Table CDR62779 Breast Cancer Prevention/乳腺癌预防
ID Type Description_en Description_zh
w1 Word Alcohol 饮酒
w2 Word Cataracts 白内障
w3 Word Exercise 运动
w4 Word Breast-feeding 哺乳
w5 Word Abortion 流产
w6 Word VTE ​静脉血栓栓塞
w7 Word Raloxifene 雷洛昔芬
w8 Word Fenretinide 芬维A胺
w9 Word Dyspareunia 性交痛
w10 Word Endogenous estrogen 内源性雌激素
w11 Word Prophylactic oophorectomy 预防性卵巢切除术
w12 Word Leg cramps 下肢痉挛
w13 Word Genetic mutations 基因突变
w14 Word Musculoskeletal problems 肌肉骨骼异常
w15 Word Vasomotor symptoms 血管收缩症状
w16 Word Environmental factors 环境因素
w17 Word Gynecologic problems 妇科症状
w18 Word Oral contraceptives 口服避孕药
w19 Word Early pregnancy 早孕
w20 Word Uterine cancer 子宫癌
w21 Word Weight gain 体重增加
w22 Word Favor Tamoxifen 他莫昔芬较优
w23 Word Favor Raloxifene 雷洛昔芬较优
w24 Word Prophylactic mastectomy 预防性乳房切除术
w25 Word Ionizing radiation 电离辐射
w26 Word Consistency: Mixed 一致性:混合
p1 Phrase Diet and vitamins 饮食与维生素
p2 Phrase Description of Evidence 证据描述
p3 Phrase Prophylactic mastectomy: Harms 预防性乳房切除术:危害
p4 Phrase Prophylactic mastectomy: Benefits 预防性乳房切除术:获益
p5 Phrase Major inheritance susceptibility 主要遗传易感性
p6 Phrase Invasive breast cancer 浸润性乳腺癌
p7 Phrase Noninvasive breast cancer 非浸润性乳腺癌
p8 Phrase Bladder control symptoms 膀胱控制症状
p9 Phrase Ionizing radiation exposure 电离辐射
p10 Phrase Combination hormone therapy 联合激素治疗
p11 Phrase Study Design: RCTs 研究设计:RCT
p12 Phrase Aromatase inhibition or inactivation 芳香化酶抑制或灭活
p13 Phrase Breast Cancer (PDQ®): Prevention 乳腺癌(PDQ®):预防
p14 Phrase Study Design: One RCT 研究设计:一项RCT
p15 Phrase Study Design: Observational study 研究设计:观察性研究
p16 Phrase Study Design: Convenience sample 研究设计:便利样本
p17 Phrase Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) 选择性雌激素受体调节剂(SERM)
p18 Phrase Aromatase inhibitors or inactivators: Benefits 芳香化酶抑制剂或灭活剂:获益
p19 Phrase Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy 乳腺癌治疗与妊娠
p20 Phrase Active and passive cigarette smoking 主动与被动吸烟
p21 Phrase Incidence of Symptoms (0–4 scale) 症状发生率(0-4分量表)
p22 Phrase Aromatase inhibitors or inactivators: Harms 芳香化酶抑制剂或灭活剂:危害
p23 Phrase Incidence of Outcomes Per 1,000 Women 每一千女性的结局发生率
p24 Phrase Study Design: Cohort and case-control studies 研究设计:队列研究与病例对照研究
p25 Phrase Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer 乳腺癌与卵巢癌的遗传学
p26 Phrase Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs): Benefits 选择性雌激素受体调节剂(SERM):获益
p27 Phrase Study Design: Case-control and cohort studies 研究设计:病例对照与队列研究
p28 Phrase Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs): Harms 选择性雌激素受体调节剂(SERM):危害
p29 Phrase ER–positive tumors were reduced by 48% ER阳性乳腺癌发病率降低48%
p30 Phrase Study Design: RCT and cohort studies 研究设计:RCT与队列研究
p31 Phrase Factors of Unproven or Disproven Association 相关性未经证实或已经证伪的因素
p32 Phrase Prophylactic oophorectomy or ovarian ablation: Harms 预防性卵巢切除术或卵巢去势:危害
p33 Phrase Etiology and pathogenesis of breast cancer 乳腺癌的病因和病理机制
p34 Phrase Prophylactic oophorectomy or ovarian ablation: Benefits 预防性卵巢切除术或卵巢切除:获益
p35 Phrase A total of 8,171 women were enrolled 总计纳入8,171例女性
p36 Phrase Study Design: Observational, case-control, and cohort studies 研究设计:观察、病例对照与队列研究
p37 Phrase Study Design: Case-control, cohort, and observational studies 研究设计:观察、病例对照与队列研究
p38 Phrase A second trial (IBIS-2) is under way 第二项类似试验(IBIS-2)正在进行之中
p39 Phrase Estrogen-only use among women with a hysterectomy 子宫切除术后女性应用雌激素
p40 Phrase Study Design: Prospective observational and case-control studies 研究设计:前瞻性观察研究和病例对照研究
p41 Phrase Results of case-control studies have been mixed 一些病例对照研究的结果并不一致
p42 Phrase Follow-up continued for up to 16 years 随访共达16年
s1 Sentence Further evidence from three RCTs is also reassuring 来自三项RCT的证据进一步支持了该结论
s2 Sentence Factors Associated With Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer 与乳腺癌风险降低相关的因素
s3 Sentence There was no reduction in noninvasive breast cancer 非浸润性乳腺癌风险并不降低
s4 Sentence Interventions Associated With Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer 与乳腺癌风险降低相关的干预
s5 Sentence Age at menarche also affects breast cancer risk 初潮年龄也影响乳腺癌的风险
s6 Sentence Factors Associated With Increased Risk of Breast Cancer 与乳腺癌风险增加相关的因素
s7 Sentence The reported reductions in RR were approximately 50% 据报道,RR降幅约为50%
s8 Sentence Other hormonal changes also influence breast cancer risk 其他激素的变化也影响乳腺癌的风险
s9 Sentence The average RR reduction is reportedly 30% to 40% 据报道,RR平均降低30%-40%
s10 Sentence Study Design: Evidence obtained from case-control and cohort studies 研究设计:来自病例对照和队列研究的证据
s11 Sentence Height, weight, and waist and hip circumferences were measured 该研究测量了这些女性的身高、体重、腰围和臀围
s12 Sentence Raloxifene did not increase the risk of endometrial hyperplasia 雷洛昔芬并不增加子宫内膜增生风险
s13 Sentence Reproductive risk factors may interact with more predisposing genotypes 生育危险因素可能与其他一些易感基因型有相互作用
s14 Sentence External Validity: Good for women who meet inclusion criteria 外部效度:对于符合入选标准的女性,佳
s15 Sentence Women who experience late menopause also have increased risk 绝经较晚的女性患乳腺癌的风险也增加
s16 Sentence Information on BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation status was not known 这些患者的BRCA1或BRCA2突变情况未测
s17 Sentence Breast-feeding is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer 哺乳与乳腺癌风险降低相关
s18 Sentence Studies of the harms of prophylactic mastectomy have been retrospective 预防性乳房切除术的危害研究结果存在争议
s19 Sentence Interventions Associated With Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer: Benefits and Harms 与乳腺癌风险降低相关的干预:获益与风险
s20 Sentence These factors may tend to overestimate the benefits of prophylactic surgery 这些因素可能夸大了预防性手术的获益
s21 Sentence Among that group, the risk increased with duration of hormone use 该人群中,随着激素治疗时间延长,乳腺癌风险增加
s22 Sentence Adverse effects include hot flashes, venous thromboembolic events, and endometrial cancer 不良反应包括潮热、静脉血栓栓塞事件和子宫内膜癌等
s23 Sentence One woman (in the 60-mg raloxifene group) died from pulmonary embolism 一例女性(60mg雷洛昔芬组)死于肺栓塞
s24 Sentence Abortion has been suggested as a cause of subsequent breast cancer 曾有研究提出流产是乳腺癌发病因素之一
s25 Sentence Tamoxifen also maintains bone density among postmenopausal women with breast cancer 他莫昔芬也能够帮助维持绝经后乳腺癌女性的骨密度
s26 Sentence HT was also associated with a higher percentage of abnormal mammograms HT组女性乳腺钼靶检查结果异常的比例增高
s27 Sentence A low-fat diet might influence breast cancer risk through hormonal mechanisms 低脂饮食可能通过调节激素影响乳腺癌风险
s28 Sentence Tamoxifen also reduces the risk of breast cancer in high-risk premenopausal women 他莫昔芬也降低高危绝经前女性的乳腺癌风险
s29 Sentence The primary endpoints were cardiovascular, with incidence of breast cancer being secondary 主要终点为心血管事件,次要终点为乳腺癌发病率
s30 Sentence Active exercise may reduce breast cancer risk, particularly in young parous women 积极运动可能降低乳腺癌风险,尤其对于年轻的经产女性而言
s31 Sentence Breast cancer was reported in 79 women and confirmed in 77 women 该试验共报道了79例乳腺癌,其中77例确诊
s32 Sentence Whether such interventions will decrease breast cancer risk is worthy of study 这些干预是否降低乳腺癌发生风险值得进一步研究探讨
s33 Sentence Many of these risks are reduced after discontinuing active treatment with tamoxifen 在停止他莫昔芬治疗后,很多风险随之降低
s34 Sentence There was no difference in the occurrence of fractures or cardiovascular events 两组的骨折或心血管事件发生率无差异
s35 Sentence CI = confidence interval; RR = relative risk; VTE = venous thromboembolism CI=置信区间;RR=相对危险度;VTE=静脉血栓栓塞
s36 Sentence Long-term effects include decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and decreased bone mineral density 长期影响包括性欲下降、阴道干燥和骨密度降低等
s37 Sentence The combined analysis showed no marked variation between estrogen-only preparations and combined HT 该联合分析显示,单用雌激素和联合HT治疗之间并无显著差异
s38 Sentence Other trials of tamoxifen for primary prevention of breast cancer have been completed 其他以他莫昔芬为乳腺癌主要预防措施的试验也已完成
s39 Sentence Studies reporting positive associations have been inconsistent in the identification of responsible organochlorines 报道两者之间存在正相关性的一些研究中提到的有机氯产品不一致
s40 Sentence A smaller trial from Denmark supports the results of the WHI Estrogen-Alone Trial 一项丹麦小规模试验支持了WHI单用雌激素试验的结果
s41 Sentence Following discontinuation of CEE, the risk of stroke decreased in the postintervention period 停止CEE治疗后,卒中风险降低
s42 Sentence It is uncertain whether reducing weight would decrease the risk of breast cancer 尚不确定减肥是否可能降低乳腺癌风险
s43 Sentence It is uncertain whether decreasing alcohol exposure would decrease the risk of breast cancer 目前尚不确定减少饮酒是否可能降低乳腺癌的风险
s44 Sentence Individual data from 53 case-control and cohort studies were included in a British meta-analysis 一项英国荟萃分析总结了53项病例对照和队列研究的数据
s45 Sentence However, the collaborative analysis, overall, provided limited information on estrogen-only versus combination estrogen-progestin therapy 但协作研究总体上仅提供了有限的单用雌激素和联合雌激素孕激素治疗的对比信息
s46 Sentence External Validity: Good for women who meet inclusion criteria, but only for 35 months 外部效度:对于符合入选标准的女性,佳,但仅观察了35个月
s47 Sentence Women who develop breast cancer tend to have higher endogenous estrogen and androgen levels 发生乳腺癌的女性普遍内源性雌激素和雄激素水平较高
s48 Sentence Based on solid evidence, women who breast-feed have a decreased risk of breast cancer 可靠证据表明:哺乳女性乳腺癌风险降低
s49 Sentence This beneficial effect was age dependent, with the youngest women achieving the most benefit 该获益效应与年龄相关,年龄越小,获益越大
s50 Sentence Anastrozole (Arimidex) and letrozole (Femara) inhibit aromatase activity, whereas exemestane (Aromasin) inactivates the enzyme 阿那曲唑(Arimidex)与来曲唑(Femara)抑制芳香化酶活性,而依西美坦(Aromasin)则灭活该酶
s51 Sentence Numerous observational studies have examined the relationship between physical activity and breast cancer risk 大量观察性研究评估了运动与乳腺癌风险之间的关系
s52 Sentence These findings are similar to those for women who undergo castration for nononcologic diagnoses 这些研究与因非肿瘤原因行卵巢去势女性中观察到的结果相符
s53 Sentence Both groups were consuming more than seven servings of vegetables and fruits at baseline 两组基线时蔬果摄入量均大于7份
s54 Sentence Fruit and vegetable consumption has been examined for any protective effect against breast cancer 曾有研究评估过果蔬摄入是否对乳腺癌有保护作用
s55 Sentence Raloxifene did not reduce the risk of ER–negative breast cancer or noninvasive breast cancer 雷洛昔芬并不降低ER阴性乳腺癌或非浸润性乳腺癌的风险
s56 Sentence Known genetic syndromes related to specific aberrant alleles account for approximately 5% of breast cancers 已知的与异常等位基因相关的遗传综合征占所有乳腺癌的比例约为5%
s57 Sentence Although the trial was a secondary prevention study, the outcomes included new primary breast cancers 虽然该试验仅为二级预防研究,但结果变量包括新发乳腺癌
s58 Sentence (Refer to the PDQ summary on Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer for more information.) (更多信息请参考PDQ总结乳腺癌与卵巢癌的遗传学​)
s59 Sentence Survival after the diagnosis of breast cancer was similar for combined HT users and nonusers HT组与对照组患者诊断乳腺癌之后的生存率相似
s60 Sentence Whether occupational, environmental, or chemical exposures have an effect on breast cancer risk is controversial 职业、环境或化学暴露是否影响乳腺癌风险尚无定论
s61 Sentence Screening for breast cancer decreases mortality by identifying and treating cases at an earlier stage 乳腺癌筛查通过识别并治疗早期乳腺癌患者,已经降低了乳腺癌相关死亡率
s62 Sentence The list of chemoprevention agents that may be used in breast cancer prevention is long 可用于乳腺癌预防的化学预防药物种类繁多
s63 Sentence These studies suggest that ovarian hormones promote the proliferation of breast tissue with radiation-induced mutations 这些研究提示卵巢激素可能促进了放疗诱导突变后乳腺组织的增生
s64 Sentence A higher dissatisfaction rate occurred among women who chose reconstruction over those who did not 未接受乳房重建的女性后悔率大于接受乳房重建的女性
s65 Sentence With a median follow-up of 34.8 months, 1,030 of the women developed invasive breast cancer 经过中位时间为34.8个月的随访,1,030例女性发生浸润性乳腺癌
s66 Sentence Based on fair evidence, physical and psychological effects include anxiety, depression, and impaired body image 良好证据表明,产生的生理、心理影响包括:焦虑、抑郁和影响形体美观
s67 Sentence Many epidemiologic studies have shown an increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption 很多流行病学研究显示饮酒与乳腺癌风险增高相关
s68 Sentence None of these primary prevention trials was designed to detect differences in breast cancer mortality 这些主要预防试验均未在设计中纳入检测乳腺癌死亡率的变化
s69 Sentence Overall, risks associated with estrogen-only HT were lower than those observed for combined estrogen-progestin HT 总体上看,单用雌激素治疗的乳腺癌风险低于雌激素孕激素联合治疗的风险
s70 Sentence Risk depends on dose and age at exposure, with the highest risk occurring during puberty 风险与暴露剂量、年龄相关,青春期风险最高
s71 Sentence After a median follow-up of 47 months, the risk of invasive breast cancer decreased by 72% 经过中位时间为47个月的随访,浸润性乳腺癌发病风险降低72%
s72 Sentence A well-established relationship exists between exposure to ionizing radiation and the risk of developing breast cancer 研究已经发现电离辐射与乳腺癌发病之间存在明显相关性
s73 Sentence Similar to tamoxifen, raloxifene is associated with an excess risk of hot flashes and thromboembolic events 雷洛昔芬与他莫昔芬均增加潮热和血栓栓塞事件
s74 Sentence Increased fruit and vegetable consumption was monitored through dietary assessment and measures of serum carotenoid concentrations 经过饮食评估和血清胡萝卜素含量测量监测蔬果摄入量是否增加
s75 Sentence A meta-analysis of women from 53 studies in 16 countries with liberal abortion laws was performed 一项荟萃分析总结了允许流产的16国53项研究的数据
s76 Sentence As with tamoxifen, raloxifene reduced the risk of ER–positive breast cancer but not ER–negative breast cancer 雷洛昔芬与他莫昔芬相似,主要降低ER阳性乳腺癌的风险,而不降低ER阴性乳腺癌风险
s77 Sentence Thus, many were treated for the few who truly benefited by having their breast cancer prevented 相当于很多患者接受了预防性手术,而其实只有极少数患者能够得益于乳腺癌预防
s78 Sentence DCIS occurred in five women treated with a placebo and in 11 women treated with raloxifene 安慰剂组5例、雷洛昔芬组11例女性发生DCIS
s79 Sentence Following publication of the WHI results, HT use dropped dramatically in the United States and elsewhere 暨WHI结果发表之后,美国和世界其他国家与地区的激素治疗用量急剧减少
s80 Sentence Some of these substances have weak estrogenic effects, but their effect on breast cancer risk remains unproven 一些物质有微弱的雌激素效应,但其对乳腺癌风险的影响未经证实
s81 Sentence The effect on breast cancer incidence was a secondary endpoint and therefore should be judged with caution 该试验中乳腺癌发病率的变化为次要终点,故解读结果需注意
s82 Sentence Based on solid evidence, women who inherit gene mutations associated with breast cancer have an increased risk 可靠证据表明,携带乳腺癌相关突变基因的女性患乳腺癌的风险增加
s83 Sentence Updated statistics with estimated new cases and deaths for 2014 (cited American Cancer Society as reference 1) 更新了2014年新发病例数与死亡病例数估计值统计数据(引用美国癌症协会,见参考文献1)
s84 Sentence The RR reduction in ER–positive invasive breast cancer was 31%; there was no reduction in ER–negative cancers ER阳性浸润性乳腺癌的RR降幅为31%,ER阴性乳腺癌发病率未降低
s85 Sentence Based on solid evidence, prophylactic oophorectomies in women with BRCA gene mutations document lower breast cancer incidence 可靠证据表明:携带BRCA基因突变的女性接受预防性卵巢切除术后乳腺癌风险降低
s86 Sentence The WHI-combined HT trial was terminated early (in July 2002) because the overall health risks exceeded benefits WHI联合HT试验提前终止(2002年7月),因总风险超过获益
s87 Sentence Obesity is associated with increased breast cancer risk, especially among postmenopausal women who do not use HT 肥胖与乳腺癌风险增高相关,尤其对于绝经后未用HT的女性
s88 Sentence There was no difference in disease-free survival between the two groups and no difference in overall survival 两组无病生存时间和总生存时间无差异
s89 Sentence The trial was terminated early because overall health risks, including cardiovascular disease and thrombotic events, exceeded benefit 该试验因总风险,包括心血管病、栓塞事件等超过总获益,故提前终止
s90 Sentence Fenretinide is a vitamin A analog that has been shown to reduce breast carcinogenesis in preclinical studies 芬维A胺是一种维生素A类似物,临床前研究发现该药降低乳腺癌的发生
s91 Sentence No overall mortality benefit was observed after 7 years of follow-up (RR = 1.10; 95% CI, 0.85–1.43) 经过7年随访,未观察到总死亡获益(RR=1.10;95%CI,0.85-1.43)
s92 Sentence As in MORE, this effect resulted from a reduction in ER–positive but not ER–negative invasive breast cancer 与MORE相似,CORE研究的结果主要见于ER阳性浸润性乳腺癌发病风险降低,而ER阴性乳腺癌不受影响
s93 Sentence As with any vitamin A analog, women taking this drug should avoid pregnancy because of potential teratogenic effects 与其他维生素A类似物相同,芬维A胺可能致畸,故服药女性应避免妊娠
s94 Sentence Although not statistically significant, the RR estimate is consistent with the much larger Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study 虽然不具有统计学显著性,但该RR估计值与另一项规模更大的女性健康倡议(WHI)研究相符
s95 Sentence Neither total cancer nor breast cancer incidence was statistically significantly different between supplementation groups and the placebo arm 该研究发现维生素补充组合安慰剂组的癌症总发病率以及乳腺癌发病率均无统计学显著差异
s96 Sentence Breast cancer rates decreased among women in the placebo group from year 6 to year 7 of follow-up 第6年随访到第7年随访之间,安慰剂组女性的乳腺癌发生率降低
s97 Sentence Trials conducted in social environments where abortion is accepted, however, have not shown an association with breast cancer 在接纳流产的社会环境中开展的试验并未显示流产与乳腺癌风险增高相关
s98 Sentence All three drugs decrease the incidence of new breast cancers in women with a history of breast cancer 这三种药物均降低有乳腺癌病史的女性新发乳腺癌的风险
s99 Sentence Since the mid-1990s, studies of cigarette smoking and breast cancer have more carefully accounted for secondhand smoke exposure 自20世纪90年代中期开始,吸烟与乳腺癌的相关性研究更多关注于被动吸烟
s100 Sentence These three drugs interfere with the adrenal enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for estrogen production in postmenopausal women 这三种药物干扰肾上腺酶芳香化酶,阻止绝经后女性经由芳香化酶的作用产生雌激素
s101 Sentence Exogenous hormone therapy (HT) after menopause was shown to be associated with increased breast cancer risk in 1997 1997年一项研究发现绝经后外源性激素治疗(HT)增加乳腺癌风险
s102 Sentence Another class of agents, commercially available for the treatment of hormone-sensitive breast cancer, may also prevent breast cancer 市场上另一大类用于治疗激素敏感性乳腺癌的药物为芳香化酶抑制剂,也可能有预防乳腺癌的作用
s103 Sentence Most of these studies have shown an inverse relationship between level of physical activity and breast cancer incidence 其中多数研究发现运动量与乳腺癌发病率存在负相关性
s104 Sentence A more impressive result was the decreased rate of primary contralateral breast cancers (0.4% vs 1.1% vs 0.9%) 对侧原发乳腺癌的发生率降低则更为明显(分别为0.4%、1.1%和0.9%)
s105 Sentence The role of ovarian hormones in the development of breast cancer is demonstrated by studies of artificial menopause ​绝经试验证实了卵巢激素在乳腺癌发生中的作用
s106 Sentence Based on solid evidence, raloxifene also increases venous pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis but not endometrial cancer 可靠证据表明,雷洛昔芬也增加肺栓塞和深静脉血栓形成的风险,但不增加子宫内膜癌风险
s107 Sentence Most of the women, however, who underwent prophylactic surgery would never have gone on to develop breast cancer 预防性术后的女性中绝大多数本身即便不行手术也不会发生乳腺癌
s108 Sentence After a median follow-up of nearly 6 years, no protective effect of tamoxifen was detected (RR = 1.06) 经过中位时间为6年的随访,未发现他莫昔芬的保护作用(RR=1.06)
s109 Sentence An accumulation of genetic changes is thought to correspond to the phenotypic changes associated with the evolution of malignancy 有人认为基因变化对应着癌症演化过程中的表型变化
s110 Sentence Based on solid evidence, women who have a full-term pregnancy before age 20 years have decreased breast cancer risk 可靠证据表明,20岁前足月妊娠女性的乳腺癌风险降低
s111 Sentence Based on solid evidence, combination hormone therapy (HT; estrogen-progestin) is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer 可靠证据表明联合激素治疗(HT,雌激素-孕激素)与乳腺癌风险增高相关
s112 Sentence After only 2.5 years of median follow-up, the study was terminated, because previously defined efficacy endpoints had been reached 经过中位时间为2.5年的随访,该研究因已经达到预设有效性终点而提前终止
s113 Sentence Likewise, there was no benefit derived from the low-fat diet for all cancer mortality, overall mortality, or cardiovascular disease 同样地,低脂饮食不降低所有癌症死亡率、总死亡率或心血管疾病发生率
s114 Sentence At the initial report, after a median follow-up of nearly 4 years, no protective effect of tamoxifen was observed 初步报告显示,经过近4年随访,未发现他莫昔芬的保护作用
s115 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure to alcohol is associated with an increased breast cancer risk in a dose-dependent fashion 可靠证据表明,饮酒与乳腺癌风险呈剂量相关
s116 Sentence Since the decline in breast cancer incidence noted from 2002 to 2003, rates in the United States have stabilized 自2002-2003年之间观察到乳腺癌发病率降低之后,美国的乳腺癌发病率保持稳定
s117 Sentence The last trial of tamoxifen for primary prevention of breast cancer was the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study (IBIS-I) 最后一项以他莫昔芬为预防乳腺癌主要措施的试验为国际乳腺癌干预研究(IBIS-I)
s118 Sentence Identifying high-risk genes provides insight into breast cancer etiology and allows the development of preventive interventions for affected populations 识别高危基因可能有助于探索乳腺癌的病因,从而针对高危人群采取适当预防措施
s119 Sentence Noninvasive breast cancers were also reduced, with 59 cases in the placebo group versus 31 in the tamoxifen-treated group 他莫昔芬组非浸润性乳腺癌的发病也有所降低,安慰剂组为59例,他莫昔芬组为31例
s120 Sentence The Italian study focused on 5,408 women who had undergone hysterectomy and who were described as “low-to-normal risk” women 意大利研究纳入5,408例子宫切除术后的“低-中危”女性
s121 Sentence Breast cancer also occurs in men, and it is estimated that 2,360 new cases will be diagnosed in 2014 乳腺癌也可能发生于男性,预计美国2014年有2,360例新发男性乳腺癌
s122 Sentence The randomized trial component of the WHI investigated the effect of hormones and dietary interventions on breast cancer risk WHI中随机试验评估了激素和饮食干预对乳腺癌风险的影响
s123 Sentence The reduction in risk of death from breast cancer ranged from 100% among moderate-risk women to 81% among high-risk women 乳腺癌死亡风险降低值为:中危人群100%,高危人群81%
s124 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exercising strenuously for more than 4 hours per week is associated with reduced breast cancer risk 可靠证据表明,每周运动4小时以上与乳腺癌风险降低相关
s125 Sentence Most women reported relief of anxiety about breast cancer, and few were dissatisfied with their choice to undergo the procedure 多数女性称对乳腺癌的担忧情绪缓解,极少数患者后悔行乳房切除术
s126 Sentence The annualized rate of noninvasive breast cancer in the raloxifene group was 0.04% compared with 0.02% in the placebo group 雷洛昔芬组非浸润性乳腺癌年化发病率为0.04%,安慰剂组则为0.02%
s127 Sentence Oral contraceptives have been associated with a small, increased risk of breast cancer in current users that diminishes over time 曾有研究发现口服避孕药与当前乳腺癌风险轻度增加相关,但随时间延长,该相关性逐渐消失
s128 Sentence In this report, most of the additional follow-up time accrued after the discontinuation of active treatment in the treatment arm 该报告中,多数随访发生在治疗组停用他莫昔芬之后
s129 Sentence For the analysis of cancer outcome, women were excluded if they had a prior history of cancer (n = 544) 癌症结局分析中排除既往有癌症史的女性(n=544)
s130 Sentence An update of the BCPT results after 7 years of follow-up demonstrates results similar to those in the initial report 经过7年随访之后,BCPT更新结果与初步报告相符
s131 Sentence The WHI observational study was conducted in parallel with the WHI RCT, recruiting postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 years WHI观察性研究与WHI RCT平行进行,该研究招募了年龄在50-79岁的绝经后女性
s132 Sentence The annualized rate of invasive breast cancer in the raloxifene group was 0.20% compared with 0.29% in the placebo group 雷洛昔芬组浸润性乳腺癌年化发病率为0.20%,安慰剂组则为0.29%
s133 Sentence Additionally, no statistically significant association was observed between any of the specific fruits and vegetables examined and breast cancer risk 另外,具体蔬菜、水果与乳腺癌风险之间也未观察到显著关联
s134 Sentence Based on solid evidence, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer in women with a strong family history 可靠证据表明,对于有显著家族史的患者,双侧预防性乳房切除降低乳腺癌风险
s135 Sentence With an estimated 232,670 cases expected, breast cancer will be the most frequently diagnosed nonskin malignancy in U.S. women in 2014 美国2014年新发乳腺癌预计有232,670例,乳腺癌将成为美国女性中最常见的恶性肿瘤(皮肤癌除外)
s136 Sentence An extended follow-up for a median of 11.8 years was conducted with 78% of the trial participants consenting to take part 该试验中78%的受试者同意参与中位时间为11.8年的长期随访
s137 Sentence Based on solid evidence for tamoxifen and fair evidence for raloxifene, treatment reduces the incidence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women 可靠证据表明他莫昔芬与雷洛昔芬治疗降低绝经后女性的乳腺癌发病率
s138 Sentence Additional analyses of the number and timing of aborted pregnancies were performed, but none showed a significant association with breast cancer 对流产次数、孕周进行进一步分析,均显示与乳腺癌无明显相关性
s139 Sentence The excess risk was observed in all subgroups of women for invasive breast cancer but not for in situ breast cancer 风险增高见于所有浸润性乳腺癌,但不包括原位癌
s140 Sentence Similar to the MORE and CORE studies, raloxifene reduced the risk of invasive breast cancer (HR = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.38–0.83) 该研究与MORE和CORE结果相似,雷洛昔芬降低浸润性乳腺癌的风险(HR=0.56;95%CI,0.38-0.83)
s141 Sentence Women treated with thoracic radiation who undergo radiation therapy or chemotherapy, which often results in ovarian ablation, also have similar findings 曾行胸部放疗的女性接受放疗或化疗使卵巢去势也产生类似结果
s142 Sentence Based on solid evidence, castration may cause the abrupt onset of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, and depression 可靠证据表明,卵巢去势可能会引起突发绝经症状,例如潮热、失眠、焦虑和抑郁等
s143 Sentence Based on solid evidence, obesity is associated with an increased breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women who have not used HT 可靠证据表明,对于绝经后不用HT的女性,肥胖与乳腺癌风险升高相关
s144 Sentence The inherited genetic profile of an individual influences susceptibility to mutagens and growth factors, which initiate or promote the carcinogenic process 个人的遗传基因特性影响对癌症发生或恶化相关的突变和生长因子的易感性
s145 Sentence After a mean follow-up of 6.8 years, the relative risk [RR] for breast cancer was 1.27 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84–1.94) 经过平均6.8年随访之后,乳腺癌相对风险(RR)为1.27(95%置信区间[CI],0.84-1.94)
s146 Sentence The incidence of invasive breast cancer was slightly lower in the intervention group, with an HR of 0.91 (95% CI, 0.83–1.01) 干预组浸润性乳腺癌的发病率略微降低,HR为0.91(95%CI,0.83-1.01)
s147 Sentence These benefits were accompanied by an increased incidence of endometrial cancer and thrombotic events in women aged 50 years and older 这些获益也伴随着年龄在50岁或50岁以上的女性中子宫内膜癌和栓塞事件发生率升高
s148 Sentence The third study compared 25-year outcomes of 1,665 women randomly assigned to undergo radical mastectomy, total mastectomy, or total mastectomy with radiation 第三项研究中1,665例女性被随机分入根治性乳房切除术、全乳房切除术或全乳房切除术联合化疗组,该研究对比了三组女性的25年洁具
s149 Sentence In these studies, most patients (85%–100%) who developed breast cancer did so either within the field of radiation or at the margin 这些研究中,多数患者(85%-100%)在放射野内或放射野边界发生乳腺癌
s150 Sentence Ecologic studies show a positive correlation between international age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rates and the estimated per capita consumption of dietary fat 生态学研究显示国际年龄别乳腺癌死亡率和膳食脂肪的摄入量之间存在正相关性
s151 Sentence Estrogen-only preparations should only be considered among women who have had a hysterectomy because unopposed estrogen increases the risk of uterine cancer 子宫切除术后女性仅接受雌激素治疗是合理的,因为不再面临雌激素增加子宫癌的风险
s152 Sentence An estimate of the risk of breast cancer associated with medical radiology puts the figure at less than 1% of the total 据估计,医用射线相关性乳腺癌占所有乳腺癌的不足1%
s153 Sentence Overall, the net benefit or risk depends on age, whether a woman has a uterus, and her baseline risk of breast cancer 总体上净获益或净风险与年龄、子宫是否完好和基线乳腺癌风险相关
s154 Sentence Consistency: One study in women with no history of breast cancer but consistent with RCTs in women with history of breast cancer 一致性:一项研究,所纳入女性无乳腺癌病史,但与其他在有乳腺癌病史患者中开展的RCT发现的效应一致
s155 Sentence Childbirth is followed by a transient increase in risk and then a long-term reduction in risk, which is greater for younger women 分娩后短期内乳腺癌风险短暂增加,随后出现长期下降,在年轻女性中这一变化更为显著
s156 Sentence Another study of 105 radiation-associated breast cancer patients and 266 age-matched and radiation-matched controls showed a similar protective effect for ovarian radiation 另一项研究对比了105例放疗相关乳腺癌患者和266例年龄配对、放疗配对的对照者,发现类似的卵巢照射产生的保护作用
s157 Sentence Screening also identifies more cases than would become symptomatic in a woman’s lifetime, so breast cancer incidence is higher in screened populations 筛查初定病例数超过普通人群的病例数与不进行乳腺癌筛查相比,乳腺癌筛查能发现更多的乳腺癌病例
s158 Sentence The use of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane was banned in the United States in 1972, and the production of polychlorinated biphenyls was stopped in 1977 美国1972年开始禁用双对氯苯基三氯乙烷,1977年开始停止生产多氯联苯
s159 Sentence A statistically significant RR of 43% for invasive breast cancer persisted at follow-up, despite the addition of women to the placebo arm 在随访过程中,尽管安慰剂组不断增加女性受试者,浸润性乳腺癌RR仍为43%,具统计学显著性
s160 Sentence Estrogen and progestin cause growth and proliferation of breast cells that may work through growth factors such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha 雌激素和孕激素促进乳腺细胞的生长与增殖,其机制可能是经转化生长因子(TGF)-α等生长因子的介导
s161 Sentence In this same study, no overall effect on cancer was seen in women taking 600 IU of vitamin E every other day 同一研究中,隔天服用600 IU维生素E的女性中癌症总发病率也与对照组相似
s162 Sentence Similarly, oophorectomy or ovarian ablation is associated with decreased breast cancer incidence in normal women or in those who received thoracic irradiation 类似地,正常女性或曾接受胸部放疗的女性,行卵巢切除术或卵巢去切除后,乳腺癌发病风险也降低
s163 Sentence Another trial analyzed the use of letrozole versus placebo in 5,187 women with breast cancer, following 5 years of treatment with adjuvant tamoxifen 另一项试验对5,187例乳腺癌经5年他莫昔芬辅助治疗的女性随机分组,分析了来曲唑与安慰剂的效果
s164 Sentence Although risk is inversely associated with age at radiation exposure, the manifestation of breast cancer risk occurs according to the usual age-related pattern 乳腺癌风险不可避免地与射线暴露时的年龄相关,但乳腺癌风险仍然呈正常的年龄相关分布
s165 Sentence There was little difference in the rate of venous thromboembolic disease between the 60-mg and 120-mg groups (3.32–3.63 events per 1,000 woman-years, respectively) 60mg与120mg组的静脉血栓栓塞事件发生率并无差异(两组分别为每千人年3.23例与3.63例)
s166 Sentence However, it has been theorized that certain populations, such as AT heterozygotes, are at an increased risk of breast cancer from radiation exposure 但有理论指出,对于特定人群,例如AT杂合子人群,更易受到辐射增加乳腺癌风险的影响
s167 Sentence The removal of one ovary also reduces the risk of breast cancer but to a lesser degree than the removal of both ovaries 切除一侧卵巢同样也降低乳腺癌风险,但降幅不如切除双侧卵巢
s168 Sentence In a case-control study of African American women, strenuous recreational physical activity (>7 hours per week) was associated with decreased breast cancer incidence 一项美国非裔女性病例对照研究发现,积极运动(每周>7小时)与乳腺癌发病率降低相关
s169 Sentence There was no significant difference in the rate of contralateral breast cancer according to the treatment group, and the overall rate was 6% 发现不同治疗组的对侧乳腺癌发病率无显著差异,总发病率为6%
s170 Sentence Anastrozole-treated patients had a 7.1% rate of locoregional and distant recurrence versus 8.5% for those treated with tamoxifen and 9.1% for the combination 研究发现阿那曲唑组女性的局部区域性和远处转移发生率为7.1%,他莫昔芬组为8.5%,联合治疗组为9.1%
s171 Sentence One RCT has reported the effect of aromatase inhibitors in preventing invasive breast cancer among women who have no history of breast cancer 一项RCT报道了芳香化酶抑制剂预防无乳腺癌家族史女性发生浸润性乳腺癌的作用
s172 Sentence Raloxifene hydrochloride is a SERM that has antiestrogenic effects on breast and endometrial tissue and estrogenic effects on bone, lipid metabolism, and blood clotting 盐酸雷洛昔芬是一种SERM,对乳腺和子宫内膜组织有抗雌激素作用,对骨、脂代谢和凝血有雌激素作用
s173 Sentence Another benefit of tamoxifen use was a reduction in fractures, with 47 occurring in the tamoxifen-treated women compared with 71 in the placebo group 他莫昔芬的另一获益为骨折发生率降低,他莫昔芬组发生47例骨折,安慰剂组为71例
s174 Sentence Deleterious BRCA2 mutations are less common than BRCA1 mutations; BRCA2 mutations are also associated with male breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lymphomas BRCA2有害突变发生率低于BRCA1;BRCA2突变与男性乳腺癌、前列腺癌、胰腺癌和淋巴瘤也有关
s175 Sentence Between 1990 and 1993, 1,006 healthy, recently postmenopausal women aged 45 to 58 years were randomly assigned to receive either HT or no treatment 该研究在1990-1993年之间将1,006例年龄在45-58岁的健康的新近绝经女性随机分组,接受HT治疗,或不接受治疗
s176 Sentence Treatment-associated symptoms of dyspareunia, musculoskeletal problems, and weight gain favored tamoxifen, whereas vasomotor flushing, bladder control symptoms, gynecologic symptoms, and leg cramps favored raloxifene 他莫昔芬组治疗使得性交痛、骨骼肌肉异常体重增加发生率较低,而雷洛昔芬组治疗使得血管收缩性潮红、膀胱控制症状、妇科症状与下肢痉挛发生率较低
s177 Sentence Rates of endometrial cancer were increased (consensus RR = 2.4; 95% CI, 1.5–4.0), as were venous thromboembolic events (RR = 1.9; 95% CI, 1.4–2.6) 子宫内膜癌(总RR=2.4;95%CI,1.5-4.0)和血栓栓塞事件(RR=1.9;95%CI,1.4-2.6)发生率升高
s178 Sentence When examining the dietary data treated as a continuous variable (based on grams of intake per day), there was no association with breast cancer 将饮食数据作为连续变量(每日摄入克数)分析,发现与乳腺癌风险无相关性
s179 Sentence The potential role of specific micronutrients for breast cancer risk reduction has been examined in clinical trials, with cardiovascular disease and cancer as outcomes 一些临床试验评估了某些微量营养元素是否有降低乳腺癌风险的作用,这些临床试验的结局事件包括心血管疾病和癌症发生结局
s180 Sentence These observational studies, however, are confounded by selection bias, family relationships between patients and controls, indications for oophorectomy, and inadequate information about hormone use 但这些观察性研究都受到选择偏倚、患者与对照者的家族关系、卵巢切除术适应证、激素使用信息不全面的影响
s181 Sentence After about 4 years of follow-up, placebo-treated women had 154 cases of invasive breast cancer compared with 85 cases in women who received tamoxifen 经过约4年随访,安慰剂组发生154例浸润性乳腺癌,他莫昔芬组有85例
s182 Sentence A randomized, controlled, dietary modification study was undertaken among 48,835 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 79 years who were also enrolled in the WHI 在入组WHI的48,835例50-79岁绝经后女性中开展了一项随机、对照、饮食调整研究
s183 Sentence Expert-reviewed information summary about factors that may increase the risk of developing breast cancer and about research aimed at the prevention of this disease 关于可能影响乳腺癌风险的因素及乳腺癌预防相关研究的专家审核信息总结
s184 Sentence A pooled analysis of results from seven cohort studies found no evidence for an association between total dietary fat intake and breast cancer risk 对7项队列研究结果进行汇总分析,未发现总脂肪摄入量与乳腺癌风险之间存在相关性
s185 Sentence Many of the risk factors for breast cancer, including age at menarche, first birth, and menopause, suggest hormonal influences for the development of the disease 乳腺癌的很多危险因素,例如初潮年龄、首次生育年龄、绝经年龄等都提示了激素对癌症发生的影响
s186 Sentence Based on fair evidence, estrogen-only use after menopause among women with a hysterectomy is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer incidence and mortality 可靠证据表明,子宫切除术后女性仅应用雌激素可降低乳腺癌发病率和死亡率
s187 Sentence Most women in this retrospective series (90%) had undergone subcutaneous rather than total mastectomy, which is the procedure of choice for maximum breast tissue removal 该回顾性病例分析中多数女性(90%)行皮下乳腺切除术而非全乳房切除术,即最大程度切除乳腺组织的首选手术
s188 Sentence Over the entire follow-up period, there was no increased or decreased risk of coronary heart disease, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, hip fracture, or colorectal cancer 在整个随访期间,冠心病、深静脉血栓形成、卒中、髋部骨折或结直肠癌的风险无变化
s189 Sentence A third trial randomly assigned 4,742 women who had already received 2 years of adjuvant tamoxifen. Women either continued the tamoxifen or switched to exemestane 第三项试验将已经接受过2年他莫昔芬辅助治疗的4,742例女性随机分组,继续接受他莫昔芬治疗或开始依西美坦治疗
s190 Sentence In the same year, breast cancer will kill an estimated 40,000 women, second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer mortality in women 预计美国2014年将有40,000例女性因乳腺癌死亡,仅次于肺癌
s191 Sentence Two well-conducted meta-analyses of RCTs and RCTs plus observational studies found no evidence that statin use either increases or decreases the risk of breast cancer 一项设计较佳的RCT荟萃分析和一项设计较佳的RCT联合观察性研究荟萃分析发现他汀类药物既不增加也不降低乳腺癌风险
s192 Sentence Breast cancer risk was increased with combined HT, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.24 (95% CI, 1.02–1.50), consistent with prior reports from observational studies 联合HT组的乳腺癌风险增加,风险比(HR)为1.24(95%CI,1.02-1.50),这与此前观察性研究报道的结果一致
s193 Sentence A number of studies suggest that endogenous estrogen and androgen levels are higher in women who develop breast cancer than in women who do not 很多研究表明乳腺癌女性的内源性雌激素和雄激素水平高于未患乳腺癌的女性
s194 Sentence The RR of breast cancer for women with spontaneous abortion was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.92–1.04 for those with prospective data collection and 0.94–1.02 for retrospective data) 数据显示自发流产女性的乳腺癌RR为0.98(对于前瞻性数据收集组,95%CI,0.92-1.04;对于回顾性数据收集组,95%CI,0.94-1.02)
s195 Sentence The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) B-24 RCT evaluated the added benefit of tamoxifen to lumpectomy and radiation therapy for women with DCIS 美国全国乳腺及肠道外科辅助治疗项目组(NSABP)B-24 RCT评估了增加他莫昔芬对肿瘤切除术联合放疗的DCIS患者的益处
s196 Sentence All-cause mortality was also lower in the CEE group (0.046% per year) than in the placebo group (0.076% per year) (HR = 0.62; 95% CI 0.39–0.97) CEE组的全因死亡率(每年0.046%)也低于安慰剂组(每年0.076%)(HR=0.62;95%CI,0.39-0.97)
s197 Sentence Death from breast cancer was higher among combined HT users than among nonusers, but the difference was not statistically significant (HR = 1.3; 94% CI, 0.90–1.93) HT组的乳腺癌死亡率高于对照组,但该差异不具有统计学显著性(HR=1.3;94%CI,0.90-1.93)
s198 Sentence Risks were highest among women initiating HT at the time of menopause, and risks diminished, but persisted with increasing time between menopause and starting combination HT 绝经后立即开始HT治疗的女性患乳腺癌的风险最高,随着绝经与HT治疗间隔时间延长,该风险增高的幅度逐渐下降,但一直存在
s199 Sentence The effects observed for tamoxifen and raloxifene show persistence several years after discontinuing active treatment, with longer duration of effect noted for tamoxifen than for raloxifene 他莫昔芬与雷洛昔芬的效应在停药数年后仍持续,他莫昔芬效应持续时间长于雷洛昔芬
s200 Sentence An analysis at 8 years showed no difference in contralateral or ipsilateral breast cancer, but a post hoc analysis revealed differential effects for premenopausal and postmenopausal women 8年随访分析显示两组的对侧乳腺癌或同侧乳腺癌发生率无差异,但事后分析显示对于绝经前女性和绝经后女性,芬维A胺的作用有所不同
s201 Sentence Based on solid evidence, aromatase inhibitors or inactivators (AIs) reduce the incidence of new breast cancers in postmenopausal women who have an increased risk of breast cancer 可靠证据表明,芳香化酶抑制剂或灭活剂(AI)可降低乳腺癌高危人群绝经后妇女患乳腺癌的风险
s202 Sentence Because adverse effects of tamoxifen increase with age, tamoxifen is most beneficial for women younger than 50 years who have an increased risk of developing breast cancer 因随着用药者年龄增加,他莫昔芬的不良反应发生率也升高,因此他莫昔芬最适用于年龄小于50岁、乳腺癌风险增高的人群
s203 Sentence Estrogen-only therapy, even for more than 25 years duration, was not associated with invasive breast cancer in a case-control study of women aged 65 years and older 一项病例对照研究发现,在年龄大于等于65岁的女性中,单用雌激素治疗即使超过25年,也不增加浸润性乳腺癌风险
s204 Sentence However, risk of ER–positive breast cancer was significantly reduced in the treatment arm (HR = 0.61; 95% CI, 0.43–0.86), an effect noted predominantly in the posttreatment period 然而,他莫昔芬组ER阳性乳腺癌的风险显著降低(HR=0.61;95%CI,0.43-0.86),主要见于绝经后女性
s205 Sentence The Raloxifene Use for the Heart trial was a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the effects of raloxifene on incidence of coronary events and invasive breast cancer 雷洛昔芬心脏应用试验为一项随机、安慰剂对照试验,评估了雷洛昔芬对冠心病事件和浸润性乳腺癌发病率的影响
s206 Sentence The RR of breast cancer increases by about 7% (95% CI, 5.5%–8.7%; P &lt; .001) for each 10 g of alcohol (i.e., one drink) consumed per day 饮酒每天每增加10g(例如1杯),乳腺癌RR约增加7%(95%CI,5.5%-8.7%;P<0 .001)
s207 Sentence Another case-control study found no increased risk of breast cancer associated with the use of injectable or implantable progestin-only contraceptives in women aged 35 to 64 years 另一项病例对照研究发现35-64岁女性应用注射或植入式仅含孕激素的避孕药并不增加乳腺癌风险
s208 Sentence The WHI observational study observed 85,917 women aged 50 to 79 years and collected information on weight history as well as known risk factors for breast cancer WHI观察性研究观察了85,917例50-79岁女性,收集了体重和乳腺癌风险相关信息
s209 Sentence There was a small increase in adverse effects in the exemestane group compared with the placebo group, primarily in hot flashes (increase, 8%) and fatigue (increase, 2%) 依西美坦组不良反应发生率略高于安慰剂组,主要包括潮热(增加8%)、乏力(增加2%)
s210 Sentence Women were recruited from the parent Women’s Health Study and were eligible for the trial if they had cardiovascular disease or at least three cardiac risk factors 来自上一级研究,即女性健康研究的参与者如有心血管病或至少三项心脏危险因素,则可进入WACS研究
s211 Sentence A well-conducted case-control study did not observe an association between breast cancer risk and oral contraceptive use for every use, duration of use, or recency of use 一项设计较佳的病例对照研究发现乳腺癌风险与日常口服避孕药、服药持续时间或时近效应无关
s212 Sentence In the treatment group, women with an intact uterus were treated with triphasic estradiol and norethisterone acetate; women who had undergone hysterectomy received 2 mg estradiol a day 治疗组子宫完好的女性接受三相雌二醇和醋酸炔诺酮治疗,子宫切除术后女性接受每天2mg雌二醇治疗
s213 Sentence Although the daily fenretinide 200 mg was withheld for 3 days each month, there was a cumulative incidence of low-grade dark adaptation (i.e., night blindness) and dermatologic disorders 芬维A胺用药方案为每天200mg,每月暂停3天,但存在暗适应能力下降(例如夜盲)和皮肤病的累积不良反应
s214 Sentence Following ovarian ablation, breast cancer risk may be reduced as much as 75% depending on age, weight, and parity, with the greatest reduction for young, thin, nulliparous women 经卵巢去势后,与同年龄、体重的女性相比,乳腺癌风险可降低75%,年轻、体型偏瘦、无生育史的女性风险降低最为显著
s215 Sentence Expected cases of breast cancer were estimated for moderate- and high-risk women using the Gail model and the observed rates of breast cancer among sisters of the probands 根据Gail模型和姊妹先证者中乳腺癌发病率,估算中危和高危女性的乳腺癌预测发病率
s216 Sentence The potential role of active cigarette smoking in the etiology of breast cancer has been studied for more than three decades with no clear-cut evidence of an association 人们关注主动吸烟在乳腺癌发生中所起的作用已有超过30年历史,尚无明确证据证实两者之间的相关性
s217 Sentence Women treated for Hodgkin lymphoma by age 16 years may have a subsequent risk, which is as high as 35%, of developing breast cancer by age 40 years 在16岁之前接受过霍奇金淋巴瘤放疗的女性到40岁时乳腺癌风险增加至35%
s218 Sentence In addition, women who received a placebo were given the option of taking tamoxifen or participating in the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR), and 32% did so 此外,安慰剂组有32%女性选择服用他莫昔芬或参与他莫昔芬与雷洛昔芬研究(STAR)
s219 Sentence The risk of venous thromboembolic disease (deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) was 2.4 times higher in women assigned to the raloxifene groups compared with the placebo group 雷洛昔芬组静脉血栓栓塞事件(深静脉血栓形成与肺栓塞)风险是安慰剂组的2.4倍
s220 Sentence Not only did letrozole-treated patients have a lower incidence of locoregional and distant cancer recurrence, they also had a lower rate of contralateral breast cancer (14 vs 26) 来曲唑组患者不仅局部区域性和远处转移发病率降低,对侧乳腺癌发病率也降低(两组分别为14例和26例)
s221 Sentence Data from adjuvant breast cancer trials using tamoxifen have shown that tamoxifen not only suppresses the recurrence of breast cancer but also prevents new primary contralateral breast cancers 乳腺癌辅助治疗临床试验发现他莫昔芬不仅降低乳腺癌复发率,而且预防新发对侧原发性乳腺癌
s222 Sentence The Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination (ATAC) trial compared anastrozole, tamoxifen, and the combination when used as an adjuvant HT after treatment of the primary breast cancer 阿那曲唑、他莫昔芬单药治疗或联合治疗(ATAC)试验对比了阿那曲唑、他莫昔芬和两药联合作为原发性乳腺癌治疗后的辅助激素治疗
s223 Sentence The intervention promoted a goal of reducing total fat intake by 20%, using five servings per day of vegetables and fruit and six servings per day of grains 干预目标是总脂肪摄入量降低20%,每天摄入5份果蔬和6份谷物
s224 Sentence Genetic, epidemiologic, and laboratory studies support a stochastic model of breast cancer development in which a series of genetic changes contribute to the dynamic process known as carcinogenesis 遗传学、流行病学与实验室研究均支持乳腺癌发生是一个随机过程,很多基因变化共同产生了癌症形成的动态过程
s225 Sentence One report of 1,851 women randomly assigned to undergo total mastectomy, lumpectomy alone, or L-RT showed rates of contralateral breast cancer to be 8.5%, 8.8%, and 9.4%, respectively 一项研究报道了1,851例女性随机分组接受全乳房切除术、仅肿瘤切除术和L-RT,对侧乳腺癌发生率分别为8.5%、8.8%和9.4%
s226 Sentence Given the results of the NSABP B-24 trial and the BCPT, it is reasonable to consider the use of tamoxifen for breast cancer risk reduction among women with DCIS 根据NSABP B-24试验与BCPT研究的结果,有理由认为他莫昔芬降低DCIS女性的乳腺癌风险
s227 Sentence These observations support the causal effect of combined HT on breast cancer incidence and modification of breast cancer risk through either withdrawal of HT or never having used HT 这些观察均支持了联合HT与乳腺癌发病率之间可能的因果关系,以及通过停用HT或不用HT能够降低乳腺癌风险
s228 Sentence The Women’s Health Study, a randomized trial with 39,876 women found no difference in breast cancer incidence at 2 years between women assigned to take beta carotene versus placebo 女性健康研究纳入39,876例女性,随机分组服用β胡萝卜素或安慰剂,经过2年观察,发现乳腺癌发病率并不降低
s229 Sentence All fractures were reduced with decreases primarily noted for raloxifene but not for tamoxifen. Reduction in vertebral fractures (34% reduction) and small reduction in nonvertebral fractures (7%) were noted 各种骨折的发生率降低,包括椎体骨折(降低34%)和非椎体骨折(降低7%),主要见于雷洛昔芬,而他莫昔芬用药无此效应
s230 Sentence Women aged 50 to 79 years who had intact uteri were randomly assigned to receive combined conjugated estrogen with continuous progestin (n = 8,506) or placebo (n = 8,102) 子宫完整、年龄在50-79岁的女性被随机分组接受联合雌激素和持续孕激素治疗(n=8,506)或安慰剂(n=8,102)
s231 Sentence The independent Endpoint Review, Safety Monitoring, and Advisory Committee closed the study early because of a 49% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer for tamoxifen-treated versus placebo-treated participants 因他莫昔芬组乳腺癌发病率比安慰剂组低49%,故独立终点审核、安全性监测与顾问委员会提前终止该试验
s232 Sentence Follow-up of participants on the combined HT arm demonstrated a rapid decrease in the elevated breast cancer risk of therapy within 2 years, despite similar rates of mammography screening 对联合HT组参与者进行后续随访,发现治疗后2年内原本升高的乳腺癌风险快速降低,尽管乳腺钼靶筛查率仍类似
s233 Sentence In addition to tamoxifen, other hormonal manipulations have been proposed to modulate the production of breast cell growth factors by suppressing ovarian function or changing the endogenous hormonal environment 除他莫昔芬之外,一些研究曾提出使用其他激素治疗调节乳腺细胞生长因子的产生,通过抑制卵巢功能实现或通过改变内源性激素环境实现
s234 Sentence Based on solid evidence, exposure of the breast to ionizing radiation is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, starting 10 years after exposure and persisting lifelong 可靠证据表明,乳腺暴露于电离辐射与暴露后10年开始至终生的乳腺癌风险升高相关
s235 Sentence Adverse events of uterine cancer, venous thrombolic events, and cataracts were more common in tamoxifen-treated women, and there was no difference in ischemic heart disease events, strokes, or fractures 子宫癌、静脉栓塞事件、白内障等不良反应的发生率在他莫昔芬组更高,两组的缺血性心脏病、卒中或骨折事件无差异
s236 Sentence The Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE), a randomized, double-blind trial, evaluated 7,705 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis from 1994 to 1998 at 180 clinical centers in the United States 雷洛昔芬多重结果评估(MORE)试验为一项随机、双盲临床试验,共纳入1994年-1998年之间美国180个临床中心的7,705例绝经后骨质疏松患者
s237 Sentence This trial randomly assigned 7,152 women aged 35 to 70 years who were at increased risk of breast cancer to receive tamoxifen (20 mg/day for 5 years) or placebo 该试验将7,152例年龄在35-70岁的乳腺癌风险增高女性随机分组,口服他莫昔芬(20 mg/天,共5年)或安慰剂
s238 Sentence These adjuvant trial results were the basis for the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT) that randomly assigned 13,388 patients at elevated risk of breast cancer to receive tamoxifen or placebo 根据这些辅助治疗试验的结果,乳腺癌预防试验(BCPT)将13,388例乳腺癌风险增高的患者随机分组,接受他莫昔芬或安慰剂治疗
s239 Sentence Women who inherit a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 have an increased lifetime risk of breast cancer (which occurs at a younger age), ovarian cancer, and possibly colon cancer 携带BRCA1或BRCA2有害突变的女性一生中乳腺癌(且发病年龄提前)、卵巢癌、结肠癌的发病率增加
s240 Sentence A meta-analysis of the early report of these primary prevention trials was performed, and its findings showed a 38% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer without statistically significant heterogeneity 对这些主要预防试验的早期报告行荟萃分析,发现乳腺癌发病率降低38%,无统计学显著异质性
s241 Sentence A pooled analysis of adult dietary data from eight cohort studies, which included 351,823 women in whom 7,377 incident cases of breast cancer occurred, provides little support for an association 对8项队列研究中成人饮食数据进行汇总分析,总计包括351,823例女性,其中乳腺癌共7,377例,该分析并未发现二者的相关性
s242 Sentence Unlike the risk for secondary leukemia, the risk of treatment-related breast cancer did not abate with duration of follow-up; that is, increased risk persisted more than 25 years after treatment 和继发性白血病不同,随着随访时间延长,放疗相关性乳腺癌的风险并不降低,乳腺癌升高风险在放疗后可持续超过25年
s243 Sentence Study Design: Randomized, controlled trial (RCT) supported by evidence from cohort and ecological studies showing withdrawal of combination HT is associated with a decrease in the rates of breast cancer 研究设计:来自一些队列与生态学研究证据支持的随机、随机对照试验(RCT),这些队列与生态学研究显示停止联合HT与降低乳腺癌风险相关
s244 Sentence Studies showing an association used recalled information in populations in which induced abortion had a social or religious stigma, differential reporting of prior abortion by breast cancer patients, and controls 多项显示二者具有相关性的研究均使用了人工流产人群的回忆信息,存在显著的社会或宗教特征,关于乳腺癌患者和对照者流产史的报道不一
s245 Sentence After 7.3 years of treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of total invasive cancer or invasive breast cancer between the supplemented group and the placebo arm 经过7.3年用药,两组的浸润性癌与浸润性乳腺癌发病率均无统计学显著差异
s246 Sentence A prospective cohort study has confirmed a reduction in breast cancer risk by about 50% with prophylactic oophorectomy, and a greater reduction in BRCA2 mutation carriers than in BRCA1 carriers 一项前瞻性队列研究证实预防性卵巢切除术后乳腺癌风险约降低50%,BRCA2突变携带者的乳腺癌风险降幅大于BRCA1携带者
s247 Sentence Outcomes of 1,029 L-RT patients were compared with 1,387 patients who underwent mastectomies. After a median follow-up of 15 years, there was no difference in the risk of second malignancies 一项研究对比了1,029例L-RT患者和1,387例乳房切除术后患者,经过中位时间为15年的随访,两组患者的第二恶性肿瘤发病率无差异
s248 Sentence The RR after induced abortion was 0.93 (95% CI, 0.89–0.96; P = .0002) if the information was collected prospectively but was 1.11 (95% CI, 1.06–1.16) if it was collected retrospectively 前瞻性数据收集组人工流产女性的乳腺癌RR为0.93(95%CI,0.89-0.96;P=0.0002),回顾性数据收集组人工流产女性的乳腺癌RR为1.11(95%CI,1.06-1.16)
s249 Sentence Women with a history of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are at increased risk (3.4%) for contralateral breast cancer but were not eligible for the BCPT because of competing treatment trials 有导管原位癌(DCIS)病史的女性对侧乳腺癌风险升高(3.4%),但因竞争性治疗试验,并不适合参与BCPT研究
s250 Sentence Subgroup analyses after 4 years of follow-up suggest that, among women who have osteoporosis, raloxifene reduces breast cancer incidence for both women at higher and lower risk of developing breast cancer 4年随访后的亚组分析显示,骨质疏松女性服用雷洛昔芬可降低乳腺癌高危与低危的乳腺癌发病率
s251 Sentence However, it is not known to what degree, if at all, the observed association is to the result of confounding variables, such as diet or a genetic predisposition to breast cancer 但目前尚不明确所观察到的关联性受到混杂因素的多大影响,例如饮食或乳腺癌遗传易感性
s252 Sentence Women who experienced menarche at age 11 years or younger have about a 20% greater chance of developing breast cancer than women who experienced menarche at age 14 years or older 初潮年龄为11岁及11岁以下的女性发生乳腺癌的风险比初潮年龄在14岁和14岁以上的女性要高出20%
s253 Sentence Although some findings suggest that organochlorine exposures, such as those associated with insecticides, might be associated with an increase in breast cancer risk, other case-control and nested case-control studies do not 虽然一些研究认为有机氯的暴露,例如杀虫剂等可能增加乳腺癌风险,但其他病例对照研究和巢式病例对照研究并未得出类似结论
s254 Sentence The reduction in risk for moderate-risk women was 89%; for high-risk women, the reduction ranged from 90% to 94% depending on the method used to calculate expected rates of breast cancer 观察到中危人群风险降低89%,高危人群风险降低90%-94%,差异与计算方法相关
s255 Sentence The question arises whether breast cancer patients treated with lumpectomy and radiation therapy (L-RT) are at increased risk for second breast malignancies or other malignancies compared with those treated by mastectomy 随之而来的一个问题是乳腺癌患者行肿瘤切除术联合放疗(L-RT)之后,第二乳腺癌的风险或其他恶性肿瘤的风险是否高于乳房切除术后患者
s256 Sentence All three drugs have similar side effects, infrequently causing fatigue, arthralgia, and myalgia. Bone mineral density may be decreased, and fracture rate is increased, possibly because of the decreased bone density 这三种药物的不良反应均相似,很少引起乏力、关节痛和肌痛,骨密度可能下降,且因此骨折发生率升高
s257 Sentence One study suggests that higher doses of radiation (median dose, 40 Gy in breast cancer cases) and treatment received between the ages of 10 and 16 years corresponds with higher risk 一项研究发现射线剂量越大(乳腺癌患者的中位剂量40Gy)、10-16岁之间接受过放射的女性患乳腺癌的风险越高
s258 Sentence Migration studies reinforce this premise; for example, it has been observed that Japanese immigrants to the United States increase their breast cancer risk from Japanese to American levels within two generations 移民研究进一步提供了更多证据,观察到从日本移民到美国的人群中,两代人的乳腺癌风险也从日本平均风险增加到美国水平
s259 Sentence Follow-up was more complete for the tamoxifen group than for the placebo group because of a greater drop-out rate among women in the placebo group after early termination of the study 他莫昔芬组随访完成率高于安慰剂组,该试验提前终止后安慰剂组失访率较高
s260 Sentence Excess breast cancer risk is consistently observed in association with a variety of exposures such as fluoroscopy for tuberculosis and radiation treatments for acne, tinea, thymic enlargement, postpartum mastitis, or Hodgkin lymphoma 多种辐射,例如结核荧光透视和痤疮、癣、胸腺增大、产后乳腺炎或霍奇金淋巴瘤放疗均增加乳腺癌风险
s261 Sentence Benefits and risks of tamoxifen were not significantly different from those in the original report, with persistent benefit of reductions in fracture and persistent risks of endometrial cancer, thrombosis, and cataract surgery 更新报告中他莫昔芬的获益风险特性与初始报告无显著差异,骨折获益一直存在,子宫内膜癌、栓塞和白内障手术的风险也持续存在
s262 Sentence In a trial of DCIS treatment, however, 13.4% of women treated with lumpectomy and radiation had breast cancer events within approximately 6 years, compared with 8.2% of those who also received tamoxifen 一项DCIS治疗试验发现,肿瘤切除术联合根治术治疗后的女性在6年内对侧乳腺癌发病率为13.4%,而同时加用他莫昔芬治疗的女性中对侧乳腺癌发病率为8.2%
s263 Sentence After a mean follow-up of 11.3 years, the annualized incidence of breast cancer among women using estrogen plus progestin was 0.60% compared with 0.42% among nonusers (HR = 1.55; 95% CI, 1.41–1.70) 经过中位时间为11.3年的随访,雌激素联合孕激素组女性的乳腺癌年化发病率为0.60%,而对照组为0.42%(HR=1.55;95%CI,1.41-1.70)
s264 Sentence Although this study provides the best evidence available to date that prophylactic surgery offers benefits despite the fact that some breast tissue remains postsurgery, some factors may bias the estimate of benefit 虽然该研究提供了迄今最佳证据,支持预防性乳房切除术尽管术后残留少量乳腺组织,仍提供显著获益,但一些影响因素可能使得获益估计值存在偏倚
s265 Sentence Breast cancer mortality was statistically significantly lower in the CEE group (six deaths, 0.009% per year) than in the placebo group (16 deaths, 0.024% per year) (HR = 0.37; 95% CI, 0.13–0.91) CEE组的乳腺癌死亡率(6例,每年0.009%)显著低于安慰剂组(16例,每年0.024%)(HR=0.37;95%CI,0.13-0.91)
s266 Sentence Similarly, in multiple countries where the prevalence of HT use was high, breast cancer rates decreased in a similar time frame, coincident with changes in prescribing patterns and/or reported prevalence of use 类似地,在很多流行HT的国家,同一时间内乳腺癌发病率也下降,与处方量和(或)报道的HT用量的变化相符
s267 Sentence Like the WHI combined-HT trial, this trial was stopped early because of an increased risk of stroke and no evidence of benefit as measured by a global index of risks and benefits 和WHI联合HT试验一样,本试验因卒中风险增加,且根据风险获益总指数评估,单用雌激素无获益证据,故提前终止
s268 Sentence The evidence from randomized trials should be put into context with the evidence from observational studies that suggests that there is an increased risk of developing breast cancer associated with estrogen-only postmenopausal HT 在解读来自随机临床试验的证据时,应当注意观察性研究证据提示单用雌激素治疗的绝经后女性乳腺癌发病风险升高
s269 Sentence The same result was obtained, even after additional stratification for race, education, family history, age at menarche, height, weight, BMI, breast-feeding, oral contraceptive use, menopausal hormone use and type, and age at menopause 在经过人种、教育、家族史、初潮年龄、身高、体重、BMI、哺乳、口服避孕药、绝经后激素治疗及激素类型、绝经年龄等因素校正后依然得到类似结果
s270 Sentence Because the intervention group also initially lost weight relative to the control group, it is not clear whether any potential effect in reducing breast cancer results from lower dietary fat or lower weight 因干预组与对照组相比,体重下降,因此无法确定乳腺癌发病率下降是由膳食脂肪减少引起,还是体重降低引起
s271 Sentence Patients treated with chemotherapy and mantle radiation were less likely to develop breast cancer than those treated with mantle radiation alone, possibly because of chemotherapy-induced ovarian suppression (RR = 0.06; 95% CI, 0.01–0.45) 发现化疗和斗篷式放疗后女性中乳腺癌发病率低于单行斗篷式放疗的女性,原因可能是化疗诱导卵巢抑制(RR=0.06;95%CI,0.01-0.45)
s272 Sentence In this trial, but in none of the other tamoxifen trials, there was an excess of all-cause mortality in the tamoxifen group (25 vs 11; P = .028), which the authors attributed to chance 与其他两项他莫昔芬试验不同的是,IBIS-I发现他莫昔芬组的全因死亡率下降(分别25例与11例;P=0.028),作者认为是偶然现象
s273 Sentence The risks and benefits of taking tamoxifen have been estimated for women according to age, race, and risk group based on the results of the BCPT, additional risk/benefit analyses, and review of the literature 服用他莫昔芬的利弊评估应考虑到用药者的年龄、人种、根据BCPT的危险度分层、其他风险获益分析以及文献综述
s274 Sentence The rate of invasive breast cancer among women in the placebo group was 6.29 per 1,000 women versus 3.59 per 1,000 women for women in the tamoxifen group, for a risk reduction of 0.27% 安慰剂组女性的浸润性乳腺癌发病率为每千人6.29例,他莫昔芬组为每千人3.59例,风险降低0.27%
s275 Sentence A subsequent analysis at 15 years of the 1,739 women enrolled at the organizing center confirmed the beneficial effect in premenopausal women, reducing both contralateral and ipsilateral cancers, HR = 0.62 (95% CI, 0.46–0.83) 对入组的1,739例女性行后续15年随访分析,进一步证实了芬维A胺对绝经前女性的保护作用,可降低这一人群的对侧与同侧乳腺癌发生率,HR=0.62(95%CI,0.46-0.83)
s276 Sentence After 2.4 years’ median follow-up, the women assigned to receive exemestane had a decreased risk of local or metastatic recurrence and a decreased risk of new primary contralateral breast cancer (9 vs 20 women) 经过中位时间为2.4年的随访期,依西美坦组女性的局部或远处转移复发率、对侧原发性乳腺癌的发病风险均低于他莫昔芬组(分别9例与20例)
s277 Sentence Thus, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy as an option for women should be considered in association with cancer risk assessment and counseling regarding all the available preventive options, which now include tamoxifen as a preventive agent 因此是否行双侧预防性乳房切除术还需考虑到癌症风险评估、所有可用的预防措施等,现在其他可用的预防措施包括他莫昔芬
s278 Sentence Sixty participants (10.1%) in the placebo group and 168 women (14.2%) in the raloxifene groups ( P = .02) had endometrial thickness that was greater than 5 mm on at least one follow-up ultrasound 安慰剂组60例参与者(10.1%)和雷洛昔芬组168例参与者(14.2%)(P=0.02)至少一次随访超声提示子宫内膜厚度大于5mm
s279 Sentence The decreased incidence is primarily the result of changes in the incidence of ER–positive breast cancer , which provides additional support for the causal association between combined HT and the risk of breast cancer 发病率下降主要见于ER阳性乳腺癌,这进一步支持了联合HT与乳腺癌发生之间的潜在因果关系
s280 Sentence Another study of 701 women randomly assigned to undergo radical mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery followed by radiation therapy demonstrated the rate of contralateral breast carcinomas per 100 woman-years to be 10.2 versus 8.7, respectively 另一项研究将701例女性患者随机分组,行根治性乳房切除术或保乳术联合术后放疗,该研究发现两组女性的对侧乳腺癌发病率分别为每百人年10.2例和8.7例
s281 Sentence All-cause mortality after the diagnosis of breast cancer was statistically significantly higher among combined HT than among nonusers (HR = 1.87; 95% CI, 1.37–2.54.) Overall, these findings were consistent with results from the RCT HT组的乳腺癌诊断后全因死亡率显著高于对照组(HR=1.87;95%CI,1.37-2.54)。总体上看,这些结果与RCT结果相符
s282 Sentence A phase III Italian trial compared the efficacy of a 5-year intervention with fenretinide versus no treatment in 2,972 women, aged 30 to 70 years, with surgically removed stage I breast cancer or DCIS 一项III期意大利试验对比了5年芬维A胺治疗和无芬维A胺治疗对2,972例30-70岁I期乳腺癌或DCIS术后女性的作用
s283 Sentence An extension of the MORE study, the Continuing Outcomes Relevant to Evista (CORE) study, continued studying about 80% of MORE participants in their randomized groups for 4 years beyond the original 4 years of MORE MORE研究衍生研究,即雷洛昔芬相关性持续转归(CORE)研究对80%的MORE参与者继续进行评估,在最初的4年MORE研究基础之上继续增加4年研究
s284 Sentence More than 3,000 women were enrolled and randomly assigned to an intense regimen of fruit and vegetable intake, high fiber and low fat, or a comparison group receiving printed materials on the “5-A-Day” dietary guidelines 超过3,000例女性被随机分组,一组接受高果蔬饮食、高纤维、低脂饮食,另一组根据“5-A-Day”饮食指南自行饮食
s285 Sentence Despite a prior long-term trend of gradually increasing breast cancer incidence, data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program show a decrease in breast cancer mortality of 1.9% per year from 1998 to 2007 尽管此前长期存在乳腺癌发病率升高趋势,但监测、流行病学与最终结果项目提供的数据显示1998年到2007年之间,乳腺癌死亡率每年下降1.9%
s286 Sentence Subsequent follow-up shows that at a median of 13 years, there was a statistically nonsignificant reduction in breast cancer risk in the tamoxifen arm compared with the placebo arm (HR = 0.78; 95% CI, 0.58–1.04) 后续经过中位时间为13年的随访,他莫昔芬组的乳腺癌发病率低于安慰剂组(HR=0.78;95%CI,0.58-1.04),但不具有统计学显著性
s287 Sentence A Dutch study examined 48 women who developed breast cancer at least 5 years after treatment for Hodgkin disease and compared them with 175 matched female Hodgkin disease patients who did not develop breast cancer 一项荷兰研究对霍奇金淋巴瘤放疗后至少5年发生乳腺癌的48例女性进行评估,将她们与175例配对的未发生乳腺癌的霍奇金淋巴瘤女性进行比较
s288 Sentence For the global index of risks and benefits (based on outcomes of stroke, pulmonary embolus, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, hip fractures, and death), there was a nonstatistically significant excess of two events per 10,000 person-years 风险获益总指数(综合卒中、肺栓塞、乳腺癌、结直肠癌、髋部骨折和死亡)显示,CEE组每10,000人年额外增加2例事件,但不具有统计学显著性
s289 Sentence Analyses were performed separately on 44,000 women with breast cancer who had information on abortion collected prospectively (i.e., 13 studies) versus 39,000 women with breast cancer from whom information was collected retrospectively (i.e., 40 studies) 对44,000例曾前瞻性收集流产信息的乳腺癌女性(13项研究)和39,000例回顾性收集流产信息的乳腺癌女性(40项研究)分别进行分析
s290 Sentence A study among women receiving regular mammography screening supports that the observed sharp decline from 2002 to 2003 in breast cancer incidence was primarily caused by withdrawal of HT rather than declines in mammography rates 在接受定期乳腺钼靶筛查的女性中开展的一项研究也支持了2002-2003年之间乳腺癌发病率的下降主要是因为HT用量减少,而非乳腺钼靶筛查率降低
s291 Sentence The concept that breast cancer may be preventable is supported by the wide international variation in breast cancer rates, which is an indicator that there are potentially modifiable environmental and lifestyle determinants of breast cancer 乳腺癌可预防的概念起源自国际乳腺癌发病率的变化,这表明乳腺癌的发生中存在一些可改变的环境和生活方式因素
s292 Sentence Although there was a median 10-month gap between the two studies and only about 55% of women were adherent to their assigned medications, the raloxifene group continued to experience a lower incidence of invasive breast cancer 虽然两项研究之间相差中位时间为10个月的间隔,仅有55%的患者依然按原分组要求服药,但雷洛昔芬组的浸润性乳腺癌发病率一直偏低
s293 Sentence The carcinogenesis sequence is viewed histologically as starting with tissue of normal appearance followed by changes that lead to hyperplasia and dysplasia, the most severe forms of which are difficult to distinguish from carcinoma in situ 从组织学上看,癌症发生首先起自正常组织,随后出现增生和异生,这两种形态很难与原位癌区别
s294 Sentence Consistency: Poor, as there is only one RCT in women with no history of breast cancer, but studies in women with breast cancer have shown decreased bone mineral density and increased fracture rate compared with tamoxifen 一致性:较差,仅有一项RCT,且参与者无乳腺癌病史,但在乳腺癌女性中开展的一些研究显示与他莫昔芬治疗相比,依西美坦治疗降低骨密度、增加骨折发生率
s295 Sentence Based on solid evidence, tamoxifen treatment increases the risk of endometrial cancer, which was apparent in the first 5 years of follow-up but not beyond; thrombotic vascular events (pulmonary embolism, stroke, deep venous thrombosis); and cataracts 可靠证据表明,他莫昔芬治疗增加子宫内膜癌风险,在随访第一个5年内最明显,之后较不明显;也增加栓塞性血管事件(肺栓塞、脑卒中、深静脉血栓形成)和白内障风险
s296 Sentence The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study published in 2002 included an open-label follow-up of a randomized, controlled trial (RCT) of estrogen and progestin therapy in 2,763 women (mean age, 67 years) who had coronary heart disease 心脏与雌激素/孕激素替代研究发表于2002年,该研究为一项开放、随机、对照试验(RCT),对2,763例冠心病女性(平均年龄67岁)进行雌激素和孕激素治疗
s297 Sentence After combining noninvasive and invasive cancer occurrences, the RR of breast cancer among women in the raloxifene group was 0.38 (95% CI, 0.24–0.58; 5.3–1.9 breast cancers per 1,000 woman-years in the placebo and combined-treatment groups, respectively) 汇总非浸润性乳腺癌与浸润性乳腺癌发生率,雷洛昔芬组的乳腺癌RR为0.38(95%CI,0.24-0.58;安慰剂组与雷洛昔芬组发生率分别为每千人年5.3例与1.9例)
s298 Sentence Methods shown to decrease endogenous estrogen include maintenance of ideal body weight (refer to the Obesity section of this summary for more information), adoption of a low-fat diet in postmenopausal women, and moderate exercise in adolescent girls 降低内源性雌激素的方法包括维持理想体重(更多信息请参考本总结肥胖​部分)、绝经后维持低脂饮食和青春期增加锻炼
s299 Sentence A retrospective cohort study was conducted to evaluate the impact of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy on the subsequent occurrence of breast cancer among women at high and moderate risk of breast cancer on the basis of family history 一项回顾性队列研究评估了双侧预防性乳房切除术对后续乳腺癌发生率的影响,纳入的患者为家族史评估提示有高-中度乳腺癌风险的女性
s300 Sentence Initial analyses from two smaller trials, one in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and one primarily in Italy, showed no protective effect, perhaps because of differences between target populations and study designs and those in the U.S. study 对其中两项小规模试验进行初步分析,其中一项来自英国,一项主要在意大利进行,结果提示他莫昔芬并无保护作用,原因可能是目标人群和研究设计不同于美国研究
s301 Sentence Note: Separate PDQ summaries on Breast Cancer Screening ; Breast Cancer Treatment ; Male Breast Cancer Treatment ; Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy ; and Levels of Evidence for Cancer Screening and Prevention Studies are also available 注:关于乳腺癌的其他总结,见乳腺癌的筛查、乳腺癌的治疗、男性乳腺癌的治疗、乳腺癌治疗与妊娠及癌症筛查与预防研究的证据等级​
s302 Sentence The combined HT-related cancers had similar grade, histology, and expression of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor, and HER2/neu compared with those related to placebo, with a trend toward larger size and higher incidence of lymph node metastases 联合HT组乳腺癌的分级、组织学和雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体与HER2/neu表达情况均与安慰剂组相似,但联合HT组的淋巴结转移有体积增大、发生率增高的趋势
s303 Sentence Treatment decisions are complex and need to be individualized, weighing estimates of a woman’s chance of reducing breast cancer and fracture risks against the chance of developing detrimental side effects, some of which may be life threatening 制定治疗决策并不简单,必须个体化地综合考虑女性患者乳腺癌风险降低程度、骨折风险、不良反应风险,其中一些不良反应甚至可能危及生命
s304 Sentence In the Nurses’ Health Study, the associations between age at first birth, menarche, and menopause and the development of breast cancer were observed only among women without a family history of breast cancer in a mother or sister 护士健康研究发现,首次生育、初潮和绝经年龄与乳腺癌的相关性仅见于无母亲或姐妹乳腺癌家族史的女性
s305 Sentence The overall reduction in invasive breast cancer during the 8 years of MORE and CORE was 66% (HR = 0.34; 95% CI, 0.22–0.50); the reduction for ER–positive invasive breast cancer was 76% (HR = 0.24; 95% CI, 0.15–0.40) 在MORE联合CORE的8年研究之中,浸润性乳腺癌发病率总体降低66%(HR=0.34;95%CI,0.22-0.50);ER阳性浸润性乳腺癌发病率降低76%(HR=0.24;95%CI,0.15-0.40)
s306 Sentence The intervention group was successful in reducing fat intake by approximately 10% for more than 8.1 years of follow-up, and the group was found to have lower estradiol and lower gamma-tocopherol levels, but no weight loss was shown 超过8.1年的随访发现,干预组脂肪摄入量成功降低约10%,雌二醇和γ生育酚水平也有所降低,体重下降
s307 Sentence The risk of all breast cancer events, invasive and noninvasive, was reduced with tamoxifen (rate ratio = 0.63; 95% CI, 0.47–0.83); the risk of contralateral breast cancer (invasive and noninvasive) associated with tamoxifen was 0.49 (95% CI, 0.26–0.87) 他莫昔芬组所有乳腺癌事件,包括浸润性和非浸润性乳腺癌均减少(比值比=0.63;95%CI,0.47-0.83),他莫昔芬组对侧乳腺癌(浸润性与非浸润性)为0.49(95%CI,0.26-0.87)
s308 Sentence Women at high risk due to BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations who had prophylactic oophorectomies to prevent ovarian cancer were found to have a lower incidence of breast cancer than age-matched mutation carriers who did not undergo prophylactic oophorectomy 在通过预防性卵巢切除术预防卵巢癌的携带BRCA1或BRCA2突变基因的女性中,乳腺癌风险低于未行预防性卵巢切除术的相同基因突变携带者
s309 Sentence A recent meta-analysis suggests that there is no overall association between passive smoking and breast cancer and that study methodology (ascertainment of exposure after breast cancer diagnosis) may be responsible for the apparent risk associations seen in some studies 最近一项荟萃分析指出,被动吸烟与乳腺癌之间无整体相关性,该研究的方法学(探查乳腺癌诊断后的被动吸烟暴露量)也许可以解释其他一些研究观察到的风险相关性
s310 Sentence Criteria used to classify women at high risk would include women from families misclassified as having an autosomal-dominant inherited pattern and women from inherited-syndrome families who are not at high risk because they did not inherit the susceptibility genotype 高危人群分层标准中包括了误分类为有常染色体显性遗传特性家系的女性和遗传综合征家族的女性,这些女性的危险度并非为高危,因其不遗传易感基因型
s311 Sentence In one study, women who experienced a first full-term pregnancy before age 20 years were half as likely to develop breast cancer as nulliparous women or women who underwent a first full-term pregnancy at age 35 years or older 一项研究发现,20岁之前足月分娩的女性发生乳腺癌的风险是无生育史或35岁之后首次足月分娩女性的一半
s312 Sentence Analysis of changes in breast cancer rates in the United States observed a sharp decline in breast cancer incidence rates from 2002 to 2003, following the release of the WHI trial data among women aged 50 years and older 在美国,乳腺癌发病率变化分析观察到在50岁及50岁以上人群的WHI试验数据公布之后,2002-2003年间乳腺癌发病率急剧下降
s313 Sentence An analysis was conducted in the observational study of the WHI to further examine the prognosis of women taking combination HT who were diagnosed with breast cancer and the risks based on time between menopause and initiation of HT WHI观察性研究进行了一项分析,评估了已诊断乳腺癌的患者接受联合HT治疗的预后,以及从绝经到开始HT治疗之间的时间对乳腺癌风险的影响
s314 Sentence The authors observed a nonsignificant reduction in the risk of breast cancer in the HT arm (HR = 0.58; 95% CI, 0.27–1.27) and a significant reduction in the risk of death or breast cancer (HR = 0.54; 95% CI, 0.32–0.91) 作者观察到HT组乳腺癌风险轻度降低(HR=0.58;95%CI,0.27-1.27),无统计学显著性,但乳腺癌死亡风险显著降低(HR=0.54;95%CI,0.32-0.91)
s315 Sentence At the end of the follow-up period, 151 cases of breast cancer occurred among the CEE group (0.27% per year) compared with 199 cases of breast cancer among the placebo group (0.35% per year) (HR = 0.77; 95% CI, 0.62–0.95) 随访期结束时,CEE组有151例乳腺癌(每年0.27%),而安慰剂组有199例乳腺癌(每年0.35%)(HR=0.77;95%CI,0.62-0.95)
s316 Sentence After 35 months median follow-up, 32 women of the 2,275 in the placebo group had been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, compared with 11 women in the exemestane group (HR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.18–0.70; NNT, about 100 for 35 months) 经过中位时间为35个月的随访,安慰剂组2,275例女性中32例女性诊断出浸润性乳腺癌,而依西美坦组仅有11例(HR,0.35;95%CI,0.18-0.70;35个月NNT约为100)
s317 Sentence Comparing highest to lowest quartiles of intake, the pooled multivariate RRs of breast cancer were 0.93 (95% CI, 0.86–1.00) for total fruits, 0.96 (95% CI, 0.89–1.04) for total vegetables, and 0.93 (95% CI, 0.86–1.00) for total fruits and vegetables combined 对比摄入量在最高四分位区间和最低四分位区间的参与者,乳腺癌汇总累积RR分别为:总水果0.93(95%CI,0.86-1.00),总蔬菜0.96(95%CI,0.89-1.04),总果蔬联合0.93(95%CI,0.86-1.00)
s318 Sentence The WHI Estrogen-Alone Trial was a double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial conducted among women who have had a hysterectomy. Women aged 50 to 79 years (N = 10,739) were randomly assigned to receive either conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) or placebo WHI单用雌激素试验为双盲、安慰剂对照、随机临床试验,招募的受试者为子宫切除术后、年龄在50-79岁的女性(N=10,739)。受试者被随机分组,接受马结合型雌激素(CEE)或安慰剂治疗
s319 Sentence A multicenter phase III RCT of fenretinide versus no treatment was performed in 2,867 women who received local therapy for stage 0 (DCIS) or stage I (T1–T2, N0, M0; T = tumor, N = node, M = metastasis) breast cancer 一项多中心、III期RCT对比了芬维A胺与不治疗对2,867例曾接受局部治疗的0期(DCIS)或I期(T1-T2N0M0;T=肿瘤,N=淋巴结,M=转移)乳腺癌患者的作用
s320 Sentence Among the subset of women in the WHI trial who initiated estrogen-only therapy within the first 5 years of onset of menopause, neither an excess nor decreased risk of developing breast cancer was observed (HR = 1.06; 95% CI, 0.74–1.51) WHI试验中,在绝经后5年内开始雌激素治疗的女性发生乳腺癌的风险不升高也不降低(HR=1.06;95%CI,0.74-1.51)
s321 Sentence Among the women who never used HT, increased breast cancer risk was associated with weight at entry, body mass index (BMI) at entry, BMI at age 50 years, maximum BMI, adult and postmenopausal weight change, and waist and hip circumferences 在从未用过HT的女性中,乳腺癌风险升高与入组时体重、入组时体重指数(BMI)和50岁BMI、最大BMI、成年和绝经后的体重变化、腰围与臀围相关
s322 Sentence A large cohort study of women who carry mutations of BRCA1 or BRCA2 concluded that chest x-rays increase the risk of breast cancer still further (RR = 1.54; 95% CI, 1.1–2.1), especially for women who were x-rayed before age 20 years 在携带BRCA1或BRCA2突变的女性中开展了一项大型队列研究,发现X线胸片进一步增加乳腺癌风险(RR=1.54;95%CI,1.1-2.1),尤其是在20岁之前曾有X线照射史的女性
s323 Sentence Median follow-up after surgery was 14 years. All women included in the report had some family history of cancer and were classified as high risk or moderate risk for breast cancer based on the pattern of breast cancer in the family 随访时间中位数为14年,报告中所有女性患者都有肿瘤家族史,根据家族中乳腺癌发病情况将这些女性分为乳腺癌高危和中危人群
s324 Sentence STAR (NSABP P-2) compared tamoxifen and raloxifene in 19,747 high-risk women during a mean of 3.9 years of follow-up. The primary outcome measure was breast cancer incidence, which was approximately the same for invasive cancer, but favored tamoxifen for noninvasive cancer STAR(NSABP P-2)在19,747例高危女性中对比了他莫昔芬与雷洛昔芬的作用,经过平均3.9年随访发现主要结局乳腺癌的发病率显示两者的浸润性乳腺癌发病率相似,但他莫昔芬组非浸润性乳腺癌发病率低于雷洛昔芬组
s325 Sentence The Women’s Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study (WACS) examined total cancer and invasive breast cancer as secondary outcomes following supplementation with either vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene, which were assigned randomly according to a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design 女性抗氧化剂心血管研究(WACS)评估了补充维生素C、维生素E或β胡萝卜素是否降低癌症总发病率,该研究次要终点包括浸润性乳腺癌发病率,该研究以2 x 2 x 2设计对患者进行随机分组
s326 Sentence At a median observation time of 97 months, there were no statistically significant differences in the occurrence of contralateral breast cancer ( P = .642), ipsilateral breast cancer ( P = .177), incidence of distant metastases, nonbreast malignancies, and all-cause mortality 经过中位时间为97个月的随访,两组的对侧乳腺癌发病率(P=0.642)、同侧乳腺癌发病率(P=0.177)、远处转移发生率、非乳腺恶性肿瘤发生率和全因死亡率无统计学显著差异
s327 Sentence Among the 425 moderate-risk women who had prophylactic mastectomy, the estimated number of breast cancer cases expected to occur was 37.4; among the 214 high-risk women, the estimates ranged from 30.0 to 52.9, depending on the model used to estimate breast cancer occurrence 在425例行预防性乳房切除术的中危女性中,据估算本应发生的乳腺癌为37.4例;在214例行预防性乳房切除术的高危女性中,该相应估计值为30.0-52.9例,差异与计算所用模型相关
s328 Sentence After a mean of 7.3 years follow-up, there was no reduction in new primary cancers (43 new primary breast cancers among the 1,537 randomly assigned to the intervention; compared with 35 new primary breast cancers in 1,551 randomly assigned to the comparison group) 经过平均7.3年随访,干预组1,537例参与者的新发原发肿瘤发生率并未降低(43例新发乳腺癌,对照组1,551例参与者中新发乳腺癌为35例)
s329 Sentence The Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, a reanalysis of data from 52 observational studies of HT and breast cancer, had information on specific hormonal preparations for 39% of eligible women and most of these women reported use of estrogen-alone preparations 激素对乳腺癌的影响协作组对来自52项HT和乳腺癌相关性的观察性研究的数据进行了再分析,共收集到符合入选标准的女性中39%的具体激素治疗信息,其中多数女性单用雌激素治疗
s330 Sentence The U.K. study focused on 2,471 women at increased breast cancer risk because of their family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer; about 36% of participants were from families that had a greater than 80% chance of carrying a breast cancer susceptibility gene 英国研究主要纳入2,471例有乳腺癌和(或)卵巢癌家族史的乳腺癌风险增高女性人群,其中36%参与者家族中携带乳腺癌易感基因几率大于80%
s331 Sentence After a median follow-up of 50 months, 32% fewer women (95% CI, 8%–50%) in the tamoxifen group than in the placebo group had developed breast cancer (invasive plus carcinoma in situ with an absolute reduction from 6.75 to 4.6 breast cancers per 1,000 woman-years) 经过中位时间为50个月的随访,他莫昔芬组乳腺癌发病率(浸润性乳腺癌加原位癌的发病率从每千人年6.75例降低到4.6例)比安慰剂组低32%(95%CI,8%-50%)
s332 Sentence Extended follow-up (mean follow-up of 11 years) of these women showed higher breast cancer-specific mortality for the HT group compared with those randomly assigned to receive placebo (25 vs 12 deaths, 0.03% vs 0.01% per year, HR = 1.95; 95% CI, 1.0–4.04; P = .049) 对这些女性进行延长随访(平均随访11年),发现HT组女性的乳腺癌所致死亡率高于安慰剂组(分别为25例和12例,每年0.03%和0.01%;HR=1.95;95%CI,1.0-4.04;P=0.049)
s333 Sentence Longer follow-up and subgroup analysis in the Italian trial found a protective effect of tamoxifen among women at high risk for hormone receptor–positive breast cancer (RR = 0.24; 95% CI, 0.10–0.59) and among women who were taking HT during the trial (RR = 0.43; 95% CI, 0.20–0.95) 意大利试验的更长时间随访与亚组分析发现他莫昔芬对于激素受体阳性乳腺癌高危女性(RR=0.24;95%CI,0.10-0.59)和试验期间服用HT的女性有保护作用(RR=0.43;95%CI,0.20-0.95)
s334 Sentence The Million Women Study observed no increased risk of breast cancer among women whose first use of estrogen-only therapy was 5 or more years after menopause, but the risk was statistically significantly higher among women initiating therapy within 5 years of menopause (RR = 1.43; 95% CI, 1.36–1.49) 百万女性研究观察到,在绝经后5年甚至更晚时间才开始使用雌激素单药治疗的女性中,乳腺癌风险并不升高,但其风险显著大于在绝经后5年内就开始激素治疗的女性(RR=1.43;95%CI,1.36-1.49)
s335 Sentence Based on fair evidence because of a relatively short follow-up from a single RCT of 4,560 women over 35 months, exemestane is associated with slightly increased hot flashes (absolute increase, 8%) and fatigue (absolute increase, 2%), but not with fractures, osteoporosis, or cardiovascular (CV) events compared with placebo 良好证据表明,对一项RCT中4,560例女性进行35个月相对较短的随访,依西美坦与安慰剂治疗相比,潮热(绝对增幅8%)和乏力(绝对增幅2%)发生率轻度增加,但骨折、骨质疏松或心血管(CV)事件并不增加
s336 Sentence Some of these studies have observed both active and passive smoking to be associated with breast cancer risk, but the consensus of most review groups continues to be that the body of evidence does not clearly demonstrate that either active or passive cigarette smoking contributes to breast cancer risk 一些研究发现主动吸烟与被动吸烟均与乳腺癌风险相关,但多数综述的共识仍然认为目前的证据不足以证实主动或被动吸烟增加乳腺癌风险
s337 Sentence A prospective study of more than 25,000 women in Norway suggests that doing heavy manual labor or exercising 4 or more hours per week is associated with a decrease in breast cancer risk. This decrease is more pronounced in premenopausal women and in women of normal or lower-than-normal body weight 一项挪威前瞻性研究对超过25,000例女性进行观察,发现每周重体力劳动或运动超过4小时的女性乳腺癌风险降低,绝经前女性和体重正常或偏瘦的女性中该降幅最为显著
s338 Sentence No randomized prevention trials examining the effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on breast cancer incidence have been conducted; however, evidence for the lack of an association between fruit and vegetable consumption and prevention of breast cancer is supported by results of the Women's Healthy Eating and Living Randomized Trial 目前没有评估果蔬摄入对乳腺癌发病率影响的随机预防性试验,但女性健康饮食与生活随机试验并未发现果蔬摄入有预防乳腺癌的作用
s339 Sentence In this study, 4,560 women aged 35 years and older who had at least one risk factor (e.g., women aged 60 years and older or those having a Gail 5-year risk &gt;1.66% or a history of DCIS with mastectomy) were randomly assigned to receive exemestane 25 mg daily or a placebo 该研究中,4,560例年龄大于等于35岁、至少有一项危险因素(即,年龄大于等于60岁、Gail 5年风险>1.66%或导管原位癌行乳房切除术后)的女性被随机分组,每天口服25mg依西美坦或安慰剂
s340 Sentence Compared with women who reported no alcohol consumption, the RR of breast cancer was 1.32 (95% CI, 1.19–1.45; P &lt; .001) for women consuming 35 g to 44 g of alcohol per day and 1.46 (95% CI, 1.33–1.61; P &lt; .001) for those consuming at least 45 g of alcohol per day. 该研究发现,与无饮酒史的女性相比,每天饮酒35g-44g的女性乳腺癌RR为1.32(95%CI,1.19-1.45;P<0.001),每天饮酒至少45g的女性乳腺癌RR为1.46(95%CI,1.33-1.61;P<0.001)
s341 Sentence Among the 196 women who still had a uterus (48 in the placebo group and 148 in the raloxifene group), there were three cases of hyperplasia and two cases of endometrial cancer in the placebo group and three cases of hyperplasia and two cases of endometrial cancer in the combined raloxifene group 196例仍有子宫的女性(包括安慰剂组48例,雷洛昔芬组148例)中,安慰剂组发生3例子宫内膜不典型增生,2例子宫内膜癌,雷洛昔芬组也共发生3例子宫内膜不典型增生,2例子宫内膜癌
s342 Sentence Invasive breast cancer occurred in 39 women treated with placebo and in 22 women who were randomly assigned to either of the two raloxifene arms (raloxifene 120 mg daily or raloxifene 60 mg; RR = 0.25; 95% CI, 0.17–0.45; 4.7–1.3 invasive breast cancers per 1,000 woman-years in the placebo and combined-treatment groups, respectively) 安慰剂组39例女性、两个雷洛昔芬组共22例女性(雷洛昔芬120 mg/天和雷洛昔芬60 mg/天;RR=0.25;95%CI,0.17-0.45;安慰剂组与联合治疗组浸润性乳腺癌发病率分别为每千人年4.7例与1.3例)发生浸润性乳腺癌
s343 Sentence After an average of 6.8 years of follow-up, the incidence of breast cancer was lower in the group receiving CEE compared with placebo, but the difference was not statistically significant (HR = 0.77; 95% CI, 0.59–1.01; 26 vs 33 cases of invasive breast cancer per 10,000 person-years [annualized rate of 0.26% vs 0.33%], respectively) 经过平均6.8年的随访,CEE组乳腺癌发病率低于安慰剂组,但差异不具有统计学显著性(HR=0.77;95%CI,0.59-1.01;每10,000人年浸润性乳腺癌分别为26例和33例[年化发病率分别0.26%和0.33%])
s344 Sentence The prophylactic effect of tamoxifen on breast cancer persisted after active treatment, with 27% fewer women in the tamoxifen arm developing breast cancer than did women in the placebo arm (142 vs 195 cases, respectively; RR = 0.73, 95% CI, 0.58–0.91) over the full study period after a further 46 months of median follow-up 他莫昔芬对乳腺癌的预防作用在治疗结束后依然持续,经过后续中位时间为46个月的随访,发现整个研究期间他莫昔芬组发生乳腺癌的女性比安慰剂组少27%(分别为142例和195例;RR=0.73;95%CI,0.58-0.91)
s345 Sentence Two years after enrollment for WACS, a subset of participating women who were willing not to use folic acid and vitamin B6 or B12 supplements (n = 5,442) were randomly assigned to supplementation with a combination of 1.5 mg of folic acid, 50 mg of vitamin B6, and 1 mg of B12, or placebo 入组WACS两年后,愿意不服用叶酸、维生素B6或B12的女性(n=5,442)被随机分组,一组联合服用1.5 mg叶酸、50mg维生素B6和1 mgB12,另一组服用安慰剂
s346 Sentence Of 1,781 women who underwent transvaginal ultrasonography at baseline and had at least one follow-up test, endometrial thickness increased by an average of 0.01 mm in the raloxifene groups and decreased by 0.27 mm in the placebo group after 3 years of follow-up ( P &lt; .01 for the difference between the two groups) 有1,781例女性行基线经阴道超声,且接受了至少一次随访超声检查,随访三年后,雷洛昔芬组子宫内膜厚度平均增加0.01mm,安慰剂组平均降低0.27mm(二者差异P<0.01)
s347 Sentence There were 33 endometrial cancers and 99 vascular events (including 17 cases of pulmonary embolism and 30 cases of deep vein thrombosis) in women who received tamoxifen compared with 14 endometrial cancers and 70 vascular events (including 6 cases of pulmonary embolism and 19 cases of deep vein thrombosis) in women who received a placebo 他莫昔芬组共发生33例子宫内膜癌和99例血管事件(包括17例肺栓塞、33例深静脉血栓形成),安慰剂组发生14例子宫内膜癌和70例血管事件(包括6例肺栓塞和19例深静脉血栓形成)
s348 Sentence No excess risk of endometrial cancer was observed after 47 months of follow-up; five cases occurred among women on placebo (0.77 cases per 1,000 woman-years), five cases among women treated with 60 mg of raloxifene (0.77 cases per 1,000 woman-years), and four cases among women treated with 120 mg of raloxifene (0.60 cases per 1,000 woman-years) 经过47个月随访,未观察到子宫内膜癌风险增加;安慰剂组发生5例子宫内膜癌(每千人年0.77例),60mg雷洛昔芬组也发生5例(每千人年0.77例),120mg雷洛昔芬组发生4例(每千人年0.60例)
s349 Sentence Characteristics among those in the extended follow-up who were randomly assigned to receive active intervention with CEE or placebo were similar, except for slight imbalances in history of prior breast biopsy (19.8% among the CEE group and 22.3% among the placebo group) and prior hormone use (48.9% among the CEE group and 50.4% among the placebo group) 该长期随访发现,CEE组或安慰剂组女性的特征相似,仅既往乳腺活检史(CEE组19.8%,安慰剂组22.3%)和既往激素应用史(CEE组48.9%,安慰剂组50.4%)略不平衡
s350 Sentence Factors that may explain the disparate findings of the association between estrogen-only use and the risk of developing breast cancer, which were observed in the clinical trial and observational studies, include an imbalance in the prevalence of routine screening between users and nonusers of hormones, and gap time between the onset of menopause and the first use of postmenopausal hormone therapy 可能解释观察性研究和临床试验中单用雌激素与乳腺癌之间相关性研究结果不一致的因素包括:激素用药者和非用药者的常规筛查率不均衡、绝经与首次绝经后激素治疗之间的间隔时间不一