category of large cell carcinoma, several uncommon variants are recognized in the WHO/IASLC classification, including the following: 除大细胞癌的一般类别,WHO/IASLC分类中的一些少见变异型包括:
s345 Sentence Studies of lung cancer screening with chest radiography and sputum cytology have failed to demonstrate that screening lowers lung cancer mortality rates 胸部影像和痰细胞学肺癌筛查研究未发现筛查降低肺癌死亡率
s346 Sentence Based on a meta-analysis, postoperative chemotherapy is not recommended outside of a clinical trial for patients with completely resected stage I NSCLC 根据一项荟萃分析的结果,除临床试验之外,不建议I期NSCLC患者在完全切除术后行化疗
s347 Sentence These findings demonstrate that FDG-PET scanning is more accurate than CT scanning for staging of the mediastinum in patients with lung cancer 这些结果表明FDG-PET对肺癌患者纵隔淋巴结分期的准确性优于CT
s348 Sentence In multiple retrospective analyses of clinical trial data, advanced age alone has not been shown to influence response or survival with therapy 对临床试验数据进行的多项回顾性分析发现老龄本身并不影响治疗反应或生存率
s349 Sentence The histological type of NSCLC correlates with site of origin, reflecting the variation in respiratory tract epithelium of the bronchi to alveoli NSCLC的组织学类型与原发部位相关,反映了支气管到肺泡的呼吸道上皮变化
s350 Sentence Responses may be associated with sensitizing mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of the EGFR and with the absence of K-RAS mutations 肿瘤缓解可能与EGFR酪氨酸激酶域的敏感突变和无K-RAS突变有关
s351 Sentence Efficacy of these treatment modalities in the management of patients with early NSCLC remains to be proven in definitive randomized controlled trials 这些治疗方式对早期NSCLC患者的有效性仍待随机对照临床试验的证实
s352 Sentence The wider availability and use of FDG-PET scanning for staging has modified the approach to staging mediastinal lymph nodes and distant metastases FDG-PET扫描逐渐普及,其应用于分期评估改变了纵隔淋巴结及远处转移的分期评估方法
s353 Sentence The benefit of therapy for this group of patients has been evaluated through retrospective analyses as well as through prospective clinical trials 一些回顾性分析和前瞻性临床试验均研究过这一人群的治疗获益
s354 Sentence FDG-PET scans may not extend below the pelvis and may not detect bone metastases in the long bones of the lower extremities FDG-PET扫描范围无法延伸至盆腔以下,故可能无法检测到下肢长骨的骨转移
s355 Sentence Radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy can produce a cure in a small number of patients and can provide palliation in most patients 少数患者可通过放疗联合化疗治愈,多数患者可通过放疗联合化疗缓解症状
s356 Sentence MET oncogene encodes hepatocyte growth factor receptor. Amplification of this gene has been associated with secondary resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors MET原癌基因编码肝细胞生长因子受体,这一基因扩增与对EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的继发性耐药相关
s357 Sentence Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data suggest that the percentage of patients aged older than 70 years is closer to 50% 监测、流行病学和结局(SEER)数据库显示年龄大于70%的老年患者比例几近50%
s358 Sentence Careful preoperative assessment of the patient’s overall medical condition, especially the patient’s pulmonary reserve, is critical in considering the benefits of surgery 术前应详细评估患者的整体病情,尤其是肺储备功能,这对于考量手术获益至关重要
s359 Sentence Retrospective case series have reported complete resection was achieved in only 64% of T3, N0 tumors and 39% of T4, N0 tumors 回顾性病例分析报告了仅64%的T3,N0期患者和39%的T4,N0期患者可完全切除肿瘤
s360 Sentence FDG-PET scanning also appears to have high sensitivity and reasonable specificity for differentiating benign from malignant lesions as small as 1 cm FDG-PET区分1cm的良恶性病变的敏感性较高,特异性良好
s361 Sentence A systematic review identified six randomized trials of high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDREB) alone or with external-beam radiation therapy (EBRT) or laser therapy 一项系统性综述总结了6项随机临床试验的结果,这些临床试验研究了单独高剂量近距离放射治疗(HDREB)或联合外部放射治疗(EBRT)或激光治疗的效果
s362 Sentence Selected patients with T4, N0 disease may be treated with combined modality therapy and surgery similar to patients with superior sulcus tumors 一些T4,N0患者可选用综合治疗与手术,类似于上沟瘤患者
s363 Sentence Evidence from one large meta-analysis, subset analyses of randomized trials, and one large population study suggest that PORT may reduce local recurrence 来自一项大型荟萃分析、多项随机临床试验的子集分析和一项大型人群研究的证据表明PORT可能降低局部复发
s364 Sentence A total of 1,043 patients were accrued (placebo group, n = 347; low-dose group, n = 345; high-dose group, n = 351) 共有1,043例患者入组(安慰剂组n=347;低剂量组n=345;高剂量组n=351)
s365 Sentence Several randomized, controlled trials and meta-analyses have evaluated the use of postoperative chemotherapy in patients with stage I, II, and IIIA NSCLC 一些随机对照临床试验与荟萃分析评估了术后化疗对I、II、IIIA期NSCLC患者的作用
s366 Sentence The preponderance of evidence indicates that postoperative cisplatin combination chemotherapy provides a significant survival advantage to patients with resected stage II NSCLC 多数证据表明术后顺铂联合化疗显著改善II期NSCLC切除术后患者的生存
s367 Sentence The authors concluded that treatment with cisplatin was not associated with a substantial increase in the overall risk of severe toxic effects 作者认为顺铂治疗并不显著升高重度毒性反应的风险
s368 Sentence However, the available data are insufficient to accurately define the size of such a potential treatment benefit and the optimal schedule of chemotherapy 但当前数据不足以准确评估治疗潜在获益程度,以及最优化疗方案
s369 Sentence The Cochrane Collaboration group reviewed 11 randomized trials with a total of 1,910 patients who underwent surgical interventions for early-stage (I–IIIA) lung cancer Cochrane协作组回顾了11项随机试验,共1,910例已行手术干预的早期(I-IIIA期)肺癌患者
s370 Sentence One trial ( NCT00556712 ) reported favorable outcomes with maintenance erlotinib after four cycles of platinum-based doublet chemotherapy in patients with stable disease 一项试验(NCT00556712)报道了4程含铂类双药化疗后病情稳定患者接受厄洛替尼维持治疗的效果较佳
s371 Sentence In those selected patients with good PS and without progressive metastases outside of the brain, treatment options include reoperation or stereotactic radiation surgery 对于部分身体状况评分良好且无颅外进展性转移的患者,可选的治疗方案包括再手术或立体定向放疗
s372 Sentence These revisions provide greater prognostic specificity for patient groups; however, the correlation between stage and prognosis predates the widespread availability of PET imaging 这些修订内容为不同患者群提供更大的预后特异性信息,但分期与预后之间的相关性早在PET被广泛应用前已经建立
s373 Sentence Spindle cell carcinomas and giant cell carcinomas comprise only 0.4% of all lung malignancies, and carcinosarcomas comprise only 0.1% of all lung malignancies 梭形细胞癌和巨细胞癌仅占所有肺部恶性肿瘤的0.4%,癌肉瘤约占所有肺部恶性肿瘤的0.1%
s374 Sentence Several other randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses have evaluated the use of postoperative chemotherapy in patients with stage I, II, and IIIA NSCLC 其他一些随机对照临床试验与荟萃分析评估了术后化疗对I、II、IIIA期NSCLC患者的作用
s375 Sentence Induction radiation therapy and en-bloc resection was shown to be potentially curativeInduction radiation therapy and en-bloc resection was shown to be potentially curative 诱导放疗与整块切除可能治愈该病
s376 Sentence Two smaller studies also reported OS results that favored concurrent over sequential chemotherapy and radiation, although the results did not reach statistical significance 两项类似研究也发现同步放化疗的OS优于序贯放化疗,尽管结果并不具有统计学显著性
s377 Sentence Randomized controlled trials of patients with stage IV disease and good PS have shown that cisplatin-based chemotherapy improves survival and palliates disease-related symptoms 在身体状况评分良好的IV期肿瘤患者中开展的随机对照临床试验发现含顺铂化疗改善患者生存并可缓解疾病相关症状
s378 Sentence Among the active combinations, definitive recommendations regarding drug dose and schedule cannot be made, with the exception of pemetrexed for patients with adenocarcinoma 在有效的联合化疗中,除了培美曲塞治疗肺腺癌之外,无法明确地推荐其他药物剂量及方案
s379 Sentence The current WHO/IASLC definition is much more restrictive than that previously used by many pathologists because it is limited to only noninvasive tumors 目前WHO/IASLC定义比很多病理学家用的旧标准更严格,当前定义仅局限于非侵袭性肿瘤
s380 Sentence Vinca alkaloid (vinorelbine in six trials and vindesine in one trial) was administered with cisplatin in six trials or alone in one trial 长春花生物碱(6项试验使用长春瑞滨,1项试验使用长春地辛)或与顺铂联用(6项试验)或单独使用(1项试验)
s381 Sentence In the first trial ( NCT00002642 ), 110 eligible patients were enrolled with mediastinoscopy negative, clinical T3–4, N0–1 tumors of the superior sulcus 第一项试验(NCT00002642)共有110例符合入选标准的纵隔镜阴性、临床分期为T3-4,N0-1期的上沟瘤患者入组
s382 Sentence The majority of studies cited used doses ranging from 30 Gy to 60 Gy, typically provided in 2 Gy to 2.5 Gy fractions 多数研究的剂量为30Gy-60Gy,通常分割为2Gy-2.5Gy
s383 Sentence Radiation therapy alone, administered sequentially with chemotherapy and concurrently with chemotherapy, may provide benefit to patients with locally advanced unresectable stage III NSCLC 单独放疗,化疗后放疗与放疗联合化疗可能有益于局部晚期不可切除III期NSCLC患者
s384 Sentence Because of the persistent risk of developing second lung cancers in former smokers, various chemoprevention strategies have been evaluated in randomized control trials 由于有吸烟史的患者肺癌复发的风险持续较高,许多随机临床研究为此评估了多种化疗预防方案
s385 Sentence Informed patients with good performance status (PS) and symptomatic recurrence can be offered treatment with a platinum-based chemotherapy regimen for palliation of symptoms 可向身体状况评分(PS)良好且有症状复发的患者提供含铂类化疗以缓解症状
s386 Sentence A substantial number of patients are ineligible for standard surgical resection because of comorbid conditions that are associated with unacceptably high perioperative risk 很多患者因存在增加围手术期风险的合并中而无法行标准切除术
s387 Sentence Several other randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses have evaluated the use of postoperative chemotherapy in patients with stages I, II, and IIIA NSCLC 一些其他随机对照试验与荟萃分析评估了I、II、IIIA期NSCLC患者使用术后化疗的情况
s388 Sentence Evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials indicates that when stage IIIA NSCLC is encountered unexpectedly at surgery, chemotherapy given after complete resection improves survival 随机对照临床试验证据表明如手术中意外发现IIIA期NSCLC,完全切除术后行化疗延长生存时间
s389 Sentence Infrequently, patients may present with symptoms and signs of paraneoplastic diseases such as hypertrophic osteoarthropathy with digital clubbing or hypercalcemia from parathyroid hormone-related protein 少数患者可能出现副肿瘤疾病症状与体征,例如肥大性骨关节病合并杵状指,或甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白引起高钙血症
s390 Sentence EGFR and ALK mutations predominate in adenocarcinomas that develop in nonsmokers, and KRAS and BRAF mutations are more common in smokers or former smokers EGFR与ALK突变主要发生在不抽烟患者的腺癌,KRAS与BRAF突变更常见于吸烟者或曾吸烟者
s391 Sentence Primary radiation therapy often consists of approximately 60 Gy delivered with megavoltage equipment to the midplane of the known tumor volume using conventional fractionation 主要放疗方法为用兆伏级设备对已知肿瘤中平面行约60 Gy分割放疗
s392 Sentence A meta-analysis of five trials of 865 patients assessing the efficacy and safety of docetaxel administered weekly or every 3 weeks has been reported 一项荟萃分析纳入5项临床试验,共865例患者,这些试验评估了每周一次或每3周一次多西他赛的安全性与有效性
s393 Sentence Through a systematic search of the literature, 12 evidence summary reports and 15 prospective studies of the diagnostic accuracy of FDG-PET scanning were identified 通过对文献的系统性检索,共发现关于FDG-PET扫描诊断准确性的12篇证据总结报告和15篇前瞻性研究
s394 Sentence More deaths (3% overall) were reported in the concurrent arm, but this did not reach statistical significance (RR, 1.60; CI, 0.75–3.44; P = .2) 同步治疗组的死亡率较高(3%OS率),但并未达到统计学显著性(RR,1.60;95%CI,0.75-3.44;P=0.2)
s395 Sentence Malignant non-small cell epithelial tumors of the lung are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO)/International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) 世界卫生组织(WHO)/国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)对肺恶性非小细胞上皮性肿瘤进行了分型
s396 Sentence Adverse prognostic factors include the presence of mediastinal nodal metastases (N2 disease), spine or subclavian-vessel involvement (T4 disease), and limited resection (R1 or R2) 不良的预后因素包括有纵隔淋巴结转移(N2期)、脊柱或锁骨下静脉受累(T4期)与切除受限(R1或R2)
s397 Sentence In the second trial, 539 patients with NSCLC with nonprogression following treatment with pemetrexed and cisplatin were randomly assigned to continued pemetrexed or placebo 第二项临床试验中,539例培美曲塞联合顺铂治疗后未进展的NSCLC患者被随机分组,继续接受培美曲塞治疗或仅用安慰剂
s398 Sentence In the Elderly Lung Cancer Vinorelbine Italian Study, 154 patients who were older than 70 years were randomly assigned to vinorelbine or supportive care 在意大利老年肺癌长春瑞滨研究中,154例年龄大于70岁老年患者被分入长春瑞滨组或支持治疗组
s399 Sentence Although patients with unresectable stage IIIA disease may benefit from radiation therapy, long-term outcomes have generally been poor because of local and systemic relapse 虽然不可切除IIIA期肿瘤患者可能获益于放疗,但因存在局部与全身复发,故长期效果总体较差
s400 Sentence None of the phase III trials with the agents beta carotene, retinol, 13-cis-retinoic acid, [alpha]-tocopherol, N-acetylcysteine, or acetylsalicylic acid has demonstrated beneficial, reproducible results 但在目前的III期临床研究中,尚无关于β胡萝卜素、视黄醇、13-顺式维甲酸、α生育酚、N-乙酰半胱氨酸或乙酰水杨酸有阳性、可重复性的结果
s401 Sentence Neuroendocrine differentiation can be demonstrated by immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy in 10% to 20% of common NSCLCs that do not have any neuroendocrine morphology 通过免疫组化或电子显微镜发现,无神经内分泌形态的NSCLC中,有10%-20%伴神经内分泌分化
s402 Sentence This staging system is now recommended for the classification of both NSCLC and small cell lung carcinomas and for carcinoid tumors of the lung 目前建议该分期系统用于NSCLC、小细胞肺癌与肺类癌的分类
s403 Sentence The trial of erlotinib versus best supportive care included 731 patients; 49% had received two prior chemotherapy regimens and 93% had received platinum-based chemotherapy 比较厄洛替尼与最佳支持治疗的临床试验共纳入731例患者,其中49%患者为2程化疗后,93%患者曾接受含铂类化疗
s404 Sentence In the largest series ( EORTC-08941 ), 579 patients with histologic- or cytologic-proven stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC were given three cycles of platinum-based induction chemotherapy 最大规模病例分析(EORTC-08941)中,579例组织学或细胞学证实的IIIA-N2期NSCLC患者应用3周期含铂诱导化疗
s405 Sentence Elderly patients with a good PS enjoy longer survival and a better quality of life when treated with chemotherapy compared with supportive care alone 身体状况评分较佳的老年患者接受化疗后生存时间与生活质量均优于仅行支持治疗
s406 Sentence At diagnosis, patients with NSCLC can be divided into the following three groups that reflect both the extent of the disease and the treatment approach: 诊断时可根据疾病范围和治疗方法将NSCLC患者分为三组:
s407 Sentence Although studies were small, enrolling 73, 107, and 333 patients with stage IIIA-N2 disease, respectively, no trial reported a difference in local control or survival 尽管研究规模较小,分别招募了73、107与333例IIIA-N2期患者,但均无试验报道局部控制或生存率存在差异
s408 Sentence The findings of two randomized trials ( NCT00102804 and NCT00789373 ) have shown outcomes with the addition of pemetrexed following standard first-line platinum-based combination chemotherapy 两项随机临床试验(NCT00102804与NCT00789373)研究了标准一线含铂类联合化疗后加用培美曲塞的效果
s409 Sentence Although some studies suggest that PORT can improve local control for node-positive patients whose tumors were resected, it remains controversial whether it can improve survival 虽然一些研究认为PORT可改善淋巴结阳性术后患者的局部控制,但PORT是否改善患者生存目前仍有争议
s410 Sentence Studies have indicated that in most patients the new lesion is a second primary tumor, and after its resection, some patients may achieve long-term survival 一些研究发现,出现新病灶多数情况下为第二原发肿瘤,切除术后部分患者可长期生存
s411 Sentence In patients with advanced-stage disease, chemotherapy or epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) kinase inhibitors offer modest improvements in median survival, though overall survival is poor 对于晚期癌症患者,化疗或表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)激酶抑制剂可能改善中位生存时间,但总生存仍较差
s412 Sentence Studies concluded that the money saved by forgoing mediastinoscopy in FDG-PET-positive mediastinal lesions was not justified because of the unacceptably high number of false-positive results 一些研究认为FDG-PET假阳性率很高,故FDG-PET阳性纵隔病变因省略纵隔镜而节省支出并不合理
s413 Sentence A review of the SEER Medicare data from 1994 to 1999 found a much lower rate of chemotherapy use than expected for the overall population 回顾1994-1999年的SEER医疗数据,发现总人群的化疗率远远低于预期值
s414 Sentence In the two largest retrospective radiation therapy series, patients with inoperable disease treated with definitive radiation therapy achieved 5-year survival rates of 10% and 27% 两项大型回顾性放疗病例分析发现无法行手术的患者接受决定性放疗后5年生存率分别为10%与27%
s415 Sentence Because of the small potential for long-term survival, radiation therapy should be delivered by conventional methods in daily doses of 1.8 Gy to 2.0 Gy 因长期生存可能性较小,应按传统方式行放疗,日剂量1.8-2.0 Gy
s416 Sentence The optimal sequence of surgery and chemotherapy and the benefits and risks of postoperative radiation therapy in patients with resectable NSCLC remain to be determined 手术与化疗之间的先后顺序及术后放疗对可切除NSCLC患者的获益风险特征仍待评估
s417 Sentence In a large, randomized trial, gefitinib was compared with docetaxel in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC who had been pretreated with platinum-based chemotherapy 一项大型随机临床试验在含铂类化疗后的局部进展或转移性NSCLC患者中比较了吉非替尼与多西他赛的作用
s418 Sentence In a retrospective analysis of a phase III trial of postoperative cisplatin and vinorelbine, patients older than 65 years were found to benefit from treatment 对一项术后顺铂联合长春瑞滨的III期临床试验的回顾性分析显示,年龄大于65岁的老年人可从治疗获益
s419 Sentence The Lung Cancer Study Group conducted a randomized study ( LCSG-821 ) that compared lobectomy with limited resection for patients with stage I lung cancer 肺癌研究组进行了一项随机研究(LCSG-821)比较了肺叶切除术与局限性切除对I期肺癌患者的效果
s420 Sentence The improvement in PFS, however, is tempered by an increase in adverse events from additional cytotoxic chemotherapy and no consistent improvement in quality of life 但增加细胞毒性化疗疗程后,PFS延长的同时伴随不良事件发生率升高,且患者生活质量改善情况不一
s421 Sentence Two phase III trials from Japan prospectively confirmed that patients with NSCLC and EGFR mutations have improved PFS but not OS when treated with gefitinib 两项III期日本临床试验前瞻性地发现携带EGFR突变的NSCLC患者接受吉非替尼后PFS延长,但OS不变
s422 Sentence Both series found that patients with T1, N0 tumors had better outcomes, and 5-year survival rates of 60% and 32% were found in this subgroup 两项病例分析均发现T1,N0肿瘤患者的预后较好,其5年生存率分别为60%与32%
s423 Sentence At present, neither chemotherapy nor radiation therapy has been found to improve the outcome of patients with stage I NSCLC that has been completely resected 目前尚未证实术后化疗或放疗可改善已完全切除肿瘤的I期NSCLC患者的预后
s424 Sentence On the basis of clinical and molecular data, biphasic pulmonary blastoma is regarded as part of the spectrum of carcinomas with pleomorphic, sarcomatoid, or sarcomatous elements 根据临床及分子特征,双向型肺母细胞瘤属于多形性癌、肉瘤样癌或含肉瘤成分的癌
s425 Sentence In the largest trial reported to date, 519 patients were randomly assigned to receive either surgery alone or three cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy followed by surgery 迄今最大规模的临床试验中519例患者被随机安排仅行手术或3周期含铂化疗后行手术
s426 Sentence Among patients with excellent PS, a 3-year survival rate of 20% may be expected if a course of radiation therapy with curative intent can be completed PS较佳的患者中,如能完成治愈性放疗疗程,则预期3年生存率为20%
s427 Sentence Superior sulcus tumors usually arise from the apex of the lung and are challenging to treat because of their proximity to structures at the thoracic inlet 上沟瘤通常起源于肺尖部,其治疗具挑战性,因其临近胸廓入口处器官
s428 Sentence Patients with stage IIIB disease with poor PS are candidates for chest radiation therapy to palliate pulmonary symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, or pain) 身体状况评分较差的IIIB期患者可选用胸部放疗缓解肺部症状(例如咳嗽、呼吸困难、咯血或胸痛等)
s429 Sentence In a few patients, however, multiple cytopathologic examinations of pleural (pericardial) fluid are negative for tumor, and the fluid is nonbloody and is not an exudate 但也有一些患者的胸腔积液(心包积液)的细胞病理学检查发现肿瘤细胞阴性,积液非血性、非渗出液
s430 Sentence Chemotherapy was administered every 3 weeks for six cycles, and bevacizumab was administered every 3 weeks until disease progression was evident or toxic effects were intolerable 化疗每3周1次,共6程,贝伐单抗给药每3周1次,直至发现疾病进展证据或毒性反应不能耐受
s431 Sentence In addition, after resection of a lung cancer, there is a 1% to 2% risk per patient per year that a second lung cancer will occur 此外,肺癌切除术后,每年患者有1%到2%几率再次罹患肺癌
s432 Sentence Because of the poor overall results, patients with stage IIIB NSCLC are candidates for clinical trials, which may lead to improvement in the control of disease 因IIIB期NSCLC患者的总结果较差,故这些患者可参与临床试验,可能有助于改善疾病控制
s433 Sentence Although patients with unresectable stage IIIB disease may benefit from radiation therapy, long-term outcomes have generally been poor, often the result of local and systemic relapse 虽然不可切除IIIB期患者可能受益于放疗,但长期预后总体较差,常出现局部和全身复发
s434 Sentence In the second trial, 75 patients were enrolled and treated with induction therapy with mitomycin C, vindesine, and cisplatin combined with 45 Gy of radiation therapy 第2项临床试验中,75例患者入组,行丝裂霉素C、长春地辛与顺铂联合45Gy放疗的诱导治疗
s435 Sentence The optimal sequence of surgery and chemotherapy and the benefits and risks of postoperative radiation therapy in patients with resectable NSCLC are yet to be determined 手术与化疗之间的先后顺序及术后放疗对可切除NSCLC患者的获益风险特征仍待评估
s436 Sentence The apparent greater benefit seen with vinorelbine should be interpreted cautiously as vinorelbine and cisplatin combinations generally required that a higher dose of cisplatin be given 尽管表面上看长春瑞滨治疗的获益更大,但需注意长春瑞滨与顺铂联合治疗通常需要更大的顺铂剂量
s437 Sentence Selected patients with bulky primary tumors that directly invade the chest wall can obtain long-term survival with surgical management provided that their tumor is completely resected 一些直接侵及胸壁的大肿块原发肿瘤患者行手术完全切除肿瘤后可长期生存
s438 Sentence Primary radiation therapy often consists of approximately 60 Gy delivered with megavoltage equipment to the midplane of the volume of the known tumor using conventional fractionation 主要放疗方法为用兆伏级设备对已知肿瘤中平面行约60 Gy分割放疗
s439 Sentence This meta-analysis was limited to the set of 11 phase III studies that used a platinum-based doublet (2,298 and 2,304 patients in platinum-based and nonplatinum arms, respectively) 这项荟萃分析仅纳入11项使用了含铂类双药化疗的III期临床试验(含铂类化疗组与不含铂类化疗组分别有2,298例和2,304例患者)
s440 Sentence The identification of mutations in lung cancer has led to the development of molecularly targeted therapy to improve the survival of subsets of patients with metastatic disease 肺癌基因突变的发现引领了分子靶向治疗的发展,延长了转移性癌患者亚群的生存期
s441 Sentence The preponderance of evidence indicates that postoperative cisplatin combination chemotherapy provides a significant survival advantage to patients with resected NSCLC with occult N2 disease discovered at surgery 多数证据表明术后顺铂联合化疗显著改善隐匿性N2期NSCLC切除术后患者的生存
s442 Sentence This comprehensive individual-patient meta-analysis is consistent with the conclusions of other meta-analyses, which were based on essentially the same clinical trials but which used only published data 这项个体患者数据的综合性荟萃分析结果与其他荟萃分析相符,其纳入的临床试验基本相同,但其他分析仅使用了已发表的数据
s443 Sentence Because the metabolic tracer used in FDG-PET scanning accumulates in the brain and urinary tract, FDG-PET scanning is not reliable for detection of metastases in these sites 因脑和泌尿系可有FDG-PET的代谢示踪剂累积,FDG-PET扫描对检测这些部位的转移亦不可靠
s444 Sentence Patients may have metastases to ipsilateral mediastinal nodes, potentially resectable T3 tumors invading chest wall, or mediastinal involvement with metastases to peribronchial or hilar lymph nodes (N1) 患者可能有同侧转移、纵膈淋巴结转移、可能切除的T3期肿瘤侵及胸壁、或纵膈受累、支气管周围或肺门淋巴结转移(N1)
s445 Sentence Careful initial diagnostic evaluation to define the location and to determine the extent of primary and metastatic tumor involvement is critical for the appropriate care of patients 进行初步诊断评估确定部位与原发及转移受累情况对于给予适当的治疗非常关键
s446 Sentence The second trial was composed of 1,125 chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced EGFR-expressing stage IIIB or stage IV NSCLC treated with cisplatin/vinorelbine chemotherapy plus cetuximab or chemotherapy alone 第二项试验共有1,125例化疗初治患者入组,这些患者患有表达EGFR的晚期IIIB期或IV期NSCLC,接受顺铂/长春瑞滨化疗加西妥昔单抗或单独化疗
s447 Sentence There is benefit of PORT in stage IIIA-N2 disease, and the role of PORT in early stages of NSCLC should be clarified in ongoing phase III trials IIIA-N2期患者可获益于PORT,PORT对早期NSCLC的作用仍待III期临床试验阐明
s448 Sentence Nonrandomized observation studies comparing treatment outcomes associated with resection, radiation therapy, and observation have demonstrated shorter survival times and higher mortality for patients treated with observation only 非随机观察研究对比了切除术、放疗与观察的治疗结果,发现观察组患者的生存时间偏短、死亡率偏高
s449 Sentence Approximately 50% of patients treated with resection and postoperative radiation therapy will develop recurrence in the brain; some of these patients will be suitable for additional treatment 行切除术及术后放疗的患者中约有50%复发脑转移,其中部分患者适合进一步治疗
s450 Sentence A large, noninferiority, phase III randomized study compared the OS in 1,725 chemotherapy-naive patients with stage IIIB or IV NSCLC and a PS of 0 to 1 一项大型非劣效性III期随机临床研究比较了1,725例未行过化疗的IIIB期或IV期NSCLC患者的OS,这些患者的身体状况评分为0-1分
s451 Sentence Other studies have reported even higher risks of second tumors in long-term survivors, including rates of 10% for second lung cancers and 20% for all second cancers 其他研究曾报道过长期生存者第二肿瘤风险增高,其中第二肺癌发生率为10%,所有第二癌症总发生率为20%
s452 Sentence Segmentectomy or wedge resection are used to preserve maximum normal pulmonary tissue since patients with stage 0 NSCLC are at a high risk for second lung cancers 因0期NSCLC患者发生第二肺癌的风险较高,故可行肺段切除术或楔形切除术以保留最多的正常肺组织
s453 Sentence Randomized trials evaluating the utility of FDG-PET scanning in potentially resectable NSCLC report conflicting results in terms of the relative reduction in the number of noncurative thoracotomies 一些随机试验评估了FDG-PET扫描在可切除的NSCLC中的应用,就非治愈性开胸手术数量是否相对减少的结果不一
s454 Sentence There was more acute esophagitis (grade 3 or worse) with concurrent treatment (range = 17%–26%) compared with sequential treatment (range = 0%–4%; RR, 6.77; P = .001) 同步治疗组的急性食管炎(3级或3级以上)发生率(17%-26%)高于序贯治疗组(0%-4%;RR,6.77;P=0.001)
s455 Sentence Mediastinoscopy is necessary for the detection of cancer in mediastinal lymph nodes when the results of the CT scan and FDG-PET scan do not corroborate each other 如果CT与FDG-PET结果不匹配,需要行纵隔镜检测纵隔淋巴结是否恶变
s456 Sentence These data suggest that PFS, but not OS, may be improved either by continuing an effective chemotherapy beyond four cycles or by immediate initiation of alternative chemotherapy 这些数据均提示,继续有效化疗至4程以上或立即换用其他化疗可能延长PFS但并不影响OS
s457 Sentence A phase II randomized trial ( E-1599 ) of attenuated dosages of cisplatin plus gemcitabine and carboplatin plus paclitaxel included 102 patients with a PS of 2 一项II期随机试验(E-1599)纳入102例PS2分患者,研究了剂量递减的顺铂联合吉西他滨与卡铂联合紫杉醇的治疗效果
s458 Sentence Dysplasia and carcinoma in situ are considered the principal premalignant lesions because they are more likely to progress to invasive cancer and less likely to spontaneously regress 异型增生和原位癌是主要的癌前病变,因为它们更容易进展为侵袭性癌,自行消退的可能性较小
s459 Sentence Several small series have reported that reduction in fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or chemoradiation therapy correlates with pathological complete response and favorable prognosis 一些小型病例分析研究报告了化疗、放疗或放化疗后的氟脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射断层扫描(FDG-PET)上病灶摄取值降低与病理上完全缓解和较佳的预后相关
s460 Sentence Because of the high risk of toxic effects observed with such treatments, higher daily doses over a shorter period of time (i.e., hypofractionated schemes) should be avoided 因此类治疗的毒性反应风险较大,应避免短期日剂量过高(例如大分割放疗)
s461 Sentence The value of postoperative (adjuvant) radiation therapy (PORT) has been evaluated and has not been found to improve the outcome of patients with completely resected stage I NSCLC 有研究评估了术后(辅助)放疗(PORT)的意义,发现并不能改善完全切除肿瘤的I期NSCLC患者的预后
s462 Sentence Despite the immediate and age-related postoperative mortality rate, a 5% to 8% mortality rate with pneumonectomy or a 3% to 5% mortality rate with lobectomy can be expected 不考虑术后即刻死亡率和术后死亡率与年龄相关之外,肺切除术的死亡率约为5%-8%,肺叶切除术的死亡率约为3%-5%
s463 Sentence TX = Primary tumor cannot be assessed, or tumor proven by the presence of malignant cells in sputum or bronchial washings but not visualized by imaging or bronchoscopy TX=原发肿瘤无法评估,或痰或支气管灌洗液中找到恶性细胞,但影像学和支气管镜未发现肿瘤
s464 Sentence A subset analysis of 68 patients with a PS of 2 from a trial that randomly assigned more than 1,200 patients to four platinum-based regimens has been published 一项试验中超过1,200例患者被随机分组接受4种含铂类化疗中的一种,对其中68例PS2分患者的亚组分析现已发表
s465 Sentence Physical examination may identify enlarged supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion or lobar collapse, unresolved pneumonia, or signs of associated disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pulmonary fibrosis 体格检查可能发现锁骨上淋巴结肿大、胸腔积液或肺不张、迁延性肺炎、或慢性阻塞性肺病或肺纤维化等合并症相关体征
s466 Sentence The 1,466 patients were randomly assigned to receive gefitinib (250 mg per day orally; n = 733) or docetaxel (75 mg/m^2 intravenously every 3 weeks; n = 733) 共有1,466例患者被随机分组应用吉非替尼(口服250 mg/日;n=733)或多西他赛(静脉用75 mg/m2,每3周一次;n=733)
s467 Sentence Numerous nonrandomized studies of FDG-PET scanning have evaluated mediastinal lymph nodes using surgery (i.e., mediastinoscopy and/or thoracotomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection) as the gold standard of comparison 关于FDG-PET扫描的很多非随机研究中以手术(即纵隔镜和(或)开胸手术加淋巴结清扫)作为纵隔淋巴结分期评估的金标准,与FDG-PET进行比较
s468 Sentence The type and number of chemotherapy drugs to be used for the treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC has been extensively evaluated in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses 多项随机临床试验与荟萃分析曾深入评估过用于治疗晚期NSCLC患者的化疗药类型与剂量
s469 Sentence One study randomly assigned 332 patients with potentially operable NSCLC and no neurological symptoms to brain CT or MRI imaging to detect occult brain metastasis before lung surgery 一项研究的研究对象为332例可能可切除的NSCLC患者,这些患者并无神经系统症状,对这些患者肺癌术前随机分组,分别接受脑CT或MRI检查以判断有无隐藏的脑转移情况
s470 Sentence Depending on clinical circumstances, the principal forms of treatment that are considered for patients with stage IIIA NSCLC are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and combinations of these modalities III期NSCLC患者可选的主要治疗方式包括放疗、化疗、手术及联合治疗,具体选择取决于临床情况
s471 Sentence The absolute benefit in 1-year survival was 5%, which corresponds to an increase in 1-year survival from 30% with a single-agent regimen to 35% with a doublet regimen 1年生存率绝对获益为5%,即单药治疗的1年生存率为30%,双药治疗的1年生存率为35%
s472 Sentence Reduction in maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) of more than 80% predicted for complete pathological response with a sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 100%, and accuracy of 96% 最大标准摄取值(SUV)降低至少80%预测病理上完全缓解的敏感性为90%,特异性为100%,准确率为96%
s473 Sentence In fact, mixtures of adenocarcinoma histologic subtypes are more common than tumors consisting purely of a single pattern of acinar, papillary, bronchioloalveolar, and solid adenocarcinoma with mucin formation 实际上,单一的腺泡状、乳头状、细支气管肺泡性和实性腺癌伴黏液产生较少,常常是多种组织学成分混杂存在
s474 Sentence A systematic review of the medical literature relating to the accuracy of CT scanning for noninvasive staging of the mediastinum in patients with lung cancer has been conducted 对医学文献进行系统性回顾,评估CT扫描对肺癌患者无创纵隔淋巴结分期的准确性
s475 Sentence Objective response rates to erlotinib and gefitinib are higher in patients who have never smoked, in females, in East Asians, and in patients with adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 从未吸烟者、女性、东亚裔、腺癌患者或支气管肺泡癌患者应用厄洛替尼和吉非替尼后的客观缓解率较高
s476 Sentence Local control can be achieved with radiation therapy in a large number of patients with unresectable disease, but cure is seen only in a small number of patients 很多不可切除性肿瘤患者可通过放疗达到局部控制效果,但只有少数患者能治愈
s477 Sentence The objective response rate was higher for patients treated with cisplatin than for patients treated with carboplatin (30% vs. 24%, respectively; OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.16–1.61; P < .001) 顺铂治疗后的客观缓解率大于卡铂治疗(分别30%与24%;OR,1.37;95%CI,1.16-1.61;P<0.001)
s478 Sentence However, FDG-PET scanning will falsely identify a malignancy in approximately one-fourth of patients with nodes that are enlarged for other reasons, usually as a result of inflammation or infection 但约有四分之一其他原因导致淋巴结增大的患者FDG-PET结果为假阳性,这些患者的淋巴结肿大原因实际上常为炎症或感染
s479 Sentence The rates of grades 3 and 4 toxic effects caused by doublet regimens were statistically increased compared with rates following single-agent therapy, with ORs ranging from 1.2 to 6.2 双药治疗后3级或4级毒性反应发生率显著高于单药治疗,OR为1.2-6.2
s480 Sentence Carboplatin treatment was associated with a non–statistically significant increase in the hazard of mortality relative to treatment with cisplatin (hazard ratio [HR], 1.07; 95% CI, 0.99–1.15; P = .100) 卡铂治疗的死亡率略高于顺铂治疗,不具统计学显著性(风险比[HR],1.07;95%CI,0.99-1.15;P=0.100)
s481 Sentence Of the 154 patients (92%) who underwent surgery, 50% had a radical resection, 42% had a pathologic downstaging, and 5% had a pathologic complete response; 4% died after surgery 手术组的154例患者(92%)中,50%行根治性切除术,42%病理降期,5%病理完全缓解;4%患者术后死亡
s482 Sentence The 5-year relative survival rate varies markedly depending on the stage at diagnosis, from 49% to 16% to 2% for patients with local, regional, and distant stage disease, respectively 5年相对生存率与诊断分期有显著关联性,局部、区域和远处转移肿瘤的5年相对生存率分别为49%、16%与2%
s483 Sentence More than 90% of the patients in the trial with mutations had either del19 or exon 21 L858R mutations, which have been shown to be sensitive to EGFR inhibitors 该试验中超过90%的患者有del19或外显子21 L858R突变,已知这些患者对EGFR抑制剂敏感
s484 Sentence In patients considered at high risk for developing lung cancer, the only screening modality for early detection that has been shown to alter mortality is low-dose helical CT scanning 在第二肺癌风险较高的患者中,影响死亡率的早期检测的唯一筛查方法为低剂量螺旋CT扫描
s485 Sentence Further analysis is needed to determine whether these outcomes can be modified with technical improvements, better definitions of target volumes, and limitation of cardiac volume in the radiation portals 需行进一步分析判断是否可随着技术进步、目标病变体积更明确和放疗射野中心脏受累体积更小而变化
s486 Sentence In this trial, 889 patients with NSCLC but without progressive disease were randomly assigned to receive erlotinib (150 mg/day) or placebo until they experienced progressive disease or unacceptable toxicity 本试验中,共889例未进展的NSCLC患者被随机分组接受厄洛替尼(150 mg/日)或安慰剂治疗,直至疾病进展或毒性反应不可耐受
s487 Sentence Significantly less-severe neutropenia and febrile neutropenia were reported with weekly docetaxel ( P < .001 for both), whereas no significant differences were observed for anemia, thrombocytopenia, and nonhematologic toxic effects 每周一次多西他赛组的次重度中性粒细胞减少症和发热性中性粒细胞减少症发生率显著升高(二者均有P<0.001),而两组的贫血、血小板减少症和非血液学毒性反应则无显著差异
s488 Sentence Numerous nonrandomized, prospective, and retrospective studies have demonstrated that FDG-PET scanning seems to offer diagnostic advantages over conventional imaging in staging distant metastatic disease; however, standard FDG-PET scans have limitations 大量非随机、前瞻性或回顾性研究发现FDG-PET扫描与常用影像学检查相比,对远处转移灶行分期具有更多诊断学优势,但标准的FDG-PET扫描亦有其局限性
s489 Sentence There have been two randomized trials comparing weekly versus every 3 weeks' dosing of paclitaxel and carboplatin, which reported no significant difference in efficacy and better tolerability for weekly administration 2项随机临床试验比较了每周一次和每3周一次紫杉醇与卡铂给药的治疗效果,发现有效性无显著差异,每周一次给药的耐受性较佳
s490 Sentence It is not clear whether the differences in outcome in these two studies are the result of differences in the study populations, tumor characterization for EGFR expression, or chemotherapy regimens 尚不明确这两项研究的结果差异是否因研究人群、肿瘤EGFR表达特征或化疗方案的差异所致
s491 Sentence Although different multifraction regimens appear to provide similar symptom relief, single-fraction radiation may be insufficient for symptom relief compared with hypofractionated or standard regimens, as evidenced in the NCT00003685 trial 不同的多次分割方案缓解症状的效果似乎相似,但NCIC临床试验分组试验(NCT00003685)结果表明相较于大分割或标准方案,单次分割治疗缓解症状的效果不佳
s492 Sentence For smokers, the risk for lung cancer is on average tenfold higher than in lifetime nonsmokers (defined as a person who has smoked <100 cigarettes in his or her lifetime) 吸烟者的肺癌风险平均为终生非吸烟者(终生吸烟<100支)的10倍
s493 Sentence Some, but not all, trials and meta-analyses of trials suggest that outcomes with cisplatin may be superior, although with a higher risk of certain toxicities such as nausea and vomiting 一些(而非所有)临床试验与荟萃分析发现顺铂可能更优,尽管顺铂的毒性反应如恶心、呕吐等的发生率也较高
s494 Sentence In particular, genetic abnormalities in EGFR , MAPK , PI3K signaling pathways in subsets of NSCLC may define mechanisms of drug sensitivity and primary or acquired resistance to kinase inhibitors 尤其是在NSCLC患者中发现的EGFR、MAPK、PI3K信号通路基因异常可能揭露了药物敏感性或对激酶抑制剂的原发、获得性耐药的机制
s495 Sentence Patients with potentially operable tumors with medical contraindications to surgery or those with inoperable stage II disease and with sufficient pulmonary reserve are candidates for radiation therapy with curative intent 可手术切除但有手术禁忌或肺储备功能良好但无法行手术的II期患者可选择治愈性放疗
s496 Sentence Further analysis is needed to determine whether these outcomes can potentially be modified with technical improvements, better definitions of target volumes, and limitation of cardiac volume in the radiation portals 需行进一步分析判断这些预后是否可能随着技术进步、目标病变体积更明确和放疗射野中心脏受累体积更小而变化
s497 Sentence Although there is sufficient evidence that postoperative chemotherapy is effective in patients with stage II or stage IIIA NSCLC, its usefulness in patients with stage IB NSCLC is less clear 有充分证据表明术后化疗对II期或IIIA期NSCLC患者有效,但术后化疗对IB期NSCLC的作用尚不明确
s498 Sentence Randomized controlled trials of patients with chemotherapy-naïve NSCLC and EGFR mutations have shown that EGFR inhibitors improved PFS but not OS and have favorable toxicity profiles compared with combination chemotherapy 在未行过化疗的携带EGFR突变的NSCLC患者中开展的随机对照临床试验显示EGFR抑制剂与联合化疗相比,提高PFS,但不提高OS,毒性反应优于联合化疗
s499 Sentence T1a = Tumor ≤2 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura, without bronchoscopic evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus (i.e., not in the main bronchus) T1a=肿瘤最大径≤2cm,被肺或脏层胸膜包绕,支气管镜检查无侵及叶支气管近端的证据(未侵主支气管)
s500 Sentence Conclusions about the efficacy of surgery for patients with local and locoregional NSCLC are limited by the small number of participants studied to date and potential methodological weaknesses of the trials 局灶性与区域NSCLC患者行手术的有效性结论受限于迄今参与人数较少和试验的潜在方法学缺陷
s501 Sentence With a median follow-up time of 5.2 years, the overall HR of death was 0.89 (95% CI, 0.82–0.96; P = .005), corresponding to a 5-year absolute benefit of 5.4% from chemotherapy 随访时间中位数为5.2年,死亡总HR为0.89(95%CI,0.82-0.96;P=0.005),相当于化疗产生的5年绝对生存获益为5.4%
s502 Sentence A randomized, phase III trial of 571 patients designed to demonstrate the noninferiority of pemetrexed compared with docetaxel showed no difference in response rates, progression-free survival (PFS), or overall survival (OS) 一项随机、III期临床试验共招募571例患者,旨在证明培美曲塞相较于多西他赛的非劣效性,该研究结果显示二者的缓解率、无进展生存时间(PFS)或总生存时间(OS)无差异
s503 Sentence Optimal timing imaging remains to be defined; however, one study suggests that greater sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET is achieved if repeat imaging is delayed until 30 days after radiation therapy 最佳检查时机仍待研究,但一项研究发现如果放疗后30天再行FDG-PET检查,敏感性与特异性更佳
s504 Sentence Patients with potentially resectable tumors with medical contraindications to surgery or those with inoperable stage I disease and with sufficient pulmonary reserve may be candidates for radiation therapy with curative intent 可手术切除但有手术禁忌或肺储备功能良好但无法行手术的I期患者可选择治愈性放疗
s505 Sentence Decision analyses demonstrate that FDG-PET scanning may reduce the overall costs of medical care by identifying patients with falsely negative CT scans in the mediastinum or otherwise undetected sites of metastases 决策分析发现FDG-PET扫描可能降低医疗总支出,因其能发现纵隔淋巴结或其他未检测到的转移灶CT假阴性患者
s506 Sentence A second randomized trial evaluating the impact of FDG-PET scanning on clinical management found that FDG-PET scanning provided additional information regarding appropriate stage but did not lead to significantly fewer thoracotomies 另一项随机研究评估了FDG-PET扫描对临床治疗的影响,发现FDG-PET扫描可提供分期相关信息,但并不显著减少开胸手术
s507 Sentence Careful treatment planning with precise definition of target volume and avoidance of critical normal structures, to the extent possible, is needed for optimal results; this requires the use of a simulator 为得到最佳治疗效果,需使用模拟器进行详细的治疗计划,准确了解目标体积,尽可能避开关键的正常结构
s508 Sentence Careful treatment planning with precise definition of target volume and avoidance of critical normal structures to the extent possible is needed for optimal results; this requires the use of a simulator 为得到最佳治疗效果,需使用模拟器进行详细的治疗计划,准确了解目标体积,尽可能避开关键的正常结构
s509 Sentence In the trial ( NCT00556322 ), which was designed to show the superiority of erlotinib versus standard second-line chemotherapy following progression on first-line platinum combination therapy, 424 patients were randomly assigned 一项临床试验(NCT00556322)招募424例患者进行随机分组,旨在证实厄洛替尼相对于一线含铂类联合化疗后标准二线化疗的优效性
s510 Sentence In that analysis the following was shown: Median survival was 27.4 weeks for patients treated every 3 weeks and 26.1 weeks for patients treated weekly ( P = .24, log-rank test) 该荟萃分析结果提示:每3周一次用药组患者的中位生存时间为27.4周,每周一次用药组则为26.1周(秩和检验P=0.24)
s511 Sentence Patients with nonsquamous cell histology, good PS, no history of hemoptysis or other bleeding, or recent history of cardiovascular events may benefit from the addition of bevacizumab to paclitaxel and carboplatin 紫杉醇与卡铂化疗联合贝伐单抗可能有助于使组织学非鳞状细胞、身体状况评分良好、无咯血或其他出血性疾病病史且近期亦无心血管事件的患者获益
s512 Sentence The Cancer and Leukemia Group B trial ( CLB-9730 ), which compared carboplatin and paclitaxel with single-agent paclitaxel, enrolled 99 patients with a PS of 2 (18% of the study's population) 癌症与白血病B组临床试验(CLB-9730)比较了卡铂联合紫杉醇与紫杉醇单药治疗的效果,该研究共有99例PS2分患者入组(占研究人群的18%)
s513 Sentence T1 = Tumor ≤3 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura, without bronchoscopic evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus (i.e., not in the main bronchus) T1=肿瘤最大径≤3cm,被肺或脏层胸膜包绕,支气管镜检查无侵及叶支气管近端的证据(未侵主支气管)
s514 Sentence The study met its primary objective of demonstrating the superiority of gefitinib as compared with the carboplatin-paclitaxel combination for PFS (HR for progression or death, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.65–0.85; P &lt; .001) 该研究主要目的是证明在PFS方面,吉非替尼优于卡铂联合紫杉醇,结果的确如此(进展或死亡HR,0.74;95%CI,0.65-0.85;P<0.001)
s515 Sentence Because these tumors are by definition noninvasive and incapable of metastasizing, they should be curable with surgical resection; however, such lesions, when identified, are often centrally located and may require a lobectomy 根据0期肿瘤的定义,这些肿瘤为非侵袭性,无转移性,故应行手术切除肿瘤,但如果发现病变位于中心,可能需要行肺叶切除术
s516 Sentence In general, patients with stage IIIB NSCLC do not benefit from surgery alone and are best managed by initial chemotherapy, chemotherapy plus radiation therapy, or radiation therapy alone, depending on the following: 通常IIIB期NSCLC患者单独手术获益不佳,最好选用初期化疗、化疗联合放疗或单独放疗,具体选择需考虑下列因素:
s517 Sentence Conclusions about the efficacy of surgery for patients with local and locoregional NSCLC are limited by the small number of participants studied to date and the potential methodological weaknesses of the trials 局灶性与区域性NSCLC患者行手术的有效性结论受限于迄今参与人数较少和试验的潜在方法学缺陷
s518 Sentence The Cochrane Collaboration Review group reported a systematic review and meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials that included 988 patients and evaluated the addition of preoperative chemotherapy to surgery versus surgery alone Cochrane协作审核组对7项随机对照临床试验作了系统性综述与荟萃分析,这些试验共纳入988例I、II或IIIA期NSCLC患者,评估了术前化疗加手术与单独行手术的效果
s519 Sentence MRI showed a trend towards a higher preoperative detection rate than CT scan ( P = .069), with an overall detection rate of approximately 7% from pretreatment to 12 months after surgery MRI的术前检出率高于CT(P=0.069),从治疗前到术后12个月的总检出率约为7%
s520 Sentence In total, these studies suggest that tumor-related symptoms may be controlled by chemotherapy without adversely affecting overall quality of life; however, the impact of chemotherapy on quality of life requires more study 这些研究提示,可通过化疗控制肿瘤相关症状,同时不影响总体生活质量;但化疗对生活质量的影响需更深入的研究
s521 Sentence The uncommon superficial spreading of the tumor of any size with its invasive component limited to the bronchial wall, which may extend proximally to the main bronchus, is also classified as T1a 如果任意大小的肿瘤出现少见的表浅扩散,侵犯局限于支气管壁,可能向近端延伸到主支气管,亦被分类为T1a
s522 Sentence In small case series, selected patients with T4, N0-1 disease, solely as the result of satellite tumor nodule(s) within the primary lobe, have been reported to have 5-year survival rates of 20% 一些小规模病例分析发现原发肺叶仅有卫星结节的T4,N0-1期患者的5年生存率为20%
s523 Sentence Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) may reduce the incidence of brain metastases, but there is no evidence of a survival benefit and the effect of PCI on quality of life is not known 预防性颅脑照射(PCI)可能降低脑转移发生率,但目前生存时间获益证据,PCI对生活质量的影响亦不明确
s524 Sentence Small, retrospective series of radiation therapy in patients who were only clinically staged have reported 5-year survival rates of 0% to 40%, depending on T stage, total radiation dose, and other prognostic factors 对仅有临床分期的患者行放疗的小规模回顾性病例分析结果显示5年生存率为0%-40%,生存率与T分期、总放疗剂量和其他预后因素相关
s525 Sentence Conclusions about the efficacy of surgery for patients with local and locoregional NSCLC are limited by the small number of participants studied to date and by the potential methodological weaknesses of the trials 局灶性与局部NSCLC患者行手术的有效性结论受限于迄今参与人数较少和试验的潜在方法学缺陷
s526 Sentence Where these elements and clinical judgment dictate that the effusion is not related to the tumor, the effusion should be excluded as a staging element, and the patient should be classified as M0 如果出现这些情况且临床评估认为积液与肿瘤不相关,则积液不作为分期依据,该患者应为M0期
s527 Sentence Data on individual patient outcomes were collected and pooled into a meta-analysis from the five largest trials (4,584 patients) that were conducted after 1995 of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with completely resected NSCLC 收集并汇总1995年后进行的5项最大型临床试验(4,584例患者)中完全切除术后行含顺铂化疗的NSCLC患者个体数据进行荟萃分析
s528 Sentence Three trials have evaluated platinum-based combination chemotherapy followed by surgery versus combined platinum-based combination chemoradiation therapy (60 Gy–69.6 Gy) alone to determine which local treatment modality (surgery or radiation therapy) was most efficacious 三项试验评估了术后含铂联合化疗与单独含铂联合放化疗(60Gy-69.6Gy)的作用,以判断哪种局部治疗(手术或放疗)更为有效
s529 Sentence Fusions of ALK with EML4 genes form translocation products that occur in ranges from 3% to 7% in unselected NSCLC and are responsive to pharmacological inhibition of ALK by agents such as crizotinib 所有NSCLC中3%到7%出现ALK与EML4基因融合产生易位产物,介导了克唑替尼等药对ALK的药理抑制作用
s530 Sentence A meta-analysis of patient data from 11 randomized clinical trials showed the following: Cisplatin-based combinations plus radiation therapy resulted in a 10% reduction in the risk of death compared with radiation therapy alone 对11项临床试验的患者数据行荟萃分析,结果如下:含铂联合放化疗组患者死亡风险比单独放疗组患者低10%
s531 Sentence In a randomized study of 878 patients with recurrent or advanced stage IIIB or stage IV NSCLC, 444 patients received paclitaxel and carboplatin alone, and 434 patients received paclitaxel and carboplatin plus bevacizumab 一项随机临床研究纳入878例复发或晚期IIIB期或IV期NSCLC患者,其中444例患者仅接受紫杉醇联合卡铂治疗,434例患者接受紫杉醇、卡铂与贝伐单抗
s532 Sentence Platinum combinations with vinorelbine, paclitaxel, docetaxel, gemcitabine, irinotecan, and pemetrexed yield similar improvements in survival. Types and frequencies of toxic effects differ, and these may determine the preferred regimen for an individual patient 铂类联合长春瑞滨、紫杉醇、多西他赛、吉西他滨、伊立替康与培美曲塞联合化疗改善生存率的效果相似,但毒性反应的类别和发生率各异,进行患者个体化治疗方案选择时需考虑这些因素
s533 Sentence In a case series of 309 patients treated at three centers, patients who underwent en bloc resection had superior outcomes compared with patients who underwent extrapleural resections (60.3% vs. 39.1%; P = .03) 对3个中心309例患者的病例分析发现,行整体切除术的患者预后优于行胸膜外切除术的患者(分别60.3%与39.1%;P=0.03)
s534 Sentence In the preoperative setting, a dose of 45 Gy over 5 weeks is generally recommended, while a dose of approximately 61 Gy is required when using definitive radiation therapy as the primary modality 通常建议行术前5周总剂量45Gy的放疗,如果以决定性放疗作为主要治疗方法,则约需61Gy总剂量
s535 Sentence T4 = Tumor of any size that invades any of the following: mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea, recurrent laryngeal nerve, esophagus, vertebral body, carina, or separate tumor nodule(s) in a different ipsilateral lobe T4=任何大小的肿瘤侵犯下列结构:纵隔、心脏、大血管、气管、喉返神经、食管、椎体、隆突,或分开的肿瘤病灶位于原发肿瘤同侧的不同肺叶
s536 Sentence In patients with nonsquamous tumors and those treated with third-generation chemotherapy, carboplatin-based chemotherapy was associated with a statistically significant increase in mortality (HR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.01–1.23 and HR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.01–1.21, respectively) 非鳞癌患者和行第三代化疗的患者中,含卡铂化疗后死亡率升高,具统计学显著性(HR,1.12;95%CI,1.01-1.23与HR,1.11;95%CI,1.01-1.21)
s537 Sentence T1b = Tumor &gt;2 cm but ≤3 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura, without bronchoscopic evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus (i.e., not in the main bronchus) T1b=肿瘤最大径>2cm但≤3cm,被肺或脏层胸膜包绕,支气管镜检查无侵及叶支气管近端的证据(未侵主支气管)
s538 Sentence The most common types of NSCLC are squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma, but there are several other types that occur less frequently, and all types can occur in unusual histologic variants 最常见的NSCLC为鳞状细胞癌、大细胞癌和腺癌,但也有其他发病率较低的类型,所有类型都可以发生少见的种组织学变异
s539 Sentence The results from the systematic review are similar to those of a large meta-analysis that reported the median sensitivity and specificity of CT scanning for identifying malignant mediastinal nodes as 61% and 79%, respectively 系统性回顾的结果与一项大型荟萃分析结果相似,该分析发现CT扫描识别恶性纵隔淋巴结的敏感度与特异度分别为61%与79%
s540 Sentence The Cancer and Leukemia Group B study ( CALGB-9633 ) addressed the results of adjuvant carboplatin and paclitaxel versus observation for OS in 344 patients with resected stage IB (i.e., pathological T2, N0) NSCLC 癌症和白血病B组研究(CALGB-9633)比较了344例切除术后IB期(即病理T2,N0)NSCLC患者行卡铂联合紫杉醇的辅助化疗与观察的结果
s541 Sentence Patients with tumors harboring mutations in EGFR , particularly those from East Asia, never smokers, and those with adenocarcinoma may benefit from EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors as an alternative to first- or second-line chemotherapy 以EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂取代一线或二线化疗可能有助于使携带EGFR突变的肿瘤患者,尤其是东亚患者、从未吸烟者与腺癌患者获益
s542 Sentence While radiation therapy is an integral part of the treatment of Pancoast tumors, variations in dose, treatment technique, and staging that were used in various published series make it difficult to determine its effectiveness 尽管放疗是Pancoast瘤治疗方法的一部分,已发表的病例分析所用的放疗剂量、方法和分期差别较大,故很难判断其有效性
s543 Sentence The results from two randomized trials (including RTOG-9410 ) and a meta-analysis indicate that concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy provide greater survival benefit, albeit with more toxic effects, than sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy 两项随机试验(包括RTOG-9410)与一项荟萃分析的结果表明同步放化疗的生存获益优于序贯化放疗,尽管毒性反应发生率也增加
s544 Sentence In the Lung Cancer Study Group trial of 907 patients with stage T1, N0 resected tumors, the rate was 1.8% per year for nonpulmonary second cancers and 1.6% per year for new lung cancers 在美国肺癌研究组试验907例T1N0可切除性肿瘤患者中,每年非肺部第二癌症发生率为1.8%,每年新肺癌发生率为1.6%
s545 Sentence Experimental arms were gemcitabine and vinorelbine (n = 4), gemcitabine and taxane (n = 7), gemcitabine and epirubicin (n = 1), paclitaxel and vinorelbine (n = 1), and gemcitabine and ifosfamide (n = 1) 试验组为吉西他滨联合长春瑞滨(n=4)、吉西他滨联合紫杉烷(n=7)、吉西他滨联合表柔比星(n=1)和吉西他滨联合异环磷酰胺(n=1)
s546 Sentence For patients who have stable disease or who respond to first-line therapy, evidence does not support the continuation of cytotoxic chemotherapy until disease progression or the initiation of a different chemotherapy prior to disease progression 对病情稳定、对一线治疗有反应的患者,当前证据并不支持在疾病进展前继续使用细胞毒性化疗,或在疾病进展前开始其他化疗
s547 Sentence There are a number of approaches to delivery of radiation therapy, including conventional external-beam radiation therapy, stereotactic total-body radiation therapy, and others, and limited reliable data from comparative trials to determine which yield superior outcomes 有很多放疗方法可选,包括传统的外部放疗、立体定向全身放疗等,目前因对比性研究的可靠数据有限,尚不明确产生最佳效果的放疗方法
s548 Sentence The results from two randomized trials (including RTOG-9410 ) and a meta-analysis indicate that concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy may provide greater survival benefit, albeit with more toxic effects, than sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy 两项随机试验(包括RTOG-9410)与一项荟萃分析的结果表明同步放化疗的生存获益优于序贯化放疗,尽管毒性反应发生率也增加
s549 Sentence In a meta-analysis evaluating the conditional test performance of FDG-PET scanning and CT scanning, the median sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET scans were reported as 100% and 78%, respectively, in patients with enlarged lymph nodes 评估FDG-PET与CT的条件检验性质的荟萃分析报告指出FDG-PET对淋巴结增大患者的中位敏感性与特异性分别为100%与78%
s550 Sentence In the first trial, the combination of mitomycin C, vindesine, and cisplatin were given concurrently with split-course daily radiation therapy to 56 Gy compared with chemotherapy followed by continuous daily radiation therapy to 56 Gy 第一项临床试验比较了同步丝裂霉素C、长春地辛、顺铂与每日分段放疗(总剂量56Gy)与化疗后持续每日放疗(总剂量56Gy)的结果
s551 Sentence In the first trial, 676 chemotherapy-naïve patients with stage IIIB (pleural effusion) or stage IV NSCLC, without restrictions by histology or EGFR expression, received cetuximab with taxane (paclitaxel or docetaxel with carboplatin) or combination chemotherapy 第一项试验共有676例化疗初治IIIB期(胸腔积液)或IV期NSCLC患者入组,这些患者无组织学限制或EGFR表达限制,接受西妥昔单抗加紫杉烷治疗(紫杉醇或多西他赛联合卡铂)或联合化疗
s552 Sentence For the subgroup of stage IIIA patients in ANITA (n = 325), the HR was 0.69 (95% CI, 0.53–0.90), and the result for the FRE-IALT trial (n = 728) was HR, 0.79 (95% CI, 0.66–0.95) ANITA试验中IIIA期患者组(n=325)的HR为0.69(95%CI,0.53-0.90),FRE-IALT试验(n=728)的HR为0.79(95%CI,0.66-0.95)
s553 Sentence In particular, subsets of adenocarcinoma now can be defined by specific mutations in genes encoding components of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and downstream mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3K) signaling pathways 特别地,可通过表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)与下游的丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)及磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)信号通路编码基因的突变确定腺癌亚群
s554 Sentence In the second trial, 610 patients were randomly assigned to sequential chemotherapy with cisplatin and vinblastine followed by 60 Gy of radiation therapy, concurrent chemotherapy, or concurrent chemotherapy with cisplatin and vinblastine with twice-daily radiation therapy 第二项试验中,610例患者被随机分组接受顺铂与长春花碱加60Gy放疗序贯治疗、同步化疗或顺铂与长春花碱放疗加每日2次放疗同步治疗
s555 Sentence The greater effect on survival observed with the doublet of cisplatin plus vinorelbine compared with other regimens should be interpreted cautiously as the total dose of cisplatin received was significantly higher in patients treated with vinorelbine 观察到顺铂联合长春瑞滨组的生存率高于其他方案,但需慎重对待该现象,因接受长春瑞滨治疗时患者接受的顺铂总剂量显著增加
s556 Sentence Patients with clinical stage IIIA-N2 disease have a 5-year overall survival rate of 10% to 15%; however, patients with bulky mediastinal involvement (i.e., visible on chest radiography) have a 5-year survival rate of 2% to 5% IIIA-N2期患者的5年总生存率为10%-15%,但存在较大纵膈受累(即胸片可见病变)的患者5年生存率为2%-5%
s557 Sentence A systematic review of the medical literature relating to the accuracy of FDG-PET scanning for noninvasive staging of the mediastinum in patients with lung cancer identified 44 studies published between 1994 and 2006 with 2,865 evaluable patients 对与应用FDG-PET行肺癌患者纵隔淋巴结无创分期的准确性相关的医学研究进行系统性回顾,共发现1994年-2006年间发表的44项研究,共2,865例可评估患者
s558 Sentence A systematic review, an expansion of a health technology assessment conducted in 2001 by the Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences, evaluated the accuracy and utility of FDG-PET scanning in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer 2001年由临床与评估科学研究所发起的医疗科技评估系统性综述评价了FDG-PET扫描对肺癌诊断与分期的准确性和作用
s559 Sentence The above trials demonstrated that EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as gefitinib or erlotinib are superior to the platinum combination chemotherapy as an initial treatment for pulmonary adenocarcinoma among nonsmokers or former light smokers in East Asia 上述试验证实,吉非替尼或厄洛替尼等EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂治疗初治东亚非吸烟或少量吸烟肺腺癌患者的效果优于含铂类联合化疗
s560 Sentence The greater effect on survival observed with the doublet of cisplatin plus vinorelbine compared with other regimens should be interpreted with caution as the total dose of cisplatin received was significantly higher in patients treated with vinorelbine 观察到顺铂联合长春瑞滨组的生存率高于其他方案,但需慎重对待该现象,因接受长春瑞滨治疗时患者接受的顺铂总剂量显著增加
s561 Sentence Patients were randomly assigned to receive cisplatin (80 mg/m^2 ) and gemcitabine (1,250 mg/m2 ) for up to six cycles, plus low-dose bevacizumab (7.5 mg/kg), high-dose bevacizumab (15 mg/kg), or placebo every 3 weeks until disease progression 患者被随机安排接受顺铂(80 mg/m2)联合吉西他滨(1,250 mg/m2)不超过6程,并联用低剂量贝伐单抗(7.5 mg/kg)、高剂量贝伐单抗(15 mg/kg)或安慰剂,每3周一次,直至疾病进展
s562 Sentence These tumors are not formally recognized within the WHO/IASLC classification scheme because the clinical and therapeutic significance of neuroendocrine differentiation in NSCLC is not firmly established. These tumors are referred to collectively as NSCLC with neuroendocrine differentiation 因NSCLC的神经内分泌分化的临床与治疗意义尚未正式确立,这些肿瘤通常用WHO/IASLC分类法分类
s563 Sentence Radiation therapy with traditional dose and fractionation schedules (1.8–2.0 Gy per fraction per day to 60–70 Gy in 6–7 weeks) results in reproducible long-term survival benefit in 5% to 10% of patients and significant palliation of symptoms 传统剂量放疗与分割放疗(每日每次1.8-2.0Gy,6-7周总量60-70Gy)使得患者的长期生存获益5%-10%,结果可复制,且明显缓解症状
s564 Sentence Survival benefit may be greater in patients with EGFR protein expression by immunohistochemistry or increased EGFR gene copy number by fluorescence in situ hybridization studies, although the clinical utility of EGFR testing by immunohistochemistry has been questioned 免疫组化证实有EGFR蛋白表达或荧光原位杂交证实EGFR基因拷贝数增加的患者生存获益较大,尽管EGFR免疫组化检测的临床应用存在质疑
s565 Sentence In the first trial, 663 patients with stage IIIB or stage IV disease who had not progressed on four cycles of nonpemetrexed platinum-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned (2:1 ratio) to receive pemetrexed or placebo until disease progression 第一项试验中663例接受4程非培美曲塞含铂类化疗后无疾病进展的IIIB期或IV期肿瘤患者入组,这些患者被随机分组(2:1)接受培美曲塞或安慰剂治疗,直至疾病进展
s566 Sentence A phase III, multicenter, randomized trial compared gefitinib with carboplatin plus paclitaxel as first-line treatment in clinically selected patients in East Asia who had advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung and had never smoked or were former light smokers 一项III期、多中心、随机临床试验比较了吉非替尼与卡铂加紫杉醇作为晚期肺腺癌患者一线治疗的效果,这些患者来自东亚,从不吸烟或既往仅少量吸烟
s567 Sentence Basaloid carcinoma is also recognized as a variant of squamous cell carcinoma, and rarely, adenocarcinomas may have a basaloid pattern; however, in tumors without either of these features, they are regarded as a variant of large cell carcinoma 基底细胞样癌也是鳞癌的一个变异型,极少的腺癌也具有基底细胞样特征;如无上述两类型特征,则归于大细胞癌的一个变异型
s568 Sentence The hazard ratio of death among patients treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy compared with radiation therapy alone was 0.89 (95% CI, 0.81–0.98; P = .02) corresponding to an absolute benefit of chemotherapy of 4% at 2 years 放疗联合化疗组患者与单独放疗组患者相比,死亡HR为0.89(95%CI,0.81-0.98;P=0.02),相当于化疗2年获益绝对增加4%
s569 Sentence Two prospective, randomized studies have shown an improvement in survival with the use of docetaxel compared with vinorelbine, ifosfamide, or best supportive care; however, criteria for the selection of appropriate patients for second-line treatment are not well defined 两项前瞻性、随机临床研究发现多西他赛较长春瑞滨、异环磷酰胺或最佳支持治疗相比,改善患者生存;但二线化疗患者的选择标准目前尚未统一
s570 Sentence Many randomized studies of patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC show that treatment with preoperative or concurrent cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the chest is associated with improved survival compared with treatment that uses radiation therapy alone 对不可切除III期NSCLC患者的很多随机研究发现术前或同步含顺铂化疗加胸部放疗与单独放疗相比改善患者生存
s571 Sentence Collectively, these trials suggest that first-line cytotoxic combination chemotherapy should be stopped at disease progression or after four cycles in patients whose disease is not responding to treatment; it can be administered for no more than six cycles 这些试验均提示一线细胞毒性联合化疗应在疾病进展时或治疗后不缓解的患者用到4程后停用,总疗程数应不超过6程
s572 Sentence Radiation therapy with traditional dose and fractionation schedules (1.8 Gy–2.0 Gy per fraction per day to 60 Gy–70 Gy in 6–7 weeks) results in reproducible long-term survival benefit in 5% to 10% of patients and significant palliation of symptoms 传统剂量放疗与分割放疗(每日每次1.8-2.0Gy,6-7周总量60-70Gy)使得患者的长期生存获益5%-10%,结果可复制,且明显缓解症状
s573 Sentence The Revised International System for Staging Lung Cancer, based on information from a clinical database of more than 5,000 patients, was adopted in 2010 by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer 2010年美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)与国际抗癌联盟2010年采纳了基于超过5,000例患者的临床数据库资料新修订的国际肺癌分期系统
s574 Sentence Current evidence suggests that lung cancer resection combined with CMLND is associated with a small-to-modest improvement in survival compared with lung cancer resection combined with systematic sampling of mediastinal nodes in patients with stage I, II, or IIIA NSCLC 当前证据提示与肺癌切除术联合纵隔淋巴结系统性活检相比,肺癌切除术联合CMLND可低至中等改善I、II或IIIA期NSCLC患者的生存率
s575 Sentence As referred to in the National Cancer Institute of Canada and Intergroup Study JBR.10 study ( NCT00002583 ), PORT may be considered in selected patients to reduce the risk of local recurrence, if any of the following are present: 加拿大国家癌症研究所与组间研究JBR.10(NCT00002583)发现,符合下列任一条件的仔细选择后的患者行PORT可降低局部复发率:
s576 Sentence Other genetic abnormalities of potential relevance to treatment decisions include translocations involving the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-tyrosine kinase receptor, which are sensitive to ALK inhibitors, and amplification of MET (mesenchymal epithelial transition factor), which encodes the hepatocyte growth factor receptor 与治疗决策相关的其他遗传异常包括对间变性淋巴瘤激酶(ALK)抑制剂敏感的ALK-酪氨酸激酶受体易位和编码肝细胞生长因子受体的MET(间质上皮转换因子)扩增
s577 Sentence The primary objective was to compare OS between the groups with coprimary analyses to assess noninferiority in the overall population and superiority in patients with high epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR ) gene copy number in the intention-to-treat population 主要目的是比较两组的OS,另一主要分析是评估在总人群中吉非替尼相对于多西他赛的非劣效性,及评估在意向治疗集的表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)基因拷贝数较高的患者中吉非替尼的优效性
s578 Sentence Platinum-containing combination chemotherapy regimens provide clinical benefit when compared with supportive care or single-agent therapy; however, such treatment may be contraindicated in some older patients because of the age-related reduction in the functional reserve of many organs and/or comorbid conditions 含铂类联合化疗的临床获益优于支持治疗或单药治疗,因为一些老年人很多重要器官的储备功能随年龄下降且(或)有伴随症,因此此类治疗禁用于这些老人
s579 Sentence Patients who present with a solitary cerebral metastasis after resection of a primary NSCLC lesion and who have no evidence of extracranial tumor can achieve prolonged DFS with surgical excision of the brain metastasis and postoperative whole-brain radiation therapy (WBRT) 原发NSCLC肿瘤切除术后出现孤立性脑转移灶且无颅外肿瘤证据的患者可通过手术切除脑转移灶及术后全脑放射治疗(WBRT)实现长期DFS
s580 Sentence The Cochrane Collaboration group reviewed data from all randomized controlled trials published between January 1980 and June 2006, comparing a doublet regimen with a single-agent regimen or comparing a triplet regimen with a doublet regimen in patients with advanced NSCLC Cochrane协作组审核了1980年1月至2006年6月之间发表的所有比较双药联合与单药方案或三药联合与双药联合对晚期NSCLC效果的随机对照临床试验的数据
s581 Sentence Patients with stage I or stage II disease had a detection rate of 4% (i.e., eight detections out of 200 patients); however, individuals with stage III disease had a detection rate of 11.4% (i.e., 15 detections out of 132 patients) I期或II期患者的检出率为4%(200例患者中检出8例),但III期患者的检出率为11.4%(132例患者中检出15例)
s582 Sentence Two randomized, placebo-controlled trials indicated that erlotinib prolongs survival and time to deterioration in symptoms in patients with NSCLC after first-line or second-line chemotherapy compared to placebo but does not improve survival compared to standard second-line chemotherapy with docetaxel or pemetrexed 两项随机、安慰剂对照临床试验发现厄洛替尼较安慰剂相比延长一线或二线化疗后NSCLC患者的生存时间并推迟症状恶化时间,但厄洛替尼与多西他赛或培美曲塞标准二线化疗相比并不延长生存时间
s583 Sentence Additional tests such as bone scans and computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain may be performed if initial assessments suggest metastases or if patients with stage III disease are under consideration for aggressive local and combined modality treatments 如果初步评估提示转移或III期肿瘤患者考虑积极的局部或综合治疗,应进行其他检查例如骨扫描和颅脑计算机断层扫描(CT)/磁共振成像(MRI)
s584 Sentence For patients with clinically operable NSCLC, the recommendation is for a biopsy of mediastinal lymph nodes that were found to be larger than 1 cm in shortest transverse axis on chest CT scan or were found to be positive on FDG-PET scan 故对于临床上可切除的NSCLC患者,建议对胸部CT或FDG-PET结果阳性的最短径大于1cm的纵隔淋巴结行活检
s585 Sentence The Cochrane Collaboration group provided a systematic review and meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials that included 988 patients and evaluated the addition of preoperative chemotherapy to surgery versus surgery alone. These trials evaluated patients with stages I, II, and IIIA NSCLC Cochrane协作审核组对7项随机对照临床试验作了系统性综述与荟萃分析,这些试验共纳入988例I、II或IIIA期NSCLC患者,评估了术前化疗加手术与单独行手术的效果
s586 Sentence Although the current evidence is conflicting, FDG-PET scanning may improve results of early-stage lung cancer by identifying patients who have evidence of metastatic disease that is beyond the scope of surgical resection and that is not evident by standard preoperative staging procedures 虽然当前证据存在冲突,FDG-PET扫描可能识别无法通过手术切除、术前分期检查不能发现的转移灶证据,从而改善早期肺癌患者的结局
s587 Sentence The effect of chemotherapy did not vary significantly (test for interaction, P = .11) with the associated drugs, including vinorelbine (HR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.70–0.91), etoposide or vinca alkaloid (HR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.80–1.07), or other drugs (HR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.84–1.13) 不同药物的化疗效果无显著差异(相互作用检验,P=0.11),这些相关药物包括长春瑞滨(HR,0.80;95%CI,0.70-0.91)、依托泊苷或长春花生物碱(HR,0.92;95%CI,0.80-1.07),或其他药物(HR,0.97;95%CI,0.84-1.13)
s588 Sentence The association between survival and the number of examined lymph nodes during surgery for patients with stage I NSCLC treated with definitive surgical resection was assessed from the population-based Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database for the period from 1990 to 2000 根据1990-2000年基于人群监测、流行病学和结局数据库,评估了接受明确的手术切除的I期NSCLC患者生存期与术中切除的淋巴结数量之间的关联性
s589 Sentence A meta-analysis of 13 trials (based on 2,214 evaluable patients) showed the following: The addition of concurrent chemotherapy to radical radiation therapy reduced the risk of death at 2 years (relative risk [RR], 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.88–0.98; P = .01) 对13项临床试验(2,214例可评估患者)的荟萃分析结果如下:同步放化疗降低2年死亡风险(相对风险[RR],0.93;95%CI,0.88-0.98;P=0.01)
s590 Sentence Patients received cisplatin 75 mg/m2 on day 1 and gemcitabine 1,250 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 (n = 863) or cisplatin 75 mg/m2 and pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 on day 1 (n = 862) every 3 weeks for up to six cycles 第1天给予顺铂75 mg/m2、第1天与第8天给予吉西他滨1,250 mg/m2(n=863)或第1天给予顺铂75 mg/m2与培美曲塞500 mg/m2(n=862),每3周给药一次,共不超过6程
s591 Sentence It also suggested that elderly patients may have more comorbidities or a higher rate of functional compromise that would make study participation difficult, if not contraindicated, and lack of clinical trial data may influence decisions to treat individual patients with standard chemotherapy 即使老年患者无化疗禁忌证,但因合并症较多、器官功能受损率较高,故老年患者更难参与研究,再加上缺乏临床试验数据,这些因素均影响了对个体患者行标准化疗的决策
s592 Sentence Among the 154 patients (93%) who received radiation therapy, overall compliance to the radiation therapy prescription was 55%, and grade 3-4 acute and late esophageal and pulmonary toxic effects occurred in 4% and 7% of patients; one patient died of radiation pneumonitis 行放疗的154例患者(93%)中,对放疗方案的总依从率为55%,分别有4%与7%患者发生3-4级急性与迟发性食管、肺毒性反应,1例患者死于放疗性肺炎
s593 Sentence Almost all studies specified that CT scanning was performed following the administration of IV contrast material and that a positive test result was defined as the presence of one or more lymph nodes that measured larger than 1 cm on the short-axis diameter 几乎所有研究均建议静脉注射对比剂后进行CT扫描,阳性检查结果定义为大于等于1个的淋巴结短径超过1cm
s594 Sentence The benefit varied with stage (test for trend, P = .04; HR for stage IA, 1.40; 95% CI, 0.95–2.06; HR for stage IB, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.78–1.10; HR for stage II, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73–0.95; and HR for stage III, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.72–0.94) 获益与分期相关(趋势检验,P=0.04;IA期HR,1.40;95%CI,0.95-2.06;IB期HR,0.93;95%CI,0.78-1.10;II期HR,0.83;95%CI,0.73-0.95;III期HR,0.83;95%CI,0.72-0.94)
s595 Sentence PFS was significantly longer with gefitinib for patients whose tumors had both high EGFR gene copy number and EGFR mutation (HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.34–0.67) but significantly shorter when high EGFR gene copy number was not accompanied by EGFR mutation (HR, 3.85; 95% CI, 2.09–7.09) 肿瘤EGFR基因拷贝数较高并携带EGFR突变的患者PFS显著延长(HR,0.48;95%CI,0.34-0.67),但当EGFR基因拷贝数较高但不携带EGFR突变时,PFS显著缩短(HR,3.85;95%CI,2.09-7.09)
s596 Sentence In the second trial, the West Japanese Oncology Group conducted a phase 3 study (WJTOG3405) in 177 chemotherapy-naïve patients aged 75 years or younger and diagnosed with stage IIIB/IV NSCLC or postoperative recurrence harboring EGFR mutations (either the exon 19 deletion or L858R point mutation) 第二项试验中,西日本肿瘤组进行了一项3期研究(WJTOG3405),共有177例年龄不大于75岁的患者入组,这些患者为化疗初治的IIIB/IV期NSCLC或术后复发患者,均携带EGFR突变(外显子19缺失或L858点突变)
s597 Sentence Current evidence suggests that lung cancer resection combined with complete ipsilateral mediastinal lymph node dissection (CMLND) is associated with a small-to-modest improvement in survival compared with lung cancer resection combined with systematic sampling of mediastinal nodes in patients with stage I, II, or IIIA NSCLC 目前证据表明可切除的I、II或IIIA期NSCLC患者中,行肺癌切除术联合同侧完全纵膈淋巴结清扫术(CMLND)的患者生存率轻中度优于行切除术加淋巴结活检术的患者
s598 Sentence In occult lung cancer , a diagnostic evaluation often includes chest x-ray and selective bronchoscopy with close follow-up (e.g., computed tomography scan), when needed, to define the site and nature of the primary tumor; tumors discovered in this fashion are generally early stage and curable by surgery 隐匿性肺癌的诊断评估通常包括胸部X光片,必要时选择性使用支气管镜与密切随访(例如CT扫描)以明确原发肿瘤的部位与性质,这种方式发现的肿瘤通常为早期,可通过手术治愈
s599 Sentence Caution should be exercised when extrapolating data for elderly patients (aged 70–79 years) to patients aged 80 years or older because only a very small number of patients aged 80 years or older have been enrolled on clinical trials, and the benefit in this group is uncertain 慎将老年患者(70-79岁)数据推广至80岁或80岁以上患者,因临床试验中很少纳入80岁或80岁以上患者,该人群的获益特征尚不明确
s600 Sentence Symptoms may result from local invasion or compression of adjacent thoracic structures such as compression involving the esophagus causing dysphagia, compression involving the laryngeal nerves causing hoarseness, or compression involving the superior vena cava causing facial edema and distension of the superficial veins of the head and neck 症状产生的原因可能是局部侵袭或对临近胸腔结构的压迫,例如压迫食管引起吞咽困难,压迫喉神经引起声音嘶哑,压迫上腔静脉引起面部水肿、头颈部浅静脉扩张等
s601 Sentence Although meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials suggest that cisplatin combinations may be superior to carboplatin or nonplatinum combinations, the clinical relevance of the differences in efficacy must be balanced against the anticipated tolerability, logistics of administration, and familiarity of the medical staff for treatment decisions for individual patients 尽管对随机对照临床试验的荟萃分析显示顺铂联合化疗可能优于卡铂或不含铂类的联合化疗,但考虑有效性差异的临床意义时必须同时考虑到耐受性、后勤管理和医疗人员是否能熟练地针对不同患者指定治疗决策
s602 Sentence If stromal, vascular, or pleural invasion are identified in an adenocarcinoma that has an extensive bronchioloalveolar carcinoma component, the classification would be an adenocarcinoma of mixed subtype with predominant bronchioloalveolar pattern and a focal acinar, solid, or papillary pattern, depending on which pattern is seen in the invasive component 如果发现有广泛的细支气管肺泡癌成分的腺癌有基质、血管或胸膜侵袭,则定义修改为以细支气管肺泡型为主伴局部腺泡状、实性或乳头状的混合亚型腺癌,具体成分取决于侵袭性组成中所见成分
s603 Sentence In the trials comparing a doublet regimen with a single-agent regimen, a significant increase was observed in tumor response (odds ratio [OR], 0.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.37– 0.47; P &lt; .001) and 1-year survival (OR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.70–0.91; P &lt; .001) in favor of the doublet regimen 比较了双药联合方案与单药治疗方案的试验发现双药联合组肿瘤缓解率(比值比[OR],0.42;95%置信区间[CI],0.37-0.47;P<0.001)与1年生存率(OR,0.80;95%CI,0.70-0.91;P<0.001)显著提高
s604 Sentence Retrospective data analyzing and comparing younger (age &lt;70 years) patients with older (age ≥70 years) patients who participated in large, randomized trials of doublet combinations have also shown that elderly patients may derive the same survival benefit, although with a higher risk of toxic effects in the bone marrow 对参与大型随机双药联合临床试验的较年轻患者(<70岁)和老年患者(≥70岁)进行回顾性数据分析与比较,结果显示老年患者的生存获益与较年轻患者相似,但骨髓毒性反应发生率升高
s605 Sentence In two small case series of 97 and 104 patients, respectively, the 5-year survival rates of patients who had completely resected T3, N0, M0 disease were 44.2% and 67.3%; for T3, N1, M0 disease 5-year rates were 40.0%, and T3; and for N2, M0 disease 5-year rates were 6.2% and 17.9% 两项小规模病例分析分别纳入97例与104例患者,T3N0M0期肿瘤完全切除术后患者的5年生存率分别为44.2%与67.3%,T3N1M0期患者的5年生存率为40.0%,T3N2M0期患者的5年生存率分别为6.2%与17.9%
s606 Sentence The LACE pooled analysis ( NCT00576914 ), ANITA trial, and NCIC-CTG JBR.10 trial ( NCT00002583 ) all reported superior OS for the trial population as well as for the patients with stage II disease (pooled HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73–0.95; HR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.49–1.03; HR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.42–0.85, respectively) LACE汇总分析(NCT00576914)、ANITA试验与NCIC-CTG JBR.10试验(NCT00002583)均报道了试验人群和II期患者的OS较佳(分别为:汇总HR,0.83;95%CI,0.73-0.95;HR,0.71;95%CI,0.49-1.03;HR,0.59;95%CI,0.42-0.85)
s607 Sentence T2a = Tumor &gt;3 cm but ≤5 cm or tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); or is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2a=肿瘤最大径>3cm但≤5cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s608 Sentence T2b = Tumor &gt;5 cm but ≤7 cm or tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); or is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2b=肿瘤最大径>5cm但≤7cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s609 Sentence T2a = Tumor >3 cm but ≤5 cm in greatest dimension, tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2a=肿瘤最大径>3cm但≤5cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s610 Sentence More thrombocytopenia was seen with carboplatin than with cisplatin (12% vs. 6%; OR, 2.27; 95% CI, 1.71–3.01; P &lt; .001), while cisplatin caused more nausea and vomiting (8% vs. 18%; OR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.33–0.53; P &lt; .001) and renal toxic effects (0.5% vs. 1.5%; OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.15–0.88; P = .018) 卡铂治疗后血小板减少症发生率高于顺铂治疗(分别12%与6%;OR,2.27;95%CI,1.71-3.01;P<0.001),但顺铂治疗后恶性与呕吐(分别8%与18%;OR,0.42;95%CI,0.33-0.53;P<0.001)与肾毒性反应的发生率较高(分别0.5%与1.5%;OR,0.37;95%CI,0.15-0.88;P=0.018)
s611 Sentence T2b = Tumor &gt;5 cm but ≤7 cm in greatest dimension, or tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2b=肿瘤最大径>5cm但≤7cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s612 Sentence T2b = Tumor &gt;5 cm but ≤7 cm in greatest dimension, or tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); or is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2b=肿瘤最大径>5cm但≤7cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s613 Sentence OS was similar for gefitinib and carboplatin/paclitaxel, with no significant difference between treatments overall (HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.79–1.02; P = .109) or in EGFR mutation–positive (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.76– 1.33; P = .990) or EGFR mutation–negative (HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.86–1.63; P = .309; treatment by EGFR mutation interaction P = .480) subgroups 吉非替尼组与卡铂/紫杉醇组的OS相似,所有患者(HR,0.90;95%CI,0.79-1.02;P=0.109)或EGFR突变阳性患者亚群(HR,1.00;95%CI,0.76– 1.33;P=0.990)或EGFR突变阴性患者亚群(HR,1.18;95%CI,0.86–1.63;P=0.309)的治疗结果无显著差异
s614 Sentence However, the future of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma as a distinct clinical entity is unclear; a multidisciplinary expert panel representing the IASLC, the American Thoracic Society, and the European Respiratory Society proposed a major revision of the classification of adenocarcinomas in 2011 that entails a reclassification of what was called bronchioloalveolar carcinoma into newly defined histologic subgroups 然而,细支气管肺泡癌在未来是否会成为单独的临床类型尚不明确。在2011年,由IASLC、美国胸科协会与欧洲呼吸学会组织的多学科专家小组提出了新的腺癌分类,将细支气管肺泡癌列为新的组织学亚型
s615 Sentence T2a = Tumor &gt;3 cm but ≤5 cm in greatest dimension, or tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); or is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2a=肿瘤最大径>3cm但≤5cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s616 Sentence T2b = Tumor >5 cm but ≤7 cm or less in greatest dimension, tumor with any of the following features: involves main bronchus, ≥2 cm distal to the carina; invades visceral pleura (PL1 or PL2); is associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region but does not involve the entire lung T2b=肿瘤最大径>5cm但≤7cm,或肿瘤具有下列特征:侵犯主支气管,但距隆突远端≥2cm,侵犯脏层胸膜(PL1或PL2),或伴肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及肺门区域,但未累及一侧全肺
s617 Sentence In the subgroup of patients with a mutation, PFS was significantly longer among those who received gefitinib (HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.36–0.64; P &lt; .001), whereas, in the subgroup of patients who were negative for a mutation, PFS was significantly longer in those who received the carboplatin-paclitaxel combination (HR with gefitinib, 2.85; 95% CI, 2.05–3.98; P &lt; .001) 携带突变患者亚组中,吉非替尼治疗患者的PFS显著长于联合化疗组(HR,0.48;95%CI,0.36-0.64;P<0.001),而突变阴性患者亚组中,卡铂-紫杉醇联合化疗组PFS显著长于吉非替尼组(吉非替尼HR,2.58;95%CI,2.05-3.98;P<0.001)
s618 Sentence A single report of patients older than 70 years who had resectable lesions smaller than 4 cm but who had medically inoperable disease or who refused surgery reported the following: Survival at 5 years after radiation therapy with curative intent was comparable with a historical control group of patients of similar age who were resected with curative intent 一项研究分析了年龄大于70岁的老年患者,这些患者有可切除的直径小于4cm的肿瘤,但因存在无法手术的并发症或拒绝手术而未行手术治疗,研究结果提示:
s619 Sentence T = primary tumor; N0 = no regional lymph node metastasis; N1 = metastasis in ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes and intrapulmonary nodes, including involvement by direct extension; N2 = metastasis in ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph node(s); N3 = metastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral scalene, or supraclavicular lymph node(s); M = distant metastasis T=原发肿瘤;N0=无区域淋巴结转移;N1=同侧支气管周围和(或)同侧肺门淋巴结与肺内淋巴结转移,包括直接侵犯;N2=同侧纵隔和(或)隆突下淋巴结转移;N3=对侧纵隔、对侧肺门、同侧或对侧斜角肌淋巴结或锁骨上淋巴结转移;M=远处转移
s620 Sentence A study ( NCT00585195 ) that screened 1,500 patients with NSCLC for ALK rearrangements identified 82 patients with advanced ALK -positive disease who were enrolled in a clinical trial that was an expanded cohort study instituted after phase I dose escalation had established a recommended dose of crizotinib dual MET and ALK inhibitor of 250 mg twice daily in 28-day cycles 一项研究(NCT00585195)对1,500例NSCLC患者筛选ALK重排,发现82例ALK阳性晚期肿瘤患者,这些患者入组I期剂量递增研究后的一项扩大队列研究,该研究明确了MEK与ALK双抑制剂克唑替尼的推荐剂量为250 mg每日两次,每程28天
s621 Sentence In a set of 2,142 lung adenocarcinoma specimens from patients treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, EGFR exon 19 deletions and L858R were found in 15% of tumors from former smokers (181 of 1,218; 95% CI, 13–17), 6% from current smokers (20 of 344; 95% CI, 4–9), and 52% from never-smokers (302 of 580; 95% CI, 48–56; P &lt; .001 for ever- vs. never-smokers) 对斯隆凯特林纪念医院癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)的2,142例肺腺癌患者标本进行的分析发现,15%的曾吸烟者(1,218例中181例,95%CI:13-17)、6%的现吸烟者(344例中20例,95%CI:4-9)和52%的非吸烟者(580例中302例,95%CI:48-56,曾吸烟者与非吸烟者相比P<.001)肿瘤有EGFR外显子19缺失与L858R
s622 Sentence In an open-label, randomized, phase III trial ( NCT00874419 ) from China, 165 patients older than 18 years with histologically confirmed stage IIIB or IV NSCLC and a confirmed activating mutation of EGFR (exon 19 deletion or exon 21 L858R point mutation) received either oral erlotinib (150 mg/day) until they experienced disease progression or unacceptable toxic effects, or up to four cycles of gemcitabine plus carboplatin 中国一项开放、随机、III期临床试验(NCT00874419)有165例18岁以上患者入组,这些患者有组织学确诊的IIIB期或IV期NSCLC,且携带EGFR活性突变(外显子19缺失或外显子21 L858R点突变),口服厄洛替尼(150 mg/日)直至疾病进展或毒性反应不可耐受,或吉西他滨联合卡铂治疗已达4程
s623 Sentence T3 = Tumor &gt;7 cm or one that directly invades any of the following: parietal pleural (PL3) chest wall (including superior sulcus tumors), diaphragm, phrenic nerve, mediastinal pleura, or parietal pericardium or tumor in the main bronchus (&lt;2 cm distal to the carina but without involvement of the carina) or associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the entire lung or separate tumor nodule(s) in the same lobe T3=肿瘤最大径>7cm,或直接侵及下列任一器官:壁层胸膜(PL3)胸壁(含肺上沟瘤)、膈肌、膈神经、纵隔胸膜、壁层心包,或肿瘤位于主支气管内(距离隆突<2cm ,但未侵及隆突),或相关肺不张或阻塞性肺炎波及至一侧全肺或分开的肿瘤病灶位于同一肺叶