Table CDR62824 Lung Cancer Prevention/肺癌预防
ID Type Description_en Description_zh
w1 Word Radon
w2 Word Overview 基本信息
w3 Word Radon exposure 氡的暴露
w4 Word Smoking avoidance 避免吸烟
w5 Word Physical activity 身体活动
w6 Word Air pollution 空气污染
w7 Word Population-level interventions 人群水平的干预
w8 Word cancer prevention 肺癌的预防
w9 Word Family history 家族史
p1 Phrase Vitamin E supplementation 补充维生素E
p2 Phrase Smoke-free workplace legislation 无烟工作环境立法
p3 Phrase Beta-carotene in nonsmokers 非吸烟者补充β-胡萝卜素
p4 Phrase Smoking cessation guidelines 戒烟指南
p5 Phrase Secondhand tobacco smoke 二手烟
p6 Phrase Eliminating secondhand smoke 消除二手烟
p7 Phrase Lung Cancer Screening 肺癌的筛查
p8 Phrase Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 维生素E(生育酚)
p9 Phrase Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation 戒烟药物治疗
p10 Phrase Exposure to secondhand smoke 二手烟的暴露
p11 Phrase Beta-carotene supplementation in nonsmokers 非吸烟者补充β-胡萝卜素
p12 Phrase Lung Cancer (PDQ®): Prevention 肺癌(PDQ®):预防
p13 Phrase Smoking avoidance and cessation 回避吸烟与戒烟
p14 Phrase Beta-carotene supplementation in smokers 吸烟者补充β-胡萝卜素
p15 Phrase The biology of carcinogenesis 致癌的生物学机制
p16 Phrase Skills training/problem solving (cessation/abstinence techniques) 技能培训/问题解决(戒烟/戒断方法)
p17 Phrase Occupational exposures to lung carcinogens 肺致癌原的职业暴露
p18 Phrase Beta-carotene supplementation in current smokers 当前吸烟者补充β-胡萝卜素
p19 Phrase Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染
p20 Phrase Lung cancer in never smokers 从不吸烟者的肺癌
p21 Phrase Occupational exposure to lung carcinogens 肺致癌原的职业暴露
p22 Phrase Reducing or eliminating exposure to radon 减少或消除氡的暴露
p23 Phrase Factors of uncertain association with risk 与肺癌风险关系尚不明确的因素
p24 Phrase Other environmental causes of lung cancer 导致肺癌的其他环境因素
p25 Phrase Preventing occupational exposure to lung carcinogens 预防肺癌致癌原的职业暴露
p26 Phrase Magnitude of Effect: Increased risk, small magnitude 效应强度:风险增加,程度小
p27 Phrase The primary endpoint was lung cancer incidence 主要终点为肺癌发病率
p28 Phrase Overcoming nicotine dependence is often extremely difficult 戒除尼古丁依赖通常极为困难
p29 Phrase Cigarette smoking is the primary risk factor 吸烟是主要的危险因素
s1 Sentence Factors associated with increased risk of lung cancer 增加肺癌风险的因素
s2 Sentence Interventions Associated With Decreased Risk of Lung Cancer 降低肺癌风险的干预
s3 Sentence Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit 吸烟:健康危害与戒烟建议
s4 Sentence Interventions Associated With Increased Risk of Lung Cancer 与肺癌风险增加相关的干预
s5 Sentence Consistent declines in women have not been seen 但在女性未观察到类似持续下降情况
s6 Sentence Cigarette smoking often interacts with these other factors 吸烟通常与这些因素相互作用
s7 Sentence Reducing or eliminating occupational exposure to lung carcinogens 减少或避免肺致癌原的职业暴露
s8 Sentence Interventions That Do Not Decrease Risk of Lung Cancer 不降低肺癌风险的干预
s9 Sentence Substantial benefits accrue to the smoker by quitting smoking 戒烟对吸烟者有显著获益
s10 Sentence Based on solid evidence, cigarette smoking causes lung cancer 确凿证据表明,吸烟会可引起肺癌
s11 Sentence Interventions Associated With an Increased Risk of Lung Cancer 对可增加肺癌风险相关因素的干预
s12 Sentence The mechanism of this adverse effect is not known 该不良反应的机制尚不明确
s13 Sentence Clinicians must document the tobacco-use status of every patient 临床医师必须记录每位患者的吸烟情况
s14 Sentence The six major elements of the guidelines include the following: 该指南主要提出下列6点:
s15 Sentence Added Lung cancer in never smokers as a new subsection 新增加子章节:从不吸烟者的肺癌
s16 Sentence Magnitude of Effect: Increased risk, large magnitude (more than fivefold) 效应强度:风险增加,程度大(超过5倍)
s17 Sentence Interventions With Adequate Evidence That They Do Not Reduce Risk 充分证据表明不降低风险的干预
s18 Sentence The development of lung cancer is the culmination of multistep carcinogenesis 肺癌的发生是多步骤致癌过程的终点
s19 Sentence Secondhand tobacco smoke is also an established cause of lung cancer 二手烟也是引起肺癌的一个确定原因
s20 Sentence Substantial harm to public health accrues from addiction to cigarette smoking 吸烟嗜好严重威胁公众健康
s21 Sentence Epithelial carcinogenesis is conceptually divided into three phases: initiation, promotion, and progression 上皮癌变过程从概念上可分为三个阶段:启动阶段、促进阶段和进展阶段
s22 Sentence In developed countries, workplace exposures to these agents have largely been controlled 在发达国家,对这些物质的职业暴露有较为严格的控制
s23 Sentence Many lung carcinogens have been identified in studies of high occupational exposures 高职业暴露研究已经发现了多种肺致癌原
s24 Sentence The overall 5-year relative survival rate from lung cancer was 16% in 2006 在2006年肺癌的整体5年相对存活率为16%
s25 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure to radon increases lung cancer incidence and mortality 确凿证据显示,氡暴露可增加肺癌的发病率和死亡率
s26 Sentence The concepts of multistep and field carcinogenesis provide a model for prevention studies 多步骤和区域性致癌的概念为肺癌的预防研究提供了模型
s27 Sentence These findings show the importance of randomized controlled trials to confirm epidemiologic studies 这些结果提示了用随机对照试验来证实流行病学研究结论的重要性
s28 Sentence Avoidance of tobacco use is the most effective measure to prevent lung cancer 回避吸烟是预防肺癌的最有效措施
s29 Sentence Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women 肺癌是男性和女性癌症死亡的首要原因
s30 Sentence A positive family history of lung cancer is a risk factor for lung cancer 肺癌家族史也是肺癌的一个危险因素
s31 Sentence Epidemiologic data have established that cigarette smoking is the predominant cause of lung cancer 流行病学资料显示吸烟是肺癌产生的主要原因
s32 Sentence Radon and second-hand smoke exposure are established causes of lung cancer in never smokers 氡与二手烟暴露是从不吸烟者罹患肺癌的明确原因
s33 Sentence For many of these workplace carcinogens, cigarette smoking interacts synergistically to increase the risk 其中很多职业致癌原与吸烟有协同增加风险的作用
s34 Sentence Risks follow a dose-response gradient, with high-level exposures associated with large increases in risk 风险遵循剂量效应梯度,暴露的水平越高对应的风险越大
s35 Sentence With respect to health outcomes, a consistent finding was reduced hospital admissions for cardiac events 关于健康结局,一致的结果是心脏事件所致的住院率下降
s36 Sentence Approximately 85% of all lung cancer deaths are estimated to be attributed to cigarette smoking 据估计,所有肺癌死亡中约有85%是吸烟所致
s37 Sentence A strong link between tobacco smoke and lung carcinogenesis has been established by molecular data 分子学数据已经证实烟草和肺癌发生之间存在很强的关联性
s38 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure to secondhand smoke is an established cause of lung cancer 确凿证据显示,二手烟的暴露是肺癌确切病因之一
s39 Sentence In 1996, the results of the U.S. Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) were published 1996年美国发布了β-胡萝卜素与视黄醇试验(CARET)的结果
s40 Sentence Surgical treatment or radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for early stages of cancer 手术治疗或放疗是早期肺癌的首选治疗
s41 Sentence Nicotine-replacement (e.g., nicotine patches and gum) or other evidence-based smoking cessation pharmacotherapy (e.g., varenicline or bupropion) 尼古丁替代(即尼古丁贴剂与口香糖)或其他有循证医学证据的戒烟药物治疗(例如伐伦克林或安非他酮)
s42 Sentence On average, current smokers have approximately 20 times the risk of lung cancer compared with nonsmokers 一般吸烟者的肺癌风险是非吸烟者的20倍
s43 Sentence Understanding the biology of carcinogenesis is crucial to the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies 了解致癌的生物学机制对开发有效的预防和治疗方法至为关键
s44 Sentence Considered in total, occupational exposures have been estimated to account for approximately 10% of lung cancers 总体而言,职业暴露所致肺癌约占肺癌总数的10%
s45 Sentence Supplementation with alpha-tocopherol produced no overall effect on lung cancer (RR = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.87–1.13) 补充α-生育酚对肺癌总体无影响(RR=0.99;95%CI,0.87-1.13)
s46 Sentence This process has been inferred from human studies identifying clinical-histological premalignant lesions (e.g., metaplasia and dysplasia) 这一过程是通过对人类癌前病变(例如,化生与不典型增生)的临床组织学研究推理得到
s47 Sentence The most important risk factor for lung cancer (and for many other cancers) is cigarette smoking 肺癌(及其他许多癌症)最重要的危险因素是吸烟
s48 Sentence Lung cancer survival is worse for men compared with women and for blacks compared with whites 男性的肺癌生存率低于女性,黑人的肺癌生存率低于白人
s49 Sentence Epithelial cancers in the lung appear to develop in a series of steps extending over years 肺上皮细胞癌经过长期、多阶段演变最终形成
s50 Sentence Based on solid evidence, taking vitamin E supplements does not affect the risk of lung cancer 确凿证据显示,服用维生素E不影响肺癌风险
s51 Sentence Lung cancer risk is largely a function of older age combined with extensive cigarette smoking history 老龄人长期大量吸烟是肺癌的重要危险因素
s52 Sentence Lung cancer is more common in men than women and in those of lower socioeconomic status 肺癌在男性中的发病率高于女性,社会经济地位较低的人群中肺癌发病率也较高
s53 Sentence (Refer to the PDQ summary on Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit for more information.) (更多信息参考PDQ总结吸烟:对健康的危害及如何戒烟)
s54 Sentence Health indicators including respiratory systems, sensory symptoms, and hospital admissions were reported as outcomes in 25 studies 有25项研究报告了健康指标结局,即呼吸系统、感觉症状和住院率等
s55 Sentence Nicotine dependence exposes smokers in a dose-dependent fashion to carcinogenic and genotoxic elements that cause lung cancer 尼古丁依赖使得吸烟者的肺癌致癌原及遗传毒性物质的暴露呈剂量依赖性
s56 Sentence Studies have examined whether it is possible to prevent cancer development in the lung using chemopreventive agents 一些研究探索了是否有可能通过化学预防药物预防肺部癌症的发生
s57 Sentence The hypothesis has been proposed that women may be more susceptible than men to smoking-caused lung cancer 有假说认为女性比男性更易因吸烟而引起肺癌
s58 Sentence The PHS was designed to study the effects of beta-carotene and aspirin in cancer and cardiovascular disease PHS试验旨在研究β-胡萝卜素与阿司匹林对癌症和心血管疾病的作用
s59 Sentence Results of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) trial were first published in 1994 1994年,美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)首次公布了α-生育酚、β-胡萝卜素癌症预防(ATBC)试验的结果
s60 Sentence The WCRF evidence review rated the inverse association between physical activity and lung cancer as “limited suggestive” evidence WCRF证据审核评估体育锻炼与肺癌之间的反向相关性为“提示意义有限的”证据
s61 Sentence Two important concepts in this regard are the multistep nature of carcinogenesis and the diffuse field-wide carcinogenic process 在此方面有两个重要概念,即癌变的多阶段性和癌变的侵袭转移过程
s62 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure to outdoor air pollution, specifically small particles, increases lung cancer incidence and mortality 确凿证据显示,户外空气污染的暴露,特别是小颗粒污染物的暴露可增加肺癌发病率与死亡率
s63 Sentence Based on solid evidence, indoor exposure to radon increases lung cancer incidence and mortality, particularly among cigarette smokers 确凿证据显示,室内氡的暴露可增加肺癌的发病率与死亡率,对于吸烟者尤为如此
s64 Sentence These carcinogens include asbestos, radon, tar and soot (sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), arsenic, chromium, nickel, beryllium, and cadmium 这些致癌原包括石棉、氡、焦油和烟尘(多环芳香烃的来源)、砷、铬、镍、铍、镉等
s65 Sentence The cigar risks are of particular concern because of the increased prevalence of cigar use in the United States 随着雪茄在美国的盛行,雪茄风险尤其值得关注
s66 Sentence Based on solid evidence, occupational exposures such as asbestos, arsenic, nickel, and chromium are causally associated with lung cancer 确凿证据显示,石棉、砷、镍及铬的职业暴露与肺癌呈因果关系
s67 Sentence Compared with nonsmokers, smokers experience a dose-dependent increase in the risk of developing lung cancer (and many other malignancies) 和非吸烟者相比,吸烟者发生肺癌(及很多其他恶性肿瘤)的风险呈剂量依赖性增加
s68 Sentence In countries where cigarette smoking is common, about 10% to 20% of lung cancer cases occur in never smokers 在吸烟较普遍的国家,约有10%-20%的肺癌发生于从不吸烟者
s69 Sentence So far, agents tested for efficacy in lung cancer chemoprevention have been micronutrients, such as beta-carotene and vitamin E 目前,进行过对肺癌有效性试验的化学试剂包括微量营养元素,例如β-胡萝卜素与维生素E等
s70 Sentence The combined evidence for vitamin E supplementation thus continues to be consistent with no effect on lung cancer risk 因此补充维生素E的联合证据仍一致提示对肺癌风险无影响
s71 Sentence In a follow-up study of CARET participants after the intervention discontinued, these effects attenuated for a period of time 在干预终止后的一项对CARET受试者的随访研究中,这些效应在一段时间内逐渐减弱
s72 Sentence Every patient using tobacco should be offered one or more of the effective smoking cessation treatments that are available 应向每位吸烟患者提供至少一种可用的有效的戒烟治疗
s73 Sentence Since the AHCPR guidelines were published, additional evidence of the effectiveness of such pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation has been published 自AHCPR指南发表以来,关于此类戒烟治疗有效性的其他证据也已陆续发表
s74 Sentence In the ATBC study, supplementation with alpha-tocopherol produced no overall effect on lung cancer (RR = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.87–1.13) ATBC研究结果显示,补充α-生育酚对肺癌整体效应无影响(RR=0.99;95%CI,0.87-1.13)
s75 Sentence The preventive effect of smoking cessation depends on the duration and intensity of prior smoking and upon time since cessation 戒烟的预防作用取决于既往吸烟时间、数量及戒烟时间
s76 Sentence This effect appeared to be associated with heavier smoking (one or more packs/day) and alcohol intake (at least one drink/day) 该效应似乎与大量吸烟(每天大于等于1包)及酒精摄入(每天至少1杯)相关
s77 Sentence The study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial begun in 1982 involving 22,071 male physicians aged 40 to 84 years 该研究为一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验,始于1982年,共包括22,071例40-84岁男性医师
s78 Sentence Every patient using tobacco should be provided with at least one of the effective brief cessation interventions that are available 应向每位吸烟患者提供至少一种可用且有效的短期戒烟干预
s79 Sentence Based on solid evidence, workplace exposure to asbestos, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, and nickel increases lung cancer incidence and mortality 确凿证据显示,石棉、砷、铍、镉、铬及镍的职业暴露可增加肺癌发病率与死亡率
s80 Sentence Smoke-free workplace legislation was associated with consistent and statistically significant reductions in levels of nicotine, dust, benzene, and particulate matter 公共场所无烟立法与尼古丁、烟尘、苯和颗粒物水平的持续显著减少相关
s81 Sentence A meta-analysis of leisure-time physical activity and lung cancer risk revealed that higher levels of physical activity protect against lung cancer 对体育锻炼和肺癌风险的一项荟萃分析发现,体育锻炼量增加对肺癌有预防作用
s82 Sentence The percentages of lung cancers estimated to be caused by tobacco smoking in males and females are 90% and 78%, respectively 据估算,男性和女性中因吸烟引起的肺癌百分比分别为90%与78%
s83 Sentence Two other randomized controlled trials of beta-carotene were carried out in populations that were not at excess risk of lung cancer 在非肺癌高危人群中另进行了两项关于β-胡萝卜素的随机对照试验
s84 Sentence Lung cancer causes more deaths per year in the United States than the next four leading causes of cancer death combined 在美国,每年因肺癌死亡人数超过之后四大癌症死亡总和
s85 Sentence Lung cancer incidence and mortality rates increased markedly throughout most of the last century, first in men and then in women 在上个世纪,肺癌发病率与死亡率显著升高,这种趋势首先表现在男性,随后女性也出现类似情况
s86 Sentence The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial began in 1993 and continued follow-up as the HOPE-The Ongoing Outcomes (HOPE-TOO) through 2003 心脏结局预防评估(HOPE)试验从1993年开始,后续的HOPE-持续结局(HOPE-TOO)研究到2003年
s87 Sentence Cigarette smoking also potentiates the effect of many of these lung carcinogens so that the risks are even greater in smokers 吸烟可使很多肺致癌原的效应增强,因此在吸烟者中其风险更大
s88 Sentence Based on solid evidence, cigarette smoking causes lung cancer and therefore, smoking avoidance results in decreased mortality from primary lung cancers 确凿证据显示,吸烟可引起肺癌,因此避免吸烟可降低原发性肺癌的死亡率
s89 Sentence Evidence of genetic damage is the association of cigarette smoking with the formation of the DNA adducts in human lung tissue 有证据显示,吸烟与人类肺组织中DNA加和物的形成之间的关联是基于基因损伤
s90 Sentence Based on solid evidence, long-term sustained smoking cessation results in decreased incidence of lung cancer and of second primary lung tumors 确凿证据显示,坚持戒烟可降低肺癌和第二原发肺癌的发病率
s91 Sentence (Refer to the PDQ summary on Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit for more information on pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation.) (关于戒烟药物治疗的更多信息请参考PDQ总结:吸烟:对健康的危害及如何戒烟)
s92 Sentence Magnitude of Effect: Inverse association, moderate magnitude, but difficult to determine if true cause-effect association or due to confounding by cigarette smoking 效应强度:反向相关,程度中等,但难以判断该效应是真实的因果关系,还是由于吸烟的混杂作用
s93 Sentence Compared with persistent smokers, a 30% to 50% reduction in lung cancer mortality risk has been noted after 10 years of cessation 和持续吸烟者相比,戒烟10年后的肺癌死亡风险下降30%到50%
s94 Sentence The choice of therapy should be individualized based on a number of factors, including past experience, preference, and potential agent side effects 治疗的选择应注意个体化,需考虑的因素包括既往经验、偏好和可能的药物副作用等
s95 Sentence In particular, two prospective cohort studies provide evidence to suggest that air pollution is weakly associated with the risk of lung cancer 其中有两项前瞻性队列研究提供的证据表明空气污染与肺癌风险之间存在弱的相关性
s96 Sentence Compared with nonsmokers not exposed to secondhand smoke, nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke have approximately a 20% increased risk of lung cancer 暴露于二手烟的非吸烟者与无二手烟暴露的非吸烟者相比,肺癌风险约增加20%
s97 Sentence Genetic damage caused by chronic exposure to carcinogens, such as those in cigarette smoke, is the driving force behind the multistep process 长期暴露于致癌原,例如吸烟,引起的遗传损害是这一多步骤过程其后的驱动力
s98 Sentence Because of historical differences in smoking prevalence between men and women, lung cancer rates in men have been consistently declining since 1990 因历史上男性与女性的吸烟流行率不同,1990年之后男性的肺癌发病率一直在下降
s99 Sentence The epidemic of lung cancer in the 20th century was primarily due to increases in cigarette smoking, the predominant cause of lung cancer 20世纪肺癌的流行主要原因是吸烟率升高,吸烟是肺癌的主要原因
s100 Sentence Evidence from other studies, such as the Physicians’ Health Study (PHS), does not indicate that beta-carotene supplementation increases lung cancer risk in nonsmokers 来自其他研究例如医师健康研究(PHS)的证据并未表明β-胡萝卜素的补充增加非吸烟者的肺癌风险
s101 Sentence While the focus has been on fruit and vegetable consumption and micronutrients, a wide range of dietary and anthropometric factors have been investigated 虽然主要关注点是蔬菜水果和微量元素的摄入,但研究也包含了广泛的其他膳食因素和人体测量指标
s102 Sentence When considering the relationships between lung cancer and dietary factors, confounding factors related to cigarette smoking cannot be dismissed as a possible explanation 在考虑肺癌与饮食因素之间的相关性时,无法排除与吸烟相关的混杂因素在其中可能产生的作用
s103 Sentence Secondhand smoke has the same components as inhaled mainstream smoke, though in lower absolute concentrations, between 1% and 10% depending on the constituent 二手烟的成分与吸入的主流烟气成分相同,尽管绝对浓度略低,不同成分的浓度在1%到10%之间
s104 Sentence In nonsmokers, important lung cancer risk factors are exposure to secondhand smoke, radon exposure, and occupational exposure to lung carcinogens, such as asbestos 在非吸烟者中,重要的肺癌危险因素包括二手烟暴露、氡暴露和石棉等肺致癌原的职业暴露
s105 Sentence However, a subsequent systematic review and meta-analysis limited to prospective studies that adjusted for cigarette smoking found the evidence for carotenoids to be equivocal 然而,后续的系统性回顾和荟萃分析均仅限于经过吸烟校正的前瞻性研究,结果发现类胡萝卜素证据尚存在争议
s106 Sentence Based on equivocal evidence, the observed inverse associations between lung cancer and higher levels of physical activity are difficult to disentangle from cigarette smoking 尚有争议的证据显示,肺癌与高强度身体活动呈负相关性,但该负相关性很难排除吸烟的影响
s107 Sentence Reducing or eliminating workplace exposures to known lung carcinogens would be expected to result in a corresponding decrease in the risk of lung cancer 减少或消除公共场所已知肺致癌原的暴露后,肺癌风险将相应降低
s108 Sentence The trends in lung cancer incidence and mortality rates have closely mirrored historical patterns of smoking prevalence, after accounting for an appropriate latency period 在一定潜伏期后,可见肺癌发病率与死亡率的趋势与历史上吸烟流行的趋势密切相关
s109 Sentence In the Women’s Health Study (WHS) approximately 40,000 female health professionals were randomly assigned to 50 mg beta carotene on alternate days or placebo 在妇女健康研究(WHS)中,约有40,000例女性医疗从业者被随机分配到隔天服用50mg β-胡萝卜素或安慰剂组
s110 Sentence Expert-reviewed information summary about factors that may influence the risk of developing lung cancer and about research aimed at the prevention of this disease 关于可能影响肺癌风险的因素及肺癌预防相关研究的专家审核信息
s111 Sentence The concept of field carcinogenesis is that multiple independent neoplastic lesions occurring within the lung can result from repeated exposure to carcinogens, primarily tobacco “区域性致癌”指在反复暴露于致癌物的情况下(主要是烟草暴露)肺内可发生多处独立肿瘤性病变
s112 Sentence The threefold variation in lung cancer mortality rates across the United States more or less parallels long-standing state-specific differences in the prevalence of cigarette smoking 在美国,不同地区的肺癌死亡率差异可达3倍,这或多或少与各州不同的吸烟率相关
s113 Sentence To be effective, health care systems must make institutional changes resulting in systematic identification of tobacco users and intervention with these patients at every visit 为保证有效性,医疗系统必须做出制度上的改革,使得能够系统地识别吸烟者,并在每次随访对这些患者提供干预
s114 Sentence In 2013, it is estimated that 72,220 deaths will occur among U.S. women due to lung cancer, compared with 39,620 deaths due to breast cancer 据估计,与2013年美国女性中有39,620人死于乳腺癌相比,将有72,220人死于肺癌
s115 Sentence Due to a synergistic interaction between cigarette smoking and radon exposure, the radon-associated risk of lung cancer among smokers is considerably greater than for nonsmokers 因吸烟和氡暴露之间存在协同作用,氡暴露所致的肺癌风险在吸烟者中远高于非吸烟者
s116 Sentence The incidence rate in men declined from a high of 102.1 cases per 100,000 men in 1984 to 82.7 cases per 100,000 men in 2009 男性肺癌发病率从1984年的102.1/10万下降到2009年每82.7/10万
s117 Sentence Anthropometric measures have been studied, indicating a tendency for leaner persons to have increased lung cancer risk relative to those with greater body mass index 人体测量研究结果表明,体型偏瘦人群的肺癌风险似乎高于体质指数较高的人群
s118 Sentence More intense interventions are more effective than less intense interventions in producing long-term tobacco abstinence, reflecting the dose-response relationship between the intervention and its outcome 更强效的干预比强度弱的干预在维持长期戒烟上更为有效,反应了干预时间与效果之间的剂量反应关系
s119 Sentence Chemoprevention is defined as the use of specific natural or synthetic chemical agents to reverse, suppress, or prevent carcinogenesis before the development of invasive malignancy 化学预防指使用特殊的天然或化学合成的药物逆转、抑制或在侵袭性恶性肿瘤发生之前预防癌变
s120 Sentence Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following four groups for 5 to 8 years: beta-carotene alone, alpha-tocopherol alone, beta-carotene plus alpha-tocopherol, or placebo 受试者被随机分到下列4组之一:单用β-胡萝卜素、单用α-生育酚、β-胡萝卜素联合α-生育酚或安慰剂组,随访5-8年
s121 Sentence In this randomized, placebo-controlled trial, patients aged 55 years or older with vascular disease or diabetes were assigned to 400 IU vitamin E or placebo 在这项随机、安慰剂对照试验中,患有血管疾病或糖尿病的55岁及55岁以上患者被随机分配到服用400IU维生素E组或安慰剂组
s122 Sentence Elevated biomarkers of tobacco exposure, including urinary cotinine, urinary NNK metabolites, and carcinogen-protein adducts, are seen in those who are exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke 二手烟暴露者的烟草暴露生物标志物也上升,包括尿尼古丁、尿NNK代谢物和致癌原-蛋白加和物等
s123 Sentence Magnitude of Effect: Increased risk; compared with the lowest exposure categories, those in the highest exposure categories have approximately a 40% increased risk of lung cancer 效应强度:风险增加;和最低暴露组相比,最高暴露组的患者肺癌风险增加约40%
s124 Sentence Patients developing cancers of the aerodigestive tract secondary to cigarette smoke also are likely to have multiple premalignant lesions of independent origin within the carcinogen-exposed field 继发于吸烟引起的呼吸消化道癌症患者也可能在致癌原暴露范围内有独立来源的多种癌前病变
s125 Sentence Based on solid evidence, nonsmokers who take pharmacological doses of beta-carotene do not experience significantly different lung cancer incidence or mortality compared with taking a placebo 确凿证据显示,服用药理剂量β-胡萝卜素的非吸烟者中,肺癌发病率与死亡率与服用安慰剂的非吸烟者相比无显著差异
s126 Sentence The prevention strategy for residents of homes with high radon concentrations is to have the basement sealed to prevent radon gas from leaking into the home 室内有浓度氡的居民可采取密封地下室的措施,以预防氡泄漏进入屋内
s127 Sentence Based on solid evidence, high-intensity smokers who take pharmacologic doses of beta-carotene have an increased lung cancer incidence and mortality that is associated with taking the supplement 确凿证据显示,大量吸烟的人服用药物剂量的β-胡萝卜素会增加服用此类补充剂者肺癌的发病率与死亡率
s128 Sentence When occupational exposure to lung carcinogens are all considered together, 9% to 15% of all lung cancer deaths can be attributed to occupational exposure to lung carcinogens 考虑所有肺致癌原的职业暴露,所有肺癌死亡中9%到15%归因于肺致癌原的职业暴露
s129 Sentence However, the results of studies that have compared the association between smoking and lung cancer in men and women using appropriate comparisons do not support this hypothesis 但使用适当的方法比较男性和女性中吸烟与肺癌之间的相关性的多项研究结果并不支持该假说
s130 Sentence Although early evidence from case-control and cohort studies did not support an association between air pollution and lung cancer, the evidence now points to a genuine association 尽管早期的病例对照和队列研究的证据不支持空气污染与肺癌之间的相关性,但现在的新证据支持相关性的确存在
s131 Sentence In a subsequent update to this report, the risk of lung cancer was observed to increase 14% for each 10 μg/m3 increase in concentration of fine particles 在该报告后续更新中指出,细颗粒物浓度每增加10 μg/m3,肺癌风险增加14%
s132 Sentence After 6 years of postintervention follow-up, the postintervention RR for lung cancer incidence was 1.12 (95% CI, 0.97–1.31) and for total mortality was 1.08 (95% CI, 0.99–1.71) 在干预后6年随访中,干预后肺癌发病率的RR为1.12(95%CI,0.97-1.31),总死亡率的RR为1.08(95%CI,0.99-1.71)
s133 Sentence Based on equivocal evidence, the observed inverse associations between lung cancer and dietary factors, such as fruit and vegetable consumption, are difficult to disentangle from cigarette smoking 尚有争议的证据,观察到的肺癌与果蔬摄入等膳食因素之间的呈负相关性,但该负相关性很难排除吸烟的混杂作用
s134 Sentence In the United States, it is estimated that lung cancer will account for about 14% of new cancer cases and about 27% of all cancer deaths in 2013 据估计,美国2013年新增肺癌病例占所有新增癌症病例的14%,死亡人数约占全部癌症死亡的27%
s135 Sentence This trial included 29,133 Finnish male chronic smokers aged 50 to 69 years in a 2 x 2 factorial design of alpha-tocopherol (50 mg/day) and beta-carotene (20 mg/day) 该试验纳入29,133例芬兰长期吸烟的男性,受试者年龄在50到69岁,该试验为α-生育酚(50mg/天)和β-胡萝卜素(20mg/天)的2 x 2析因设计
s136 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure to secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and therefore, preventing exposure to secondhand smoke results in decreased incidence and mortality from primary lung cancers 确凿证据显示,二手烟的暴露可引起肺癌,因此避免二手烟的暴露可降低原发性肺癌的发病率与死亡率
s137 Sentence However, the protective association between vitamin E supplements and lung cancer in the HOPE-TOO study needs to be interpreted in the context of evidence from other randomized trials 然而,HOPE-TOO研究中维生素E的补充对肺癌的保护作用仍需考虑其他随机试验的证据来理解
s138 Sentence The overall findings from the ATBC and CARET studies, which include over 47,000 subjects, demonstrated that pharmacological doses of beta-carotene increase lung cancer risk in relatively high-intensity smokers ATBC与CARET研究共纳入超过47,000例受试者,两项试验的结果都证实药理剂量的β-胡萝卜素增加相对大量吸烟者的肺癌风险
s139 Sentence The risks of lung cancer associated with cigarette smoking are dose-dependent and increase markedly according to the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years smoked 吸烟与肺癌的风险具有剂量反应关系,随着每日吸烟数量及吸烟年数的增加,肺癌风险显著升高
s140 Sentence During the postintervention phase a larger RR among women, rather than men, emerged for both outcomes in subgroup analyses; the reason for this observation, if reliable, is not known 在干预后期,亚组分析中女性的两终点的RR值高于男性相应的RR值,若此结果可信,那导致该差异的原因尚不明确
s141 Sentence Lung cancer risks were not increased in subsets of moderate-intensity smokers (less than a pack per day) in the ATBC study, or in former smokers in the CARET study ATBC研究发现中等量吸烟者(每天少于1包)的肺癌风险并未增加,在CARET研究中,曾经吸烟者的肺癌风险也未增加
s142 Sentence The strong evidence from rigorous randomized, placebo-controlled trials clearly indicate that beta-carotene supplementation does not lower the risk of lung cancer in populations that are not high-risk for lung cancer 来自严格的随机、安慰剂对照试验的强有力证据明确表明β-胡萝卜素的补充并不能降低非肺癌高危人群的肺癌风险
s143 Sentence Magnitude of Effect: Increased risk that follows a dose-response gradient, with small increases in risk for levels experienced in most at-risk homes to greater increases in risk for high-level exposures 效应强度:风险增加,遵循剂量反应梯度,通常情况下,室内含低水平的氡者,肺癌风险轻度升高,而高水平暴露下肺癌风险则显著增加
s144 Sentence Subjects receiving beta-carotene (alone or with alpha-tocopherol) had a higher incidence of lung cancer (RR = 1.18; 95% CI, 1.03–1.36) and higher total mortality (RR = 1.08; 95% CI, 1.01–1.16) 服用β-胡萝卜素的受试者(单独或与α-生育酚联合服用组)的肺癌发病率升高(RR=1.18;95%CI,1.03-1.36),总死亡率也升高(RR=1.08;95%CI,1.01-1.16)
s145 Sentence Lung cancer has a tremendous impact on the health of the American public, with an estimated 228,190 new cases and 159,480 deaths predicted in 2013 in men and women combined 肺癌对美国居民的健康有重大影响,据估计2013年男女新发病例总计为228,190例,死亡病例总计159,480例
s146 Sentence After cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, occupational exposure to lung carcinogens, such as asbestos, arsenic, nickel, and chromium, is the most important contributor to the lung cancer burden 石棉、砷、镍、铬等肺致癌原的职业暴露是继吸烟和二手烟暴露之后产生肺癌负担重要原因
s147 Sentence The results of the Multi-Ethnic Cohort Study indicated that for a given degree of cigarette smoking, African Americans had a higher risk of lung cancer compared with other racial/ethnic groups 多种族队列研究的结果表明,吸烟程度相同时,非裔美国人的肺癌风险高于其他民族或种族
s148 Sentence The benefits of tobacco control at the population level provide strong quasi-experimental evidence that reducing population-level exposure to cigarettes has resulted in population-level declines in the occurrence of lung cancer 人群水平上的烟草控制获益提供了明显的准实验证据,即减少人群水平的烟草暴露可降低人群中肺癌发病率
s149 Sentence This causative link has been widely recognized since the 1960s, when national reports in Great Britain and the United States brought the cancer risk of smoking prominently to the public’s attention 这一因果关系自20世纪60年代起便得到广泛认可,当时英国和美国的报告引起了人们对吸烟这一癌症危险因素的广泛关注
s150 Sentence The manufactured cigarette has changed over time, but there is no evidence to suggest that changes such as “low tar” or “low nicotine” cigarettes have resulted in reduced lung cancer risks 烟草制造工艺在逐渐演变,但尚无证据表明“低焦油”或“低尼古丁”烟草能够降低肺癌风险
s151 Sentence Several environmental exposures other than tobacco smoke are causally associated with lung cancer, but the proportion of the lung cancer burden due to these exposures is small compared with cigarette smoking 除了烟草之外的一些环境暴露因素也与肺癌有因果关系,但这些暴露引起的肺癌负担比例小于吸烟引起的肺癌负担
s152 Sentence Subsequent analyses of participants in these trials and cohorts suggest that the beneficial outcomes associated with high beta-carotene plasma levels may be due to increased dietary intake of fruits and vegetables 对这些试验中的参与者及队列的后续研究提示与高β-胡萝卜素血浆水平相关的有益的结果可能源自蔬菜水果摄入量的增加
s153 Sentence Lung cancer incidence and mortality is highest in African Americans compared with any other racial/ethnic group in the United States, primarily due to the very high rates in African American men 在美国,非裔美国人的肺癌发病率与死亡率最高,超过其他任何种族或民族,主要原因是非裔美国男性中肺癌发病率与死亡率较高
s154 Sentence Based on a synthesis of the results of 110 randomized trials, nicotine replacement therapy treatments, alone or in combination, improve cessation rates over placebos after 6 months (RR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.50–1.66) 根据对110项随机试验结果的汇总分析,尼古丁替代治疗本身或联合治疗与安慰剂相比显著提高6个月戒烟率(RR,1.58;95%CI,1.50-1.66)
s155 Sentence The results of a meta-analysis showed that alcohol drinking in the highest consumption categories only (in excess of about a drink a day) was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer 一项荟萃分析的结果提示只有在大量饮酒的人群中(每天超过一杯),酒精摄入才与肺癌风险升高相关
s156 Sentence The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research [AHCPR]) developed a set of clinical smoking-cessation guidelines for helping nicotine-dependent patients and health care providers 卫生保健研究与质量中心(前卫生保健政策研究所[AHCPR])开发了一系列临床戒烟指南,以帮助有依赖的患者戒除尼古丁,并指导医疗保健提供者的行为
s157 Sentence In homes with high radon concentrations, taking steps to prevent radon from entering homes by sealing the basement would be expected to result in a corresponding decrease in the risk of lung cancer 在氡浓度较高的房屋中,采取措施防止氡从密封地下室进入室内可使肺癌风险相应降低
s158 Sentence Note: Separate PDQ summaries on Lung Cancer Screening ; Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment ; Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment ; and Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit are also available 注:关于肺癌的筛查,小细胞肺癌的治疗,非小细胞肺癌的治疗及吸烟:健康危害与戒烟建议等PDQ总结亦可查询相关总结
s159 Sentence In addition to individually focused cessation efforts, a number of tobacco control strategies at the community, state, and national level have been credited with reducing the prevalence of smoking. Strategies include the following: 除努力实现个体水平的戒烟之外,在社区、省市、国家水平的许多烟草控制策略也已成功降低了吸烟率,这些方法包括:
s160 Sentence In the WHS of 40,000 female health professionals, using 600 IU of vitamin E every other day showed no evidence of protection against lung cancer in women (RR = 1.09; 95% CI, 0.83–1.44) 在WHS的40,000例女性医疗卫生工作者中,隔天补充600IU维生素E对女性肺癌无保护作用(RR=1.09;95%CI,0.83-1.44)
s161 Sentence After 12 years of follow-up, beta-carotene was not associated with overall risk of cancer (RR = 0.98) or lung cancer among current (11% of study population) or former (39% of study population) smokers 经过12年随访,未发现β-胡萝卜素与当前吸烟者(11%研究人群)或曾经吸烟者(39%研究人群)的肺癌或癌症总风险(RR=0.98)的相关性
s162 Sentence For example, 5-year lung cancer survival was 18% lower in black men compared with white men (11.3% vs. 13.8%, respectively) and 23% lower in black women compared with white women (14.4% vs. 18.6%, respectively) 例如,黑人男性的5年肺癌生存率比白人男性低18%(分别为11.3%与13.8%),黑人女性的5年肺癌生存率比白人女性低23%(分别为14.4%与18.6%)
s163 Sentence In an extended follow-up of a study of six U.S. cities, the adjusted relative risk (RR) of lung cancer mortality for each 10 µg/m3 increase in concentration of fine-particulate was 1.27 (95% CI, 0.96–1.69) 对美国6个城市进行长期随访的一项研究发现,细颗粒物浓度每增加10 μg/m3,调整后的肺癌死亡的相对危险度(RR)为1.27(95%CI,0.96-1.69)
s164 Sentence This multicenter trial involved 18,314 smokers, former smokers, and asbestos-exposed workers who were randomly assigned to beta-carotene (at a higher dose than the ATBC trial, 30 mg/day) plus retinyl palmitate (25,000 IU/day) or placebo 该多中心试验的受试者包括18,314例吸烟者、曾经吸烟者与石棉暴露工作人员,受试者被随机分配到β-胡萝卜素(剂量大于ATBC试验所用剂量,30mg/天)联合棕榈酸视黄酯(25,000 IU/天)组或安慰剂组
s165 Sentence With a median follow-up of 7 years, the group randomly assigned to vitamin E had a significantly lower lung cancer incidence rate (1.4%) than the placebo group (2.0%) (RR = 0.72; 95% CI, 0.53–0.98) 经过7年的中位随访,被随机分配到维生素E组的人群肺癌发病率(1.4%)显著低于安慰剂组人群(2.0%)(RR=0.72;95%CI,0.53-0.98)
s166 Sentence One or more of the three treatment elements identified as being particularly effective should be included in smoking-cessation treatment: Nicotine-replacement (e.g., nicotine patches and gum) or other evidence-based smoking cessation pharmacotherapy (e.g., varenicline or bupropion) 下列三种治疗措施为有效性较高的措施,在戒烟治疗中应至少纳入其中之一:尼古丁替代(即尼古丁贴剂与口香糖)或其他有循证医学证据的戒烟药物治疗(例如伐伦克林或安非他酮)
s167 Sentence The results of many case-control and prospective cohort studies show that individuals with high dietary intake of fruits or vegetables have a lower risk of lung cancer than those with low fruit or vegetable intake 很多病例对照研究与前瞻性队列研究结果表明,膳食中蔬菜水果摄入量高的人群肺癌风险低于摄入量低的人群
s168 Sentence The results of a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies indicated that those with a positive family history of lung cancer were at approximately twice the risk of lung cancer compared with those with no affected relatives 流行病学研究的荟萃分析结果表明有肺癌家族史的人患肺癌的风险约是无肺癌家族史个体的2倍
s169 Sentence The trial began recruitment in 1994, and as of the 2001 follow-up the results showed a slightly higher rate of lung cancer in the vitamin group compared with the placebo group (1.6% vs. 1.4%, respectively) 该试验从1994年开始招募,截止到2001年的随访结果显示维生素组的肺癌发病率略高于安慰剂组(分别为1.6%与1.4%)
s170 Sentence Consequently, the proportion of the lung cancer burden attributable to occupational exposures is declining over time in countries like the United States that have taken steps to protect the workforce from exposure to known lung carcinogens 因此,在美国和其他采取措施降低工作场所已知肺癌致癌原暴露的国家,职业暴露引起的肺癌负担比例正在降低
s171 Sentence Limited data are available about the association of lung cancer in never smokers with physical activity, diet, alcohol, and anthropometry, yet they typically suggest that the relationships do not differ markedly from those in ever smokers 但关于从不吸烟者中肺癌与体育活动、饮食、饮酒和人体测量指标之间相关性的数据有限,仅有的数据通常提示相关性与曾吸烟者无显著差异
s172 Sentence An increase in lung cancer risk among never smokers also has been observed with exposure to asbestos, ionizing radiation from sources other than radon, and indoor air pollution caused by combustion of coal or other solid fuel 也观察到砷、非氡来源的粒子射线和煤炭或其他固态燃料的燃烧所致室内空气污染均与从不吸烟者的肺癌风险升高相关
s173 Sentence Many pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation, including nicotine replacement therapies (e.g., gum, patch, spray, lozenge, and inhaler) and other smoking cessation pharmacotherapies (e.g., varenicline and bupropion), result in statistically significant increases in smoking cessation rates compared with placebo 有很多戒烟药物治疗,包括尼古丁替代治疗(例如口香糖、贴剂、喷雾剂、锭剂与吸入剂)及其他戒烟药物治疗(例如伐伦克林或安非他酮)与安慰剂相比能增加戒烟率,有统计学显著性
s174 Sentence Gender differences in time trends for lung cancer are a reflection of (1) the later adoption of cigarette smoking in women compared with men and (2) the later reduction in smoking prevalence among women compared with men 肺癌的时间趋势上存在的性别差异反映了(1)女性吸烟习惯的起始晚于男性,(2)女性吸烟率下降趋势的产生晚于男性
s175 Sentence Studies of dietary factors have yielded intriguing findings, but because the diets of smokers tend to be less healthy than those of nonsmokers, it is challenging to separate the influence of dietary factors from the effects of smoking 饮食因素的相关研究结果耐人寻味,但由于吸烟者的饮食通常比非吸烟者更不健康,因此很难将饮食因素的影响从吸烟效应中单独区分出来
s176 Sentence The evidence indicating an association between constituents of ambient air pollution and increased lung cancer mortality continues to strengthen, with reports from Asia, New Zealand, and Europe, documenting increased risks with exposure to certain components of particulate matter 证据表明环境中空气污染物构成和肺癌死亡率升高之间的相关性在逐渐增强,根据来自亚洲、新西兰与欧洲的报告,暴露于某些颗粒物成分可增加肺癌风险
s177 Sentence Studies of physical activity yield findings consistent with an inverse association, but because physical activity behaviors differ between smokers and nonsmokers, it is difficult to infer that there is a direct relationship between physical activity and lung cancer risk 多项体育锻炼研究得到了一致的反向相关性结果,但因为吸烟者与非吸烟者之间的体育锻炼行为存在差异,很难明确体育锻炼与肺癌风险之间是否存在直接的相关性
s178 Sentence The overall evidence for physical activity has been mixed, but several studies have reported that individuals who are more physically active have a lower risk of lung cancer than those who are more sedentary, even after adjustment for cigarette smoking 整体上看来体育锻炼的证据不一,但一些研究指出体育活动量大的人群肺癌风险低于经常久坐的人群,在经吸烟校正后依然有此结论
s179 Sentence In a systematic review of the evidence, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) rates the evidence as “limited suggestive” that nonstarchy vegetable consumption decreases lung cancer risk and “probable” that fruit consumption and foods containing carotenoids decrease lung cancer risk 世界癌症研究基金会(WCRF)在对这些证据进行系统性回顾后,认为摄入非淀粉类蔬菜可降低肺癌风险的“提示意义有限”,摄入水果和含有类胡萝卜素的食物“很可能”降低肺癌风险
s180 Sentence Reduced tobacco consumption, due to both decreases in smoking initiation and increases in smoking cessation, led to a decline in overall age-adjusted lung cancer mortality among men since the mid-1980s, consistent with reductions in smoking prevalence among men since the 1960s 减少烟草消费,包括减少起始吸烟、增加戒烟率,使得自20世纪80年代中叶起,男性整体经年龄校正的肺癌死亡率降低,这也符合20世纪60年代开始男性吸烟率下降的趋势
s181 Sentence The Medical Research Council/British Heart Foundation Heart Protection Study (HPS) is a randomized placebo-controlled trial to test antioxidant vitamin supplementation with vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene among 20,536 United Kingdom adults with coronary disease, other occlusive arterial disease, or diabetes 医学研究委员会/英国心脏病基金会心脏保护研究(HPS)是一项随机安慰剂对照试验,在英国的20,536例冠心病、其他动脉闭塞性疾病或糖尿病的成年患者中检测维生素E、维生素C与β-胡萝卜素等抗氧化性维生素的补充情况
s182 Sentence Nevertheless, the inability to fully control for confounding by smoking in epidemiologic analyses of ever smokers and the possibility of different lung cancer causal pathways from never and ever smokers warrants care when extrapolating results for ever smokers to never smokers 然而,曾吸烟者的流行病学分析中无法严格控制吸烟引起的混杂因素,且从不吸烟者和吸烟者的肺癌发生机理可能不同,因此将曾吸烟者的结果外推至从不吸烟者时需慎重
s183 Sentence Looking at the vitamin E results for the ATBC, HPS, and HOPE-TOO studies combined, the summary odds ratio was 0.97 (95% CI, 0.87–1.08), and adding the results from the WHS to this would bring the association even closer to the null 综合ATBC、HPS与HOPE-TOO研究的维生素E结果,总体比值比为0.97(95%CI,0.87-1.08), 再加入WHS结果,相关性接近于零
s184 Sentence Cigarette smoking behavior tends to run in families and family members are exposed to secondhand smoke, so the extent to which measured family history represents a genetic predisposition to lung cancer independent of the shared risk factor of cigarette smoking is uncertain 家庭中有吸烟者,会导致家庭其他成员也暴露于吸二手烟中,因此排除共有的吸烟危险因素之后,家族史所代表的遗传易感性对肺癌有多大影响程度尚不明确
s185 Sentence In 2007, the incidence rate in black men was 33% higher than in white men (101.2 vs. 76.3 cases per 100,000 men, respectively), whereas among women no racial difference in incidence rates was present (54.8 vs. 54.7 cases per 100,000 women, respectively) 在2007年,男性中黑种人肺癌发病率比白种人高33%(分别为101.2例与76.3例每100,000名男性),而女性的发病率无种族差异(分别为54.8例与54.7例每100,000名女性)
s186 Sentence Menthol cigarettes have been hypothesized as one potential factor contributing to the observed greater susceptibility to smoking-caused lung cancer in African Americans, but menthol cigarettes have not been observed to be associated with a higher risk of lung cancer than nonmenthol cigarettes 薄荷醇香烟曾被认为可能是非裔美国人更易患吸烟所致肺癌的因素之一,但未观察到抽薄荷醇香烟的人肺癌风险高于抽非薄荷香烟的人
s187 Sentence There are several examples, including radon exposure and asbestos exposure, in which the combined exposure to cigarette smoke plus another risk factor results in an increase in risk that is much greater than the sum of the risks associated with each factor alone 有实例表明,烟草的烟雾暴露和其他危险因素(如氡暴露和石棉暴露)的联合作用所导致的风险远高于各危险因素单独作用之和
s188 Sentence After a median of 2.1 years of beta-carotene treatment and 2 additional years of follow-up, there was no evidence that beta-carotene protected against lung cancer, as there were more lung cancer cases observed in the beta-carotene (n = 30) than placebo (n = 21) group 经过中位时间为2.1年的β-胡萝卜素治疗,及用药后2年的随访,并未发现补充β-胡萝卜素能够帮助抵御肺癌风险,β-胡萝卜素组(n=30)的肺癌人数大于安慰剂组(n=21)
s189 Sentence Approximately 10% of all lung cancer deaths and 30% of lung cancer deaths in lifetime nonsmokers are estimated to be attributable to indoor exposure to radon, estimations that are supported by a meta-analysis and pooled-analyses of case-control studies of lung cancer and indoor radon exposure 据估计,总肺癌死亡病例中约10%和终生非吸烟者肺癌死亡病例中30%与室内氡的暴露相关,这一估计值来源于对肺癌与室内氡暴露的病例对照研究的荟萃分析与汇总分析
s190 Sentence A review of more than 50 studies found that smoke-free workplace legislation was consistently associated with reduced secondhand smoke exposure, whether measured in reduced time of exposure (71%–100% reduction) or prevalence of persons exposed to secondhand smoke (22%–85% reduction), with particularly marked reductions among hospitality workers 对50余项研究的回顾发现,无烟工作环境立法与二手烟的暴露下降相关,无论是测量暴露于二手烟的时间(降幅71%-100%)还是暴露于二手烟的人数比例(降幅22%-85%)均下降,特别是医务工作人员中二手烟暴露率显著下降
s191 Sentence Cigarette smoking is the most important contributor to the lung cancer burden because of its high prevalence of use and because cigarette smokers tend to smoke frequently, but cigar and pipe smoking have also been associated independently in case-control and cohort studies with increased lung cancer risk 吸烟流行率高、吸烟者多吸烟频繁,因此香烟是肺癌负担的最重要促进因素,但病例对照和队列研究中发现雪茄和烟斗也独立地与肺癌风险增高相关
s192 Sentence Evidence suggested that smoke-free workplace legislation may also result in reduced prevalence of active cigarette smoking; for example, one study observed a 32% decreased smoking prevalence in a county that enacted smoke-free workplace legislation compared with a 2.8% decrease in nearby counties with no smoke-free workplace legislation 证据表明工作场所的无烟政策也可能降低主动吸烟率,例如一项研究观察到制定工作场所无烟立法的某城镇中吸烟率降低32%,而未实行工作场所无烟立法的相邻城镇吸烟率仅下降2.8%
s193 Sentence Similarly, the mortality rates among black men were 28% higher than among white men for the same year (87.5 vs. 68.3 deaths per 100,000 men, respectively), whereas the mortality rates among black women were 5% lower than among white women (39.6 vs. 41.6 deaths per 100,000 women, respectively) 类似地,男性中黑种人死亡率比同年的白种人高28%(分别为87.5例与68.3例每100,000名男性),而女性中黑种人的死亡率比白种人低5%(分别为39.6例与41.6例每100,000人)
s194 Sentence The trial was terminated early by the Data Monitoring Committee and NCI because its results confirmed the ATBC finding of a harmful effect of beta-carotene over that of placebo, which increased lung cancer incidence (RR = 1.28; 95% CI, 1.04–1.57) and total mortality (RR = 1.17; 95% CI, 1.03–1.33) 数据监督委员会与NCI提前终止了该试验,原因是试验结果证实ATBC发现的β-胡萝卜素与安慰剂相比存在有害作用,增加肺癌发病率(RR=1.28;95%CI,1.04-1.57)与总死亡率(RR=1.17;95%CI,1.03-1.33)
s195 Sentence HIV infection has been observed to be statistically associated with an increased lung cancer risk; for example, the results of a meta-analysis of 13 studies indicated HIV-infected individuals had a 2.6-fold higher risk of lung cancer than non-HIV-infected individuals (standard incidence ratio = 2.6; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1–3.1) HIV感染与肺癌风险升高有统计学上的相关性;例如,13项研究的荟萃分析结果显示HIV感染者的肺癌风险是非感染者的2.6倍(标准发病率比值=2.6;95%置信区间[CI] 2.1-3.1)
s196 Sentence Revised text to state that the evidence indicating an association between constituents of ambient air pollution and increased lung cancer mortality continues to strengthen, with reports from Asia, New Zealand and Europe, documenting increased risks with exposure to certain components of particulate matter (cited Raaschou-Nielsen et al. as reference 40) 修订内容表明根据来自亚洲、新西兰和欧洲的报告,随着某些颗粒物成分暴露风险增加,环境空气污染成分与肺癌死亡率增加之间的相关性证据越来越强(引用参考文献40 Raaschou-Nielsen等人的研究)
s197 Sentence The clinical significance of this association remains to be elucidated, as it raises the possibility that HIV infection increases susceptibility to lung cancer, but may merely reflect the high smoking prevalence (study estimates ranged from 59% to 96%) among those infected with HIV compared with the general population (smoking prevalence approximately 20%) 这一相关性的临床意义仍待研究,HIV感染可能增加肺癌易感性,但也可能仅反应了HIV感染者的吸烟率(研究估计该数值为59%到96%)高于普通人群(吸烟率约为20%)
s198 Sentence Starting with the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report and followed by each subsequent Surgeon General’s Report that has included a review of the evidence on smoking and lung cancer, an enormous body of scientific evidence clearly documents that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, and that cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer 自1964年刊登的一系列普通外科医师报告(Surgeon General’s Report)发表了许多吸烟与肺癌相关的综述,大量科学证据已明确吸烟可导致肺癌的发生,且吸烟是引起肺癌的主要原因
s199 Sentence For example, average annual age-adjusted lung cancer death rates for 1996 to 2000 were highest in Kentucky (78 deaths per 100,000 individuals) where 31% were current smokers in 2001; whereas the lung cancer death rates were lowest in Utah (26 deaths per 100,000 individuals), which had the lowest prevalence of cigarette smoking (13%) 例如,1996年到2000年经年龄调整后的肺癌死亡率肯塔基州最高(78/10万),至2001年其吸烟率为31%,而吸烟率最低(13%)的犹他州肺癌死亡率最低( 26/10万)
s200 Sentence Patterns of lung cancer according to demographic characteristics tend to be strongly correlated with historical patterns of cigarette smoking prevalence. An exception to this is the very high rate of lung cancer in African American men, a group whose very high lung cancer death rate is not explainable simply by historical smoking patterns 肺癌的人口统计学分布特征似乎与历史上吸烟流行分布特征有强相关性,但非裔美国男性例外,这类人群的高肺癌死亡率并不能简单地用历史上吸烟流行情况解释
s201 Sentence Using data from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Prevention Study II, it was observed that compared with the least polluted areas, residence in areas with high sulfate concentrations was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer (adjusted RR = 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1–1.7) after adjustment for occupational exposures and the factors mentioned above 根据美国癌症协会癌症预防研究II的数据,调整职业暴露和上文其他因素后,观察到硫化物浓度较高地区的居民肺癌风险高于低污染地区(校正后RR=1.4;95%CI,1.1-1.7)